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Discography  (total 48 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Love Is Still Alive - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 2023 Love Is Still Alive 8 00:37:09
Sketches Of The Red Districts - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 2023 Sketches Of The Red Districts 7 00:44:00 320 101.13 Mb 1.42€
IRON SKY : THE COMING RACE (The Original Soundtrack) - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 2023 IRON SKY : THE COMING RACE (The Original Soundtrack) 43 01:30:36
Wir Sind Das Volk (Ein Musical Aus Deutschland) - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 2022 Wir Sind Das Volk (Ein Musical Aus Deutschland) 16 01:23:19
Revisited - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 2020 Revisited 12 01:14:04 320 169.77 Mb 2.41€
The Sound of Music - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 2018 The Sound of Music 12 00:42:08
Also Sprach Zarathustra - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 2017 Also Sprach Zarathustra 12 00:53:03
Spectre (Deluxe Edition) - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 2014 Spectre (Deluxe Edition) 14 00:56:46
Iron Sky - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 2012 Iron Sky
[Tribute by Soundtrack - Movies ]
40 01:18:33
Laibachkunstderfuge - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 2008 Laibachkunstderfuge
[Tribute by Johann Sebastian Bach ]
14 01:19:12
Volk - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 2006 Volk 14 00:58:30 320 134.19 Mb 2.49€
300.000 V.K.: Titan - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 2005 300.000 V.K.: Titan 9 00:57:34 256 105.57 Mb 1.7€
Anthems (CD 1) - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 2004 Anthems (CD 1) 17 01:17:55 320 178.65 Mb 3.1€
Anthems (CD 2) - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 2004 Anthems (CD 2) 14 01:17:51 320 178.51 Mb 2.71€
WAT - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 2003 WAT 12 00:58:15
Laibach (4th Edition) - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 1999 Laibach (4th Edition) 13 01:03:14 320 144.94 Mb 2.41€
Bill Gater & 300.000 V.K.: Hard Drive - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 1999 Bill Gater & 300.000 V.K.: Hard Drive 11 00:59:48 320 137.09 Mb 2.12€
Schlect und Ironisch: Tribute to Laibach - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 1999 Schlect und Ironisch: Tribute to Laibach
[Tribute by Various Artists [Hard] ]
12 01:01:58 192 85.26 Mb 1.99€
M.B. December 21, 1984 - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 1997 M.B. December 21, 1984 9 00:56:04
Jesus Christ Superstars - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 1996 Jesus Christ Superstars 9 00:46:36 320 106.89 Mb 1.7€
300,000 V.K.: Also Sprach Johann Paul II - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 1996 300,000 V.K.: Also Sprach Johann Paul II 8 00:44:00 320 100.91 Mb 1.54€
Slovenska Akropola - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 1995 Slovenska Akropola 11 00:52:40 320 120.76 Mb 2.03€
NATO - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 1994 NATO 9 00:41:04
Ljubljana-Zagreb-Beograd - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 1993 Ljubljana-Zagreb-Beograd 15 01:10:22 320 161.38 Mb 2.76€
Kapital - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 1992 Kapital 15 01:18:33
Laibach [First Official L.P.] - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 1991 Laibach [First Official L.P.] 10 00:45:11 320 104.06 Mb 1.82€
Sympathy For The Devil (LP) - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 1990 Sympathy For The Devil (LP) 8 00:49:37
Macbeth - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 1989 Macbeth 1 00:31:59
Let It Be - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 1988 Let It Be 11 00:42:12
Let It Be (Reissue 1996) - Laibach (300000 V.K.) 1988 Let It Be (Reissue 1996) 11 00:42:26
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