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Genre: Alternative Style: EBM/Aggrotech/Industrial Dance
  1. 000
  2. 0Kontrol
  3. 11Grams
  4. 13th Angel
  5. 2 Bullet
  6. 2nd Communication
  7. 2nd Face
  8. 5TimesZero
  9. 6th Circle
  10. 8khz Mono
  11. :Silizium:
  12. :wumpscut:
  13. A Industrya
  14. A-X-Amun
  15. A.D.A.C. 8286
  16. A.D.R.O.N.
  17. A.[D].N
  18. Abbadona
  19. Aberrant Behavior
  21. Absent Minded (DEU, Essen)
  22. Absoluto
  23. Abstract Deity
  24. Absurd Minds
  25. Access Zero
  26. Accessory
  27. Acid Trauma
  28. AciDrome
  29. Acrophilic Project
  30. Acustiche
  31. Acylum
  32. Ad Inferna
  33. Ad Vitam (MEX)
  34. AD:keY
  35. Adacta (DEU)
  36. Ade Fenton
  37. Adeonesis
  38. Adolfsson, Patrik
  39. Adriani, Alessandro
  40. Adsonum
  41. ADULT.
  42. Aenigmachine
  43. Aesthetic Perfection
  44. Aesthetische
  45. Afeccion Auditiva
  46. Against I
  47. Agapesis
  48. Agett
  49. Agnis
  50. Agonoize
  51. Agressiva 69
  52. Agrezzior
  53. AI of Rah
  54. Aiboforcen
  55. Aircrash Bureau
  56. aktiv[E|H]ate
  57. Albert Pak
  58. Alien Produkt
  59. Alien:Nation
  60. Alienare
  61. All The Ashes
  62. Allied Vision
  63. Alpha Sect
  64. Alter Der Ruine
  65. Alvar
  66. Amduscia
  67. amGod
  68. Amnistia
  69. Amorphous (GBR)
  70. Anarchonauten
  71. Ancient Methods
  72. And One
  73. Andro-Dioxin
  74. Angel Theory
  75. Angels On Acid
  76. Angelspit
  77. Angriffspakt
  78. Angst Pop
  79. Angstfabrikk
  80. Animassacre
  81. Animo Stare
  82. Anorkia
  83. Anti-Mechanism
  84. Antibiosis
  85. Antibody
  86. Anxiety Disorder
  87. Any Second
  88. Apoptygma Berzerk
  89. Apostille
  90. AQL
  91. Arachnida
  92. Arise-X
  94. Armageddon Dildos
  95. Army Of The Universe
  96. Arvsynd
  97. Arzt+Pfusch
  98. Ashbury Heights
  99. Ashers
  100. Aslan Faction
  101. Asmodeus X
  102. Asphyxia (FRA)
  103. Assemblage 23
  104. Asseptic Room
  105. Atomzero
  106. Atoshima Error
  107. Atropine
  108. Audiocentesis
  109. Audiotherapie
  110. Autodafeh
  111. Autoignition
  112. Avarice in Audio
  113. aVoid Kharma
  114. Avskydd
  115. Azoic (USA)
  116. B-Ton-K
  117. B.O.Y.L
  118. BA 25+
  119. Backspace (USA)
  120. Bahntier
  121. BAK XIII
  122. Ballad Bombs
  123. Bang Elektronika
  124. Basic Instinct
  125. Batavia
  126. Batch ID
  127. Bathead
  128. Battle Scream
  129. Be My Enemy
  130. Beating Signal
  131. Benjamin'sPlague
  132. Bereshit
  133. Beta Virus
  134. Bhambhamhara
  135. Bigod 20
  136. Binary Division
  137. Bioassay
  138. BioCarbon13
  139. Biomechanimal
  140. Biomekkanik
  141. Bionic
  142. Biopsy (BRA)
  143. Black Asteroid
  144. Black Dahlia
  145. Black Light Odyssey
  146. Black Line
  147. Black Tongue Tribe
  148. Blackland
  149. Blacklodge
  150. Blackpill
  151. BlakOPz
  152. Blank
  153. Bleeding Corp.
  154. Bleeding Light
  155. Bleiburg
  156. Blind Effects
  157. Blind Passenger
  158. Blind Side
  159. Blind Test
  160. Blind Vision (DEU)
  161. Blister Exists
  162. Blitzmaschine
  163. Blue October (GBR)
  164. Blue Velvet (ITA)
  165. Blush Response (USA)
  166. Blutenasche
  167. BlutEngel
  168. Blutzukker
  169. Body Pleasure
  170. Bodycall
  171. Bodystyler
  172. Borghesia
  173. Boris Barksdale
  174. Bornless Fire
  175. Bound In Oblivion
  176. Boy Harsher
  177. Brain Leisure
  178. Brhon, Max
  179. Brigade Werther
  180. Broken English Club
  181. Browning
  182. Bruderschaft
  183. Burnet207
  184. Buzz Kull
  185. C-Drone-Defect
  186. Caisaron
  187. Canzian, Adriano
  188. Carbon 12
  189. Cardinal Noire
  190. Carnage & Cluster
  191. Carphax Files
  192. Carretta, David
  193. Carriegoss
  194. Cassandra Complex
  195. Cat Rapes Dog
  196. CattaC
  197. Causenation
  198. Cease2Xist
  199. Celldod
  200. Celldweller