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Genre: Alternative Style: Post-Rock/Post-Metal
  1. Bad Magick
  2. Bad Mother Nature
  3. Bad Pony
  4. Baddies
  5. Balago
  6. Balmorhea
  7. Bamboo Diet
  8. Bantar
  9. Bardo Pond
  10. Bare Walls
  11. Barely Civil
  13. Baryon
  14. Barzin
  15. Basement Paintings
  16. Basement Scene
  17. Basheer & The Pied Pipers
  18. Bateau Noir
  19. Bateleur
  20. Bathyscaphe
  21. Battle of Britain Memorial
  22. Battles
  23. Bbatv
  24. BCMC
  25. BDRMM
  26. BE/TA
  27. BEAK
  28. Beaten By Them
  29. Beautiful Machine
  30. Beauty in Chaos
  31. Because Of Ghosts
  32. Beck
  33. Beef Terminal
  34. Beefcake
  35. Beep Beep
  36. Behzad Mehrnoosh
  37. Being
  38. Bell Orchestre
  39. Berg Sans Nipple
  40. Berlina
  41. Bertoia
  42. Besides
  43. Best Pessimist
  44. Betrayal At Bespin
  45. Between Days
  46. Beware Of Safety
  47. Big Brave
  48. Big Search
  49. Big Sleep (USA)
  50. Big Ups
  51. Billions and Billions
  52. Bipolar Architecture
  53. Bipolar Explorer
  54. Bird
  55. Birzer Bandana (GBR)
  56. Bitcrush
  57. Black Flak
  58. Black Heart Rebellion
  59. Black Holes Into The Streets
  60. Black Kalmar Skull
  61. Black Moth Super Rainbow
  62. Black Oak (SWE)
  63. Black Pus
  64. Black Sea (BRA)
  65. Blackbird Cathedral
  66. Blackmail (DEU)
  67. Blackstork
  68. Blank Faces
  69. Blanket
  70. Bleakwinter Shrine
  71. Blinding Sparks
  72. BLK w/BEAR
  73. Bloemfontein
  74. Blonde Redhead (USA)
  75. Blonk (USA)
  76. Blood Folke
  77. Blue-Sky Spirits
  78. Blueneck
  79. Blurry Lights
  80. Bog
  81. Bohren & Der Club Of Gore
  82. Boojii
  83. Booklegger
  84. Boraku, Bledi
  85. Borko
  86. Bossk
  87. Botanist (USA, CA)
  88. Braids
  89. Braveyoung
  90. Break My Fucking Sky
  91. Breakdance Kickboxer
  92. Breaking The Fourth Wall
  93. Brendan Canning
  94. Bridgend
  95. Bridges To Dreams
  96. Bright Red Paper
  97. Bring Me The Horizon
  98. Briqueville
  99. Brise-Glace
  100. British Expeditionary Force
  101. Broadcast (GBR)
  102. Broken Bridges
  103. Broken Social Scene
  104. Brontide
  105. Bronze Fawn
  106. Bronzed Chorus
  107. Brother Grimm
  108. Brother/Ghost
  109. Brutality Will Prevail
  110. Buck, Tiras
  111. Buck, Tony
  112. Bulb
  113. Bullets In Madison
  114. Bunkr
  115. Burbis
  116. Burial Clouds
  117. Bury Yourself In The Ocean
  118. Butterfly Child
  119. Butterfly Explosion
  120. Butthole Surfers
  121. Bypass (PRT)
  122. Caïna
  123. Caelestis
  124. Caelestra
  125. Calexico
  126. California Stories Uncovered
  127. Calista Divine
  128. Calm Blue Sea
  129. Camelias Garden
  130. Camera Obscura (USA)
  131. Camping
  132. Can't Fake Nature
  133. Cancer Conspiracy
  134. Candlepark Stars
  135. Capsule (USA)
  136. Captain Mantell
  137. Car Crash Weather
  138. Carbonscape
  139. Cardiacs
  140. Carlsen, Petter
  141. Carontte
  142. Carson Wells
  143. Carta
  144. Cartographers' Son
  145. Caspian (USA)
  146. Cassiber
  147. Cats And Cats And Cats
  148. Cats Never Die
  149. Caves Of Glass
  150. Caves Of Steel
  151. Cavum
  152. Cecilia::Eyes
  153. Cegvera
  154. Celeste (FRA)
  155. Centralia
  156. Cerberus Shoal
  157. Ceres (AUS)
  158. cEvin Key
  159. Chap
  160. Charming Timur
  161. Charts & Maps
  162. Chasing Dreams
  163. Cheer-Accident
  164. Chemists
  165. Chemtrail
  166. Cherax Destructor
  167. Chris Connelly and The Bells
  168. Chris Cutler
  169. Christopher Tignor
  170. Cian (CHL)
  171. Cicada
  172. Ciders
  173. Ciempies
  174. Cinemasophia
  175. Cinematique
  176. Circle
  177. Circus Trees
  178. Citizens Of Ice Cream
  179. Citizens Of The Empire
  180. City Of The Lost
  181. City of the Sun
  182. City Of Wolves
  183. Civilia
  184. Claro De Luna
  185. Cleric (USA)
  186. Clione Index
  187. Cloaca
  188. Clockwork Dolls
  189. Closure (ITA)
  190. Cloud Castle Lake
  191. Cloudkicker
  192. Clouds Arrived
  193. Clue To Kalo
  194. Cmn Ineed Yr Hlp
  195. Coastlands
  196. Coda (AUS)
  197. Code I
  198. Codes In The Clouds
  199. Cohol
  200. Cold By Winter