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Weena Morloch

Weena Morloch
Weena Morloch
Discography  (total 9 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Gruss Gott, Wir Sind Die Morlochs - Weena Morloch 2015 Gruss Gott, Wir Sind Die Morlochs 10 00:40:18 320 92.28 Mb 1.76€
Amok - Weena Morloch 2011 Amok 11 00:43:32 192 59.82 Mb 1.73€
Kafer.Maden.Wurmer.Spinnen. (Split) (CD 1) - Weena Morloch 2011 Kafer.Maden.Wurmer.Spinnen. (Split) (CD 1)
[Split with Samsas Traum ]
17 01:16:50 320 176.26 Mb 3.09€
Kafer.Maden.Wurmer.Spinnen. (Split) (CD 2) - Weena Morloch 2011 Kafer.Maden.Wurmer.Spinnen. (Split) (CD 2)
[Split with Samsas Traum ]
18 01:15:42 320 173.67 Mb 3.21€
Einer Gegen Alle (CD 2): Weena Morloch - Epanalepsis - Weena Morloch 2005 Einer Gegen Alle (CD 2): Weena Morloch - Epanalepsis 9 01:13:01 320 167.15 Mb 2.01€
Endstation.Eden (CD1) / split - Weena Morloch 2004 Endstation.Eden (CD1) / split
[Split with Samsas Traum ]
7 00:32:40 VBR-244 51.32 Mb 1.17€
Trauma 7 - Weena Morloch 2003 Trauma 7 7 00:30:51 192 42.43 Mb 1.12€
KadaverKomplex - Weena Morloch 2002 KadaverKomplex 12 01:01:54 320 142.01 Mb 2.27€
Kunst - X = ? - Weena Morloch 2001 Kunst - X = ? 11 01:04:19 128 58.96 Mb 1.72€
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