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Genre: Alternative Style: Post-Punk
  1. Pink Turns Blue
  2. Pinkish Black
  3. Pins (GBR)
  4. Piss Ennui
  5. Pitbull Daycare
  6. Pitch Black (USA)
  7. Place To Bury Strangers
  8. Plague Pits
  9. Plas+ика
  10. Plastics
  11. Play Dead
  12. Pleroma
  13. Ploho
  14. Pogues
  15. Polaroid
  16. Polka Party
  17. Pompeya
  18. Pop. 1280
  19. Popstrangers
  20. Porn (FRA)
  21. Post War Glamour Girls
  22. Postlooperish
  23. Preoccupations
  24. Priests (USA)
  25. Principe Valiente
  26. Priors
  27. Prison City Brigade
  28. Private World
  29. Projection
  30. Prostitutes
  31. Protomartyr
  32. Provoker
  33. Psychedelic Furs
  34. Pterodactyl
  35. Public Image Ltd
  36. Pudelsi
  37. Pulp
  38. Punish Yourself
  39. Pure Adult
  40. Purple Pigeon
  41. Pusher
  42. Pyogenesis
  43. Queen Adreena
  44. Queens Of Everything
  45. Quinsy
  46. R.G.S.H.
  47. Rackets & Drapes
  48. Radio 4
  49. Raga Rockers
  50. Rational Youth
  51. Razika
  52. Re-TROS
  53. Red Lorry Yellow Lorry
  54. Reggie And The Full Effect
  55. Remain In Silence
  56. Remissia
  57. Rendez-Vous
  58. Rescues
  59. Residents
  60. Respire
  61. Ret Marut
  62. Ritual Howls
  63. Ritual Veil
  64. Rivelardes
  65. Robber Robber
  66. Rocket Science
  67. Rockets From The Tombs
  68. Rollins Band
  69. Romance (USA)
  70. Ronker
  71. Roxy Girls
  72. Rugaru
  73. Sacred Paws
  74. Sacred Skin
  75. Sad Novelist
  76. Saint Agnes
  77. Santes Les Amis
  78. Satellitstat
  79. Savage Republic
  80. Savages (GBR)
  81. Savak
  82. Saving Aether
  83. Scalping
  84. Scandroid
  85. Scarlet's Remains
  86. Scary Bitches
  87. Schlingen
  88. Schonwald
  89. Scientists
  90. Scowl (USA, CA)
  91. Scream Hello
  92. Screaming Banshee Aircrew
  93. Screams For Tina
  94. Scrounge
  95. Searching For Calm
  96. Second Still
  97. Secret Attraction
  98. Secret French Postcards
  99. Self Against City
  100. Self Defense Family
  101. Selofan
  102. Senmuth
  103. September Malevolence
  104. Septima Sima
  105. Serpent Beat
  106. Services
  107. Sex Church
  108. Sex Slaves
  109. Sextile
  110. Shadow Age
  111. Shaka Ponk
  112. Shame
  113. Shark Taboo
  114. Shark Toys
  115. Shaw, Shannon
  116. She Her Her Hers
  117. She Past Away
  118. She Wants Revenge
  119. Shellac
  120. Shhadows
  121. Shooting David Palmer
  122. Shopping
  123. Shortparis
  124. Shriekback
  125. Shudder To Think
  126. Sick Ride
  127. Sights & Sounds
  128. Sigue Sigue Sputnik
  129. Siiickbrain
  130. Silent Film
  132. Silent Forum
  133. Silent Mass
  134. Silent Runners
  135. Silent Scream (FIN)
  136. Silkworm
  137. Silverbacks
  138. Silverbug
  139. Simple Minds
  140. Sinead
  141. Sink Ya Teeth
  142. Siouxsie & the Banshees
  143. Sirens Image
  144. Sizarr
  145. Skeleton Hands
  146. Skids
  147. Skinny Girl Diet
  148. Slag Queens
  149. Sleaford Mods
  150. Sleep Kicks
  151. Sleepyheads
  152. Slice Of Life
  153. Slits
  154. Slow Danse With the Dead
  155. Slow Hollows
  156. Small Brown Bike
  157. Smile
  158. SMP (USA)
  159. Snapped Ankles
  160. Sneaks
  161. Snow Trail
  162. Snowden
  163. Soaked Oats
  164. Social
  165. Social Station
  166. Society Burning
  167. Soft Boys
  168. Soft Kill
  169. Soft Moon
  170. Soma Cake
  171. Something With Numbers
  172. Somon
  173. Sound
  174. Sound Of The Blue Heart
  175. Soviet Soviet
  176. Spacemen 3
  177. Spader Kung
  178. Spectres (CAN)
  179. Sperm Wails
  180. Spiderbait
  181. Spinnerette
  182. Spiral XP
  183. Spirits of Leo
  184. Spliff
  185. SPZkr
  186. Squeeze
  187. Squid
  188. St. Tropez
  189. Stafraenn Hakon
  190. Stand Your Ground
  191. Starcontrol
  192. Statues (SWE)
  193. Stella Diana
  194. Stepmother (INT)
  195. Stranded
  196. Strangers (GBR)
  197. Stranglers
  198. Strap On Halo
  199. Stromble Fix
  200. Studio