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Cassiber (Christoph Anders, Chris Cutler, Heiner Goebbels, Alfred Harth)
Discography  (total 3 Albums )
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Live Albums
Live In Tokyo (CD 1: Live at R's Art Court, Tokyo, October 23, 1992) - Cassiber (Christoph Anders, Chris Cutler, Heiner Goebbels, Alfred Harth) 1997 Live In Tokyo (CD 1: Live at R's Art Court, Tokyo, October 23, 1992) 16 00:53:03 320 121.81 Mb 2.69€
Live In Tokyo (Cd 2 - Based On Source Materials Of 1997 Live In Tokyo (Cd 2 - Based On Source Materials Of "Cassiber Live In Tokyo", Sampled And Re-Mixed At September To November 1997) 5 00:48:30 320 111.13 Mb 1.21€
Live а Victoriaville (split) - Cassiber (Christoph Anders, Chris Cutler, Heiner Goebbels, Alfred Harth) 1993 Live а Victoriaville (split)
[Split with Alfred 23 Harth ]
10 00:54:00 320 123.89 Mb 1.92€
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