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Genre: Alternative Style: Emo
  1. Modern Day Escape
  2. Modern Day Fitzgerald
  3. Moments In Grace
  4. Moneen
  5. Moneta
  6. Monty Are I
  7. Moose Blood
  8. Moshe Dayan
  9. Mourn (GBR, South Wales)
  10. Mouse Fire
  11. Moving Mountains
  12. Murder Practice
  13. My American Heart
  14. My Chemical Romance
  15. My Epic
  16. My Eyes Fall Victim
  17. My Fictions
  18. My Own Private Alaska
  19. My Precious
  20. Myra Lee
  21. Namatjira (RUS)
  22. Nanar, Never Walk Alone
  23. Nasty Taste
  24. Nayru
  25. Nazarite Vow
  26. Never Is A Promise
  27. New Found Glory
  28. New Mecanica
  29. Niagara (UKR)
  30. Nic Steez
  31. Nice Cops
  32. No Misery Left
  33. No Omega
  34. Nobodys Hero
  35. Northern Life
  36. Northstar (USA, AL)
  37. Not For Now
  38. Notanumber
  39. Nothing Left Alive
  40. Nothing.nowhere
  41. Nothingleft
  42. Novella (US, Missouri)
  43. Nucular
  44. NX Zero
  45. O Dayspring
  46. Oceana (USA)
  47. Octaves
  48. October Fall
  49. Odd Project
  50. Odszukac Listopad
  51. Of Broken
  52. Oh, Deer!
  53. On The Last Day
  54. On Watership Down
  55. One OK Rock
  56. One Step Closer
  57. Only Sibling
  58. Onsloow
  59. Oolong
  60. Open Hand
  61. Optimus Prime
  62. Orchid (USA, MA)
  63. Origami Angel
  64. Oso Oso
  65. Ostraca
  66. OtherSide
  67. Our Last Night
  68. Out Of Project
  69. Outline In Color
  70. Over Stars & Gutters
  71. Overscene
  72. Paan
  73. Pageninetynine
  74. Palatka
  75. Palestrina
  76. Panacea (POL)
  77. Panic Division
  78. Panic Divison
  79. Panic! At The Disco
  80. Paper Chase
  81. Paradox Backlash
  82. Parannoul
  83. Pardyalone
  84. Park
  85. Parker Theory
  86. Pavlov
  87. Peace Burial At Sea
  88. Pen Name (GBR)
  89. Penknifelovelife
  90. Perfect Future
  91. Perfect Red
  92. Person L
  93. PeteThePirateSquid
  94. Phoenix Forever
  95. Pianos Become The Teeth
  96. Picture Me Broken
  97. Pity Sex
  98. Pivotal Movement
  99. Plain White T's
  100. Planes Mistaken For Stars
  101. Plans For Revenge
  102. Poems
  103. Postcards (USA)
  104. Prawn
  105. Pretend Happy
  106. Prince Daddy And The Hyena
  107. Prisoners Dilemma
  108. Proper
  109. Proposal
  110. Pull Strings
  111. Purity's Demise
  112. Pxndx
  113. Quiet Lions
  114. Radiance Effect
  115. Raein
  116. Rayleigh
  117. Real Friends
  118. Recreant
  119. Red Animal War
  120. Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
  121. Redfield
  122. Rediscover
  123. Reggie And The Full Effect
  124. Reka
  125. Remember the day
  126. Remo Drive
  127. Residents
  128. Revenge Of The Living Dead
  129. Reversal Of Man
  130. Revok
  131. Right Hand Left Hand
  132. Rites Of Spring
  133. Rival Schools
  134. Rivilin
  135. Rockwell (DEU)
  136. Romancer
  137. Rookie Of The Year
  138. Rosaline
  139. Roses Are Red
  140. Rough Dreams
  141. Rowena
  142. Royden
  143. Rufio
  144. Runaway Brother
  145. Saddest Landscape
  146. Saetia
  147. Safe To Say
  148. Sainthood Reps
  149. Sal3m
  150. Samiam
  151. Saosin
  152. Save Face
  153. Saves the Day
  154. Saving Whisper
  155. Say Anything
  156. Say Nothing
  157. Scapegoat (USA, Charlotte)
  158. Scarlet Bandit
  159. Scenes From a Movie
  160. Scotch (RUS)
  161. Scream! Shout! Say Nothing
  162. Seafloor Cinema
  163. Seam
  164. Search The City
  165. Secondhand Serenade
  166. Secrets (USA)
  167. Secular Theme
  168. Seelenheil
  169. SeeYouSpaceCowboy
  170. Self Against City
  171. Self Deception
  172. Sen Deni
  173. Senses Fail
  174. Seraphim (USA, MI)
  175. Settle
  176. Settlefish
  177. Sever Your Ties
  178. Shadows Chasing Ghosts
  179. She Has A Fashion Vice
  180. ShiniGami
  181. Shit Present
  182. Short Round
  183. Shortie
  184. Shoulder
  185. Signals
  186. Silence The Wake
  187. Silent Hill (Ru)
  188. Silverstein
  189. Sinaloa
  190. Since By Man
  191. Sineater
  192. Sing It Loud
  193. Sirena
  194. Skunk Works
  195. Sleep In.
  196. Sleeping
  197. Sleeping With Sirens
  198. Sloss Minor
  199. Slow Bullet
  200. Slow Coming Day