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Genre: Alternative Style: Experimental
  1. Ṩtrannye Ẏagodi
  2. †††
  3. (Project) Ritual Noise
  4. 0.8syooogeki
  5. 1 Giant Leap
  6. 1 Speed Bike
  7. 100DEADRABBITS!!!
  8. 101A
  9. 10CC
  10. 11 Storm Unit
  11. 11redearth
  12. 17 Years Of Silence
  13. 2-й СОРТ
  14. 20.SV
  15. 23 Trublion 23
  16. 25 Dollar Massacre
  17. 2Pac
  18. 3 Teens Kill 4
  19. 31 Knots
  20. 33Funk
  21. 36
  22. 385
  23. 4 Позиции Бруно
  24. 69 (FRA)
  25. 6:33
  26. 9Goats Black Out
  27. :Golgatha:
  28. A Cry Farewell
  29. A Home For Ghosts
  30. A Lily
  31. A Lonely Crowd
  32. A Need For Reason
  33. A Thomas
  34. A.M.I.G.O.
  35. A.n.K.h //
  36. A.V.D.L.
  37. AAGSF
  38. Aavikko
  39. Abduction (GBR)
  40. Abel Marton Nagy's Cosmos Band
  41. Abest
  42. Abigails Ghost
  43. Abney Park
  44. Absolace
  45. Abysse
  46. Acres
  47. Across The Rubicon
  48. Ad-ver-sary
  49. Adam Lwo
  50. Adam-X
  51. Adeia
  52. Administrator (USA, RI)
  53. Adrian Belew & The Bears
  54. Advantage (USA) (Ca)
  55. Advisory Circle
  56. AEON (POL)
  57. Aesthetic Meat Front
  58. Aethenor
  59. Aethere (ITA)
  60. Aevum Nova
  61. Afrirampo
  62. Aftermaths
  63. Agata (JPN)
  64. Ageness
  65. Aggressive Sound Painters
  66. AggronympH
  67. Aglaomorpha
  68. Agnivolok
  69. Agoraphobic Nosebleed
  70. Ah Cama-Sotz
  71. Ahanjack
  72. Ahee
  73. Aidan
  74. Aidan Baker
  75. AIDS Wolf
  76. Aimon
  77. Ain Soph (ITA)
  78. Ainsoph
  79. Aitis Band
  80. Ajilvsga
  81. AkkordIon
  82. Alasehir
  83. Aleksi Perala
  84. Alex Puddu (DNK)
  85. Alexander Brandon
  86. Alexander Rishaug
  87. Alexandroid
  88. Alfred 23 Harth
  89. Alien Guitar Abduction
  90. Alien Sex Fiend
  91. Alien2064
  92. Alisha Poor
  93. All Sides
  94. Allatus Adeo
  95. Alldrig
  96. Allegory Chapel Ltd.
  97. Alpha Conspiracy
  98. Alps
  99. Alter Ego (DEU)
  100. Altopalo
  101. Alva Noto
  102. AMANTRA
  103. Amarionette
  104. Amateur Takes Control
  105. Amber & Ashes
  106. Ambiazok
  107. American Cutthroat
  108. American Dollar
  109. AMM
  110. Amnesia Scanner
  111. Amon (ITA)
  112. Amon Duul I
  113. Amon Tobin
  114. Among The Rocks And Roots
  115. Amp
  116. An Albatross
  117. An Isle Ate Her
  118. Anapparatus
  119. Anatomia De Vanitats
  120. Anatrofobia
  121. Ancestral (USA)
  122. And Mountains
  123. And Then There Was You
  124. Andi Sex Gang
  125. Andreas Schramm
  126. Andrei Machado
  127. Andrew Liles
  128. Andromeda Complex
  129. Andwehopeyouchoke
  130. Anemone Tube
  131. Anenzephalia
  132. Angel (AUT)
  133. Angela Martyr
  134. Angelscourge
  135. Anima-Sound
  136. Animals On Wheels
  137. Anna Meredith
  138. Anne Clark
  139. Anohni
  140. Anomaly
  141. Anon, They Move...
  142. Another Vertigo Rush
  143. AntHill
  144. Anthill Cinema
  145. Anthroprophh
  146. Antiheroe
  147. Antipop Consortium
  148. AntiQuark
  149. Antireality
  150. Antitainment
  151. Antlers (GBR)
  152. Antlers Mulm
  153. Anton Szandor LaVey
  154. Antony & The Johnsons
  155. Antony Milton
  156. Any Of My Names
  157. Anywhere
  158. Aortaa
  159. Aotea
  160. Apathetic Existence
  161. Aphex Twin
  162. Aphorism
  163. Apocalipsis
  164. Apokatastasia
  165. Apparatus (DNK)
  166. Appleseed Cast
  167. Aquanaut
  168. Aranos
  169. Araya (GBR)
  170. Arborea
  171. Arcade Fire
  172. Archetti, Luigi
  173. Architects Of A Broken Design
  174. Architecture In Helsinki
  175. Archivist (USA)
  176. Archon Orchestra
  177. Archon Satani
  178. Arditi
  179. Area Bombardment
  180. Argaman
  181. Argentum (ARG)
  182. Argument 5.45
  183. Arheimar
  184. Arhont
  185. Arkhamin Kirjasto
  186. Arkitekten
  187. Arktau Eos
  188. Arkuum
  189. ArmagedDance
  190. Armchairpolitican
  191. Arms
  192. Arnaud Michniak
  193. Arsonists Get All The Girls
  194. Art By Numbers
  195. Art Feynman
  196. Art Lepers
  197. Art Of Noise
  198. Art Of Silence (GBR)
  199. Art/Against/Agony
  200. Arthur Cravan