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Genre: Rock Style: Hard Rock
  1. Sykes
  2. Symphony Of Gunfire
  3. Symphony Of Pain
  4. Symphony Of Sweden
  5. Syndicate (USA)
  6. Synthetic Soul (USA)
  7. Syrinx (NLD)
  8. System Trashed
  9. T&N
  10. T2
  11. T3nors
  12. Tabernarios
  13. TABU
  14. Taddy Porter
  15. Tailgunner (USA)
  16. Tails You Die
  17. Tainted Angel
  18. Tak Matsumoto Group
  19. Take (USA, OH)
  20. Take (USA, UT)
  21. Takedown
  22. Taken (USA, PA)
  23. Taken From Exile
  24. Takeout
  25. tAKiDA
  26. Taking Dawn
  27. Tako
  28. Talas
  29. Talia
  30. Talibian Airways
  31. Taliesyn
  32. Talisman
  33. Talon (DEU)
  34. Talon (USA)
  35. Tamin' Thunder
  36. Tandym
  37. Tango Down
  38. Tanith
  39. Tankus the Henge
  40. TankZilla
  41. Tantra (ARG)
  42. Tara's Secret
  43. Tarot (AUS)
  44. Tarot Beyond
  45. Taste (SWE)
  46. Tattoo Rodeo
  47. Taylen Storm
  48. TAZ (USA, CA)
  49. Taz (USA, MD)
  50. Taz Taylor Band
  51. Tea
  52. Teaser Sweet
  53. Ted Mulry Gang
  54. Ted Nugent's Amboy Dukes
  55. Teenbird
  56. Teleborian
  57. Temperance (ITA)
  58. Temple (USA, MI)
  59. Temple Agents
  60. Temple Balls
  61. Temple Of Lies
  62. Temple Of The Dog
  63. Tempt
  64. Ten Throne
  65. Tenacious D
  66. Tenafly Viper
  67. Tenant
  68. Tenebris Army
  69. Tennessee Champagne
  70. Tennessee, John
  71. Tenth Planet
  72. Tequila Cowboys
  73. Tequila Suicide
  74. Tequila Sunrise
  75. Terminal Overdrive
  76. Terminus (USA, AR)
  77. Termosismicos
  78. Terra (USA)
  79. Terra Incognita (GRC)
  80. Terra Nova
  81. Terror Garden
  82. Terrorvision
  83. Terry Brock
  84. Terry Knight And The Pack
  85. Terry Reid
  86. Tesla
  87. Tesla Shamans
  88. Tete Novoa
  89. Texas Heat
  90. Texas TNT
  91. Texeira, Kenny
  92. Th3Climb
  93. Thahely
  94. That Rock Guy
  95. The Babys
  96. The BIG Deal
  97. The Blackwall
  98. The Breathing Method
  99. The Commander-In-Chief
  100. The Electric Dead
  101. The Fog
  102. The Frost (USA)
  103. The Golden Earring
  104. The Great Gray Funk
  105. The Handful
  106. The Hawkeyes
  107. the Hawkins
  108. The Legendary
  109. The Manic Shine
  110. The Nail (INT)
  111. The Protest
  112. The Rockets (USA, MI)
  113. The Stooges
  114. The Tale Untold
  115. The Union of Sinners and Saints
  116. The Unresolved
  117. The V
  118. The Violent
  119. The Weathered Souls
  120. The Whiskey Hell
  121. Theander Expression
  122. TheAntilegendz
  123. Thebuckle
  124. TheClosedCircle
  125. theFALLEN
  126. Theinductions
  127. Them Crooked Vultures
  128. Them Rumblin' Bones
  129. Them Vibes
  130. TheMightyOne
  131. Then Falls The Sky
  132. These Raven Skies
  133. They Eat Their Own
  134. They Go
  135. Thick (USA)
  136. Thieves & Liars
  137. Thin Lizzy
  138. ThingsNocturnal
  139. Thinning The Herd
  140. Thirty Years Later
  141. This Day Burns
  142. ThisOneSky
  143. Thobbe Englund
  144. Thole
  145. Thomas Silver
  146. Thomas, Ian
  147. Thomas, Kevin M.
  148. Thornbound
  149. Thorne
  150. Thorne, Robby
  151. Thornley
  152. Thornton, Ken
  153. Thorny Roses
  154. Those Damn Crows
  155. Thousand Shades Of Cold
  156. Three Cities
  157. Three Lane Road
  158. Three Man Army
  159. Three5human
  160. Threefold Maze
  161. Threeway
  162. ThrillRazr
  163. Through the Kitchen Hole
  164. Throw The Goat
  165. Throwin Bones
  166. Thrust (CAN)
  167. Thunder
  168. Thunder Driver
  169. Thunder Knife
  170. Thunder Thief
  171. Thunderbird (CAN)
  172. Thunderbird (SWE)
  173. Thunderbrew
  174. Thunderdikk
  175. Thunderhawks
  176. Thunderhead (DEU)
  177. Thunderhead (USA)
  178. Thundermother (SWE)
  179. Thunderosa
  180. Thuy Trieu Do
  181. Tidalwave
  182. Tiebreaker
  183. Tierra
  184. Tiger Bonesaw
  185. Tigernite
  186. Tight
  187. Tigro Metai
  188. Tiles
  189. Till The Dirt
  190. Tiltback
  191. Tim Edison Project
  192. Tim Karr
  193. Tim Rhodes
  194. Time Invaders
  195. Time Rift
  196. Tin Machine
  197. Tin Zelkova
  198. Tipton, Entwistle & Powell
  199. Tishamingo
  200. Titan Breed