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Genre: Alternative Style: Industrial
  1. (Project) Ritual Noise
  2. .com/kill
  3. 100blumen
  4. 13th Angel
  5. 13th Monkey
  6. 16Pad Noise Terrorist
  7. 1920
  8. 2-й СОРТ
  9. 20.SV
  10. 2methyl
  11. 3D Stas
  12. 5F-X
  13. 5F_55
  14. 9th Evolution
  15. A Killers Confession
  16. A Vacant Soul
  17. A-X-Amun
  18. AAGSF
  19. Aberrant Behavior
  20. Abjection Ritual
  21. Abruptum
  22. Absoluto
  23. Abstract Deity
  24. Acey Slade
  25. Acid Enema
  26. Acretongue
  27. Across The Rubicon
  28. Acustiche
  29. Ad Serpentae
  30. Ad-ver-sary
  31. Ada Rook
  32. Adam Drew
  33. Adam Lwo
  34. Adam-X
  35. Aderlating
  36. Adjust
  37. Aether (SWE)
  38. Afrojack
  39. After The Snow
  40. Age of Endarkenment
  41. Agent Side Grinder
  42. Aghast Manor
  43. Ah Cama-Sotz
  44. Ahumado granujo
  45. Ain Soph (ITA)
  46. Akhlys
  47. Aleph (DEU)
  48. Alessio Nero Argento
  49. Alex Yarmak
  50. Alfarmania
  51. Alien Sex Fiend
  52. All Hail The Transcending Ghost
  53. Allegory Chapel Ltd.
  54. Allerseelen
  55. Alpha Sect
  56. Alter Ego (DEU)
  57. Alterizer
  58. AM INC
  60. Ambassador 21
  61. Amesha Spenta
  62. An Innocent Young Throat-Cutter
  63. Andreas Schramm
  64. Andrew Hulshult
  65. Andrew Liles
  66. Android Lust
  67. Andromeda Complex
  68. Angel (NLD)
  69. AngelInc
  70. Angelspit
  71. Angriffspakt
  72. Antarktida
  73. Ante Bellum
  74. Antigen Shift
  75. Antireality
  76. Antracot
  77. Anubian Lights
  78. Any Questions
  79. Any Second
  80. Anzi Destruction
  81. Apathetic Existence
  82. Aphelion (USA)
  83. Apocalypse Theatre
  84. AQL
  85. Arbeit
  86. Arcana Obscura
  87. Archon Satani
  88. Area Bombardment
  89. Argentum (ARG)
  90. Army Of The Universe
  91. Art 238
  92. Art Lepers
  93. Arthur Cravan
  94. Artificial (RUS)
  95. Asbaar
  96. Ash Koosha
  97. Asmorod
  98. At Jennie Richie
  99. aTelecine
  100. Atomtrakt
  101. Atrabilis Sunrise
  102. Atrax Morgue
  103. Atrox (DEU)
  104. Auricular
  105. Auswalht
  106. Autodestruction
  107. Autogen
  108. Axebreaker
  109. Axiome
  110. Axis Mundi Actum
  111. Az Rotator
  112. Azar Swan
  113. Azure Emote
  114. Babylone Chaos
  115. Backlash (BEL)
  116. Bad Sector
  117. Bajskorv
  118. Barbarossa Umtrunk
  119. Bastardolomey
  120. Bastards United
  121. Batcheeba
  122. BatiBatt
  123. Batterix
  124. Beefcake
  125. Begrim
  126. Benjamin'sPlague
  127. Beta Virus
  128. Beyond Sensory Experience
  129. Bianchi, Maurizio
  130. Big Black
  131. Big Black Nothing
  132. Binary Mind
  133. Bio-Tek
  134. Bioassay
  135. Biopsy (BRA)
  136. Bipol
  137. Birmingham 6
  138. Bits-And-Herz
  139. Bitter Harvest
  140. Bjargo, Peter
  141. Blac Kolor
  142. Black Asteroid
  143. Black Dahlia
  144. Black Depths Grey Waves
  145. Black Dots Of Death
  146. Black Dresses
  147. Black Leather Jesus
  148. Black Light Odyssey
  149. Black Line
  150. Black Needle Noise
  151. Black Sun Productions
  152. Blackhouse
  153. Blackland
  154. BlackStream
  155. Blakk Harbor
  156. Bleeding Corp.
  157. Bleiburg
  158. Blitz Union
  159. Blitzkrieg Baby
  160. Blood Axis
  161. BloodSoil
  162. Blownload
  163. Blowupnihillist
  164. Blue Velvet (PER)
  165. Blush Response (USA)
  166. Bocksholm
  167. Body Lovers/Body Haters
  168. Body Sculptures
  169. Bolle
  170. Bondar, Julia
  171. Bonemagic
  172. Boris Barksdale
  173. Bornless Fire
  174. Brachial Palsy
  175. Brandkommando
  176. Brethren (USA)
  177. Brighter Death Now
  178. Broken Down
  179. Broken Ego
  180. Broken Rules
  181. Brutes
  182. Butzemann
  183. BVDK
  184. C-Tec
  185. C.O.T.A
  186. C17H19NO3
  187. Cabaret Voltaire
  188. Cacophoneuses
  189. Caithness
  190. Camanecroszcope
  191. Camerata Mediolanense
  192. Camerata Mediolanese
  193. Candle Nine
  194. CAP
  195. Carcrash Intern
  196. Cardinal Noire
  197. Carphax Files
  198. Carrier Flux
  199. Cathode Ray Tube
  200. Cathode Terror Secretion