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Genre: Rock Style: Hard Rock
  1. Voodoo Kills
  2. Voodoo Piston
  3. Voodoo Room
  4. Voodoo Sioux
  5. Voodoo Six
  6. Voodoo Smile
  7. Voodoo Tales
  8. Voodoo Terror Tribe
  9. Voodoo Vegas
  10. Voodoo X
  11. Voodooland
  12. Vox Dei
  13. Voxen
  14. Vudu Fly
  15. Vukovar
  16. Vulgar Devils
  17. VVarp
  18. Vvlva
  19. Vypera
  20. W.A.N.T.E.D.
  21. W.A.S.P.
  22. W.E.T.
  23. W.H.I.T.E.
  24. Wabash Resurrection
  25. Wail
  26. Waiting For Eternity
  27. Waiting For Monday
  28. Waiting Rain
  29. Wake Me
  30. Wake Of Redemption
  31. Wake The Nations
  32. Walk On Fire
  33. Walk The Sky
  34. Walk the Walk
  35. Walking With Giants
  36. Walking With Kings
  37. Wall Of Sleep (USA)
  38. Wallenberg's Whiskey Hell
  39. Waltons
  40. WAMI
  41. Wandering With
  42. Wanted (NOR)
  43. Wanted (USA)
  44. Wanted (USA, MI)
  45. Wapetons
  46. War & Peace
  47. Wardenclyffe
  48. Warfare (USA, CT)
  49. Warhorse (GBR)
  50. Warlock (DEU)
  51. Warlock A.D.
  52. Warlord (GBR)
  53. Warning (MEX)
  54. Warp Drive
  55. Warpipes
  56. Warrant (USA)
  57. Warrior (USA, MA)
  58. Warrior Kings
  59. Warrior Soul
  60. Wasques, Luis
  61. Waste Down Rebels
  62. Wasted (NOR)
  63. Wasteland Valley
  64. Wasteland Viper
  65. Watching Savannah Burn
  66. Watchmen (ARG)
  67. Watchmen (USA)
  68. Waterhill
  69. Watts (USA)
  70. Wax Road
  71. Wayland
  72. Wayne Gottstine
  73. Wayward Scars
  74. Wayward Sons
  75. Wayward West
  76. We And The Bulls
  77. We Are Harlot
  78. We Love The Underground
  79. We Sell The Dead
  80. We're All Gonna Die
  81. Weapon Head
  82. Weapons
  83. Wedge
  84. Weekend Picnic
  85. Weekenders
  86. Wehrmut
  87. Weight
  88. Weight of Words
  89. Weird Owl
  90. Welch, Jason J.
  91. Wellfear
  92. Wellington Arms
  93. Wells, Jason
  94. Wendy O. Williams
  95. West Bound
  96. West By God
  97. West Fargo
  98. West Gate
  99. West Of October
  100. WestBruk
  101. Westcott, Mike
  102. Westlake, Jeff
  103. Westward
  104. Westworld
  105. Wet Teeth
  106. What Google Can't Find
  107. What Lies Ahead (USA, IL)
  108. Whatrock
  109. Wheel (NOR)
  110. Wheels Of Fire
  111. Whereafter
  112. Which Witch Is Which
  113. Whichwhat
  114. Whip (USA)
  115. Whiplash Jack
  116. Whipping Princess
  117. Whiskey Ignition
  118. Whiskey River Gun Club
  119. Whiskey Sin
  120. Whiskey Six
  121. Whisky Of Blood
  122. Whitaker, August
  123. White Boy & The Average Rat Band
  124. White Coast Rebels
  125. White Cowbell Oklahoma
  126. White Demons
  127. White Diamond (GBR)
  128. White Diamond (USA)
  129. White Flame
  130. White Flies
  131. White Heart
  132. White Lion
  133. White Lotus
  134. White Noise Owl
  135. White Pigeon
  136. White Raven Down
  137. White Trash Nightmare
  138. White Tygër
  139. White Void
  140. White Widdow
  141. White Wolf
  142. White Zombie
  143. Whitecross
  144. Whiterock
  145. Whitesnake
  146. Whitewoods Rock
  147. WhitfordSt. Holmes
  148. Who
  149. WhoCares
  150. Whoopgnash
  151. Whoopie Cat
  152. Whore Paint
  153. Wicked (AUT)
  154. Wicked (USA)
  155. Wicked Faith
  156. Wicked Jester
  157. Wicked Lady UK
  158. Wicked Machine
  159. Wicked Mercy
  160. Wicked Sensation
  161. Wicked Temptation
  162. Wicked Tongues
  163. Wicked Witch of Boston
  164. Wickman Road
  165. Wide Mouth Mason
  166. Widescreen Mode
  167. Widow (USA, WA)
  168. Widowbirds
  169. Widowmaker
  170. Wiechmann, Kris
  171. Wigelius
  172. Wikkid Starr
  173. Wild August
  174. Wild Bitch
  175. Wild Child (BRA)
  176. Wild Dawn
  177. Wild Frontier
  178. Wild Horse
  179. Wild Horses (USA)
  180. Wild Kitten
  181. Wild Machine
  182. Wild Ride
  183. Wild Rose
  184. Wild Side
  185. Wild Souls
  186. Wild Willy's Gang
  187. Wild!
  188. Wild:fire
  189. Wildfire (GRC)
  190. Wildheart (DEU)
  191. Wildhearts
  192. Wildlife (GBR)
  193. Wildness
  194. Wildroads
  195. Wildside (USA)
  196. Wildside Riot
  197. Wildstreet
  198. Wilkes Booth
  199. Will Wallner & Vivien Vain
  200. Willet