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Letter: C

  1. !!! (Chk Chk Chk / Tschk Tschk Tschk)
    生 Conform 死, (Conform, Liveconformdie)
    ††† (Crosses: Chino Moreno, Chuck Doom, Shaun Lopez)
    .com/kill (COM-KILL, .COM-KILL, comkill)
    20 Fingers (Charles Babie and Manfred Mohr)
    2WEI (Christian Vorländer and Simon Heeger)
    50 Cent (Curtis James Jackson III)
    6th Borough Project (Craig Smith & Graeme Clark)
    700 Bliss (Camae Ayewa (Moor Mother) & DJ Haram)
    8mm Overdose (Corrupt Absolute)
    A1 Bassline (Christian Sibthorpe)
    Aaron Carter (Carter, Aaron Charles)
    Aaron Copland (Copland, Aaron)
    Abe Duque (Carlos Abraham Duque Alcivar, C. A. Duque)
    Absztrakkt (Claudio Naber)
    Accelerator (ITA) (Ciro Visone)
    Ace (ITA) (Christian Codenotti)
    Acraze (Charlie Duncker)
    Act (DEU) (Claudia Brucken & Thomas Leer)
    Adam Cohen (Cohen, Adam)
    Adrian, Cem (Cem Adrian)
    Adriano Celentano (Celentano, Adriano)
    Agnelli & Nelson (Christoper James Agnew and Robert Frederick Nelson)
    Aguaturbia (Carlos Corales, Denise, Ricardo Briones, Willi Cavada)
    Ahee (Chris Adams)
    Aimee, Cyrille (Cyrille Aimee, Cyrille Aimée)
    Ajna (Chris F / Intrinsik / Segment.fault)
    Akasha (GBR) (Charles James Casey & Damian John Hand)
    Alain Caron (Caron, Alain)
    Alain Chamfort (Chamfort, Alain)
    Alain Clark (Clark, Alain)
    Alaina Castillo (Castillo, Alaina)
    Alarmen (Carsten Stiller)
    Albert Cummings (Cummings, Albert)
    Albert, Carol (Carol Albert)
    Alberto, Carlo (Carlo Alberto, Carlo Alberto Di Micco)
    Aldo Ciccolini (Ciccolini, Aldo)
    Alex Clare (Clare, Alex / Alexander George "Alex" Clare)
    Alex Cunningham (Cunningham, Alex)
    Alfred Cortot (Cortot, Alfred)
    Alfredo Catalani (Catalani, Alfredo)
    Ali (Cho Yong-jin)
    Ali Campbell (Campbell, Ali / Alistair Ian Campbell)
    Alia Coley (Coley, Alia)
    Alice (ITA) (Carla Bissi / Alice Visconti)
    Alison Crockett (Crockett, Alison)
    Alour, Chrystelle (Chrystelle Alour)
    Alpha Omega (Colin "Nubian Minds" Lindo)
    Alsos, Christel (Christel Alsos)
    Altiyan Childs (Childs, Altiyan)
    Am Tierpark (Claus Larsen & John Mirland)
    Amadeus (Chadi Mansour)
    Amelia Cuni (Cuni, Amelia)
    Amenra (Church Of Ra / Ritual Of Ra)
    Amna (Cristina Andreea Musat)
    Ana Caram (Caram, Ana)
    Ana Carolina (Carolina, Ana)
    Ana Criado (Criado, Ana)
    Ananda Project (Chris Brann)
    Anderson, Chris (Chris Anderson)
    Anderson, Coffey (Coffey Anderson)
    Andre Campra (Campra, Andre)
    Andre Cluytens (Cluytens, Andre)
    Andrea Corr (Corr, Andrea)
    Andres Calamaro (Calamaro, Andrés Masel)
    Andrew Collberg (Collberg, Andrew)
    Andrews, Courtney Marie (Courtney Marie Andrews)
    Andrick, Corbin (Corbin Andrick)
    Andy Caldwell (Caldwell, Andy)
    Andy Cohen (Cohen, Andy)
    Angel And Khriz (Cuando Angel & Khriz)
  2. Angela Carrasco (Carrasco, Angela)
    Angella Christie (Christie, Angélla)
    Angelwarrior Ace (Chris J. Marino)
    Angry Man (Craig Purvis)
    Anla Courtis (Courtis, Anla)
    Anna Calvi (Calvi, Anna Margaret Michelle)
    Annabelle Chvostek (Chvostek, Annabelle)
    Anne Clark (Clark, Anne)
    Annika Chambers (Chambers, Annika Shattrelle)
    Anodyne (IRL) (Colin Cloughley, Puresthatred)
    Antoine Carter (Carter, Antoine)
    Antonik, Chris (Chris Antonik)
    Antonio Caldara (Caldara, Antonio)
    Antonio Carmona (Carmona, Antonio)
    Antonio Cobo (Cobo, Antonio)
    Antony, Chris (Chris Antony)
    Aoife Clancy (Clancy, Aoife)
    Apathy (USA, CT) (Chad Bromley)
    Aphelion (USA) (C. McBane)
    Appeiron (CYSTED / Apeiron (COL))
    April Towers (Charles Burley and Alex Noble)
    Arcangelo Corelli (Corelli, Arcangelo)
    Archa (Cult Of Archa)
    Archambault, Chantal (Chantal Archambault)
    Arditti, Claudio (Claudio Arditti)
    Arena (GBR) (Clive Nolan & Mick Pointer)
    Ari Lennox (Courtney Shanade Salter)
    Arno Carstens (Carstens, Arno)
    Art Bears (Chris Cutler, Fred Frith, Dagmar Krause)
    Arthur Cravan (Cravan, Arthur)
    Asbury, Cory (Cory Asbury)
    Asseptic Room (Carlos Ruiz)
    Asura (FRA) (Charles Farewell)
    Atomic Hi-Tones (Cliff Jolly, Ben Guest, Frank Dabaco, Robin Sharrock)
    Atresia (Cisco The Hell Spawn)
    Attila Csihar (Csihar, Attila)
    Autopilot Off (Cooter)
    Avery, Cameron (Cameron Avery)
    Aviator (Clive Bunker, Jack Lancaster, John G. Perry, Mick Rogers)
    Avishai Cohen (Cohen, Avishai / Avishai Cohen Ensemble)
    Avison, Charles (Charles Avison)
    Axel Coon (Coon, Axel)
    Ayado, Chie (Chie Ayado)
    Aythis (Carline Van Roos)
    Azkella (Cathene Suen Wishardt)
    Azul Y Negro (Carlos G. Vaso, Joaquin Montoya)
    B.G. (Christopher "Doogie" Dorsey, Baby Gangsta, ex-"Hot Boys", Chopper City Boyz, Mannie Fresh, B.G. aka B. Gizzle)
    Babida, Chris (Chris Babida)
    Baby K (Claudia Nahum)
    Baciotti (Christian Baciotti)
    Badia, Carlos (Carlos Badia)
    Baines, Chris (Chris Baines)
    Baker, Casey (Casey Baker)
    Baker, Cookie (Cookie Baker)
    Baklid, Christopher (Christopher Baklid)
    Bane, Cynthia (Cynthia Bane)
    Barat, Carl (Carl Barat, Carl Ashley Raphael Barât, Carl Barât)
    Barbosa-Lima, Carlos (Carlos Barbosa-Lima)
    Barclay Crenshaw (Crenshaw, Barclay MacBride / Claude VonStroke / Pedro DeLaFaydro)
    Barile, Carlo Maria (Carlo Maria Barile)
    Barker, Chris (Chris Barker)
    Barnes, Cillie (Cillie Barnes)
    Barnett, Courtney (Courtney Barnett)
    Barns Courtney (Courtney, Barnaby George)
    Barrelhouse Chuck (Charles Goering)
    Barry, Claudja (Claudja Barry)
    Bathgate, Chris (Chris Bathgate)
    Battistessa, Cathy (Cathy Battistessa)
    Bazbaz, Camille (Camille Bazbaz)
    BCMC (Cooper Crain & Bill MacKay)
    Beard, Chris (Chris Beard)
  3. Beat Master Clay D (Clay Dixon)
    Beattie, Chuck (Chuck Beattie)
    Bee Mask (Chris Madak)
    Behn, Christiane (Christiane Behn)
    Bekker, Chris (Chris Bekker)
    Belinda Carlisle (Carlisle, Belinda)
    Bell, Carey (Carey Bell)
    Bell, Christopher (Christopher Bell)
    Belleau, Chris (Chris Belleau)
    Ben Cantelon (Cantelon, Ben)
    Ben Carroll (Carroll, Ben)
    Ben Christophers (Christophers, Ben)
    Benavent, Carles (Carles Benavent, Carles Benavent Guinart)
    Benji Webbe (Clive Webbe)
    Benny Carter (Carter, Benny)
    Bergson, Chris (Chris Bergson)
    Beriot, Charles (Charles Auguste de Beriot)
    Bern Camerata (Camerata, Bern)
    Bernadac, Christian (Christian Bernadac)
    Bernson, Chancy (Chancy Bernson)
    Berried Alive (Charles Caswell)
    Berryhill, Cindy Lee (Cindy Lee Berryhill)
    Bertault, Camille (Camille Bertault)
    Beth Nielsen Chapman (Chapman, Beth Nielsen)
    Bica, Carlos (Carlos Bica)
    Bickhardt, Craig (Craig Bickhardt)
    Bickley, Chris (Chris Bickley)
    Big Chocolate (Cameron Argon)
    Big Fox (Charlotta Perers)
    Big Jay McNeely (Cecil James McNeely)
    Big Punisher (Christopher Lee Carlos Rios)
    Big Special (Callum Moloney & Joseph Hicklin)
    Bill Chase (Chase, Bill / William Edward Chiaiese)
    Bill Conti (Conti, Bill)
    Billy Cobham's Glass Menagerie (Cobham, Billy / William Emanuel Cobham)
    Billy Corgan (Corgan, William Patrick / WPC)
    Bimbo Jet (Claude Morgan, Laurent Rossi)
    Bing Crosby (Crosby, Bing)
    Birchall, Claire (Claire Birchall)
    Birchville Cat Motel (Campbell Kneale)
    Birthmark (GRC) (Cuore Nero)
    Black (Colin Vearncombe)
    Black Adidas (Courtney Ranshaw)
    Black Legend (Ciro Sasso (J Reverse) & Enrico Ferrari (BSJ))
    Black Marble (Chris Stewart & Ty Kube)
    Black Milk (USA) (Curtis Cross / Curtis "Nottyhead" Cross / Zap Francis)
    Black Rose (USA) (Cher, Gary Ferguson, Les Dudek, Mike Finnigan, Ronnie Ritchotte, Trey Thompson)
    Blackout Beach (Carey Mercer / BlackoutBeach / Swan Lake / SwanLake)
    Blackout JA (Christopher Hendricks)
    Blame (GBR) (Conrad Shafie)
    Blixa Bargeld (Christian Emmerich)
    Block, Chris (Chris Block)
    Blu Mar Ten (Chris Marigold, Leo Wyndham, Michael Tognarelli)
    BlutEngel (Chris Pohl)
    Bob Catley (Catley, Bob)
    Bob Sinclar (Christophe Le Friant)
    Bobby Cameron (Cameron, Bobby)
    Bodhisattva 13:20 (Chris Martin)
    Bombastic Meatbats (Chad Smith's Bombastic Meatbats)
    Bonecarver (Cannibal Grandpa)
    Bones Owens (Caleb Owens)
    Bornless Fire (Chris Heath)
    Boscole, Christopher (Christopher Boscole)
    Boste, Cyndi (Cyndi Boste)
    Boston Spaceships (Chris Slusarenko, John Moen, Robert Pollard)
    Bourget, Claude Marc (Claude Marc Bourget)
    Bowen, Clare (Clare Bowen)
    Boy Friend (Christa Palazzolo & Sarah Brown)