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Genre: Electronica Style: Darkwave/Coldwave
  1. ...And We Were Shadows
  2. .com/kill
  3. 0Kontrol
  4. 18 Summers
  5. 20SIX Hundred
  6. 69 Cats
  7. 7 Rainbows In Exile
  8. :wumpscut:
  9. A Cloud Of Ravens
  10. A Day In Venice
  11. A Gothic Wave
  12. Abbadona
  13. Abney Park
  14. Absent One
  15. Abstract Deity
  16. Abyssanctum
  17. Accessory
  18. Acid Fader
  19. Actus
  20. Ad Vitam (MEX)
  21. Adrian H & The Wounds
  22. Adriani, Alessandro
  23. ADULT.
  24. Aenigmachine
  25. Affet Robot
  26. Aftermour
  27. Agapesis
  28. Age of Endarkenment
  29. Agent Murphy
  30. Agnes Circle
  31. Agnis
  32. Agressiva 69
  33. Aimon
  34. Ainoma
  35. Alexander Veljanov
  36. Alien Tantric Method
  37. Alina Valentina
  38. All My Faith Lost
  39. All My Faults
  40. Alles
  41. Alone In My Room
  42. Alpha Sect
  43. AlterRed
  44. Alvarez Perez
  45. Andreas Gross
  46. Android Lust
  47. Andromeda Complex
  48. AndrosLand
  49. Angels Of Liberty
  50. Angels Of Venice
  51. Angelspit
  52. Angst Pop
  53. Anima Virus
  54. ANKST
  55. Ann, Kriistal
  56. Anthony Jones
  57. Anti Trust
  58. Antiflvx
  59. Antisisters
  60. Antivote
  61. Anum Preto
  62. Apnoie
  63. Apocalypse Theatre
  64. Arachnida
  65. Arctic Domain
  66. Ares Descending
  67. Argine
  68. Ari Mason
  69. Arkitekten
  70. Art Diktator
  71. Art Of Empathy
  72. Artrosis
  73. Ash Code
  74. Ashes'n'Android
  75. Ashestoashesjc
  76. Asphyxia (FRA)
  77. Astari Nite
  78. AttackShipS
  79. Attention System
  80. Attrition
  81. Aura Noctis
  82. Autumn Angels
  83. B! Machine
  84. Bacio Di Tosca
  86. Basszilla
  87. Batavia
  88. Battery (USA)
  89. Beat Noir Deluxe
  90. Beata Beatrix
  91. Beauty in Chaos
  92. Beauty Of Gemina
  93. Bedroom Witch
  94. Belgrado
  95. Bella Lune
  96. Bereshit
  98. Bevan, Wendy
  99. Big Acid
  100. Binzatina
  101. Birchall, Claire
  102. Birdmachine
  103. Birthday Massacre
  104. BL▲CK † CEILING
  105. Black Heart Of Mine
  106. Black Heroin Gallery
  107. Black Light Ascension
  108. Black Marble
  109. Black Nail Cabaret
  110. Black Queen
  111. Blackbook
  112. BlackRabit
  113. BlackRabitHeart
  114. BlakLight
  115. Blame (SRB)
  116. Bleib Modern
  117. Blind Delon
  118. Blue Funeral
  119. Blue Hearts (JPN)
  120. Blue Velvet (PER)
  121. Blume
  122. Blut Aus Nord
  123. Body Of Light
  124. Bolle
  125. Bootblacks
  126. Born For Bliss
  127. Bow Church
  128. Box And The Twins
  129. Boy Harsher
  130. Brandy Kills
  131. Bruno Kramm
  132. Brutes
  133. Buzz Kull
  134. Bzk
  135. C Z A R I N A
  136. Cabaret Grey
  137. Calm Gothic
  138. Camerata Mediolanese
  139. Camlann (IDN)
  140. Canaan
  141. Caroline Polachek
  142. Caron Dimonio
  143. Carrier Flux
  144. CattaC
  145. Cawatana
  146. Celeste Noir
  147. Cell Division
  148. Centhron
  149. Ceremony Shadows
  150. Cerulean Veins
  151. Chaos Research
  152. Charli XCX
  153. Charlotte's Shadow
  154. Chelsea Wolfe
  155. Chemical Waves
  156. Child of Night
  157. Chrysteen
  158. Cindergarden
  159. Circle of Sighs
  160. Circle Of Unexisted
  161. Cirque d'Ess
  162. Claire Voyant
  163. Claustraphobia
  164. CNVX
  165. Cold Cave
  166. Cold Connection
  167. Cold Design
  168. Cold Showers
  169. Collide (USA)
  170. Coma Alliance
  171. Comando Suzie
  172. Commodore
  173. Compilerbau
  174. Concise (FRA)
  175. Confrontational
  176. Corlyx
  177. Corrections (GBR, London)
  178. Cosmetics (CAN)
  179. Costume
  180. Coventry
  181. CrazY JuLieT
  182. Crematory (DEU)
  183. Creux Lies
  184. Criminal Asylum
  185. Cruexshadows
  186. Crying Vessel
  187. Cursed Moon
  188. Curses!
  189. Cyan Inc.
  191. Cyclamen Valley
  192. Cymbaline
  193. D'Arcadia
  194. d.notive
  195. Dag For Dag
  196. Dahlia's Tear
  197. Dance My Darling
  198. Dancing Plague
  199. Dancing Plague Of 1518
  200. Daniel Deluxe