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Genre: Alternative Style: Emo
  1. .Crrust
  2. 13th Draft
  3. 1986zig
  4. 3 Feet Smaller
  5. 30 Дней Февраля
  6. 36 Crazyfists
  7. 38 Daybreak
  8. 3Cm Tour
  9. 4ре Апреля
  10. 6000000000 Себя
  11. 7/8
  12. 7Years
  13. A Change of Pace
  14. A Fall Farewell
  15. A Love Ends Suicide
  16. A Place Tomorrow
  17. A Shattered Hope
  18. A Will Away
  19. A.F.I.
  20. A.S.T.R.O
  21. Abandon All Ships
  22. Above This Fire
  23. Academy Is
  24. Acceptance
  25. According To You
  26. Across Five Aprils
  27. Actress (DEU)
  28. Adept
  29. Adeste
  30. Adorno
  31. Advantage (USA) (Ca)
  32. Advertisin On The Channel Of Dreams
  33. Agraceful
  34. Aiden
  35. Airway
  36. Alesana
  37. Algernon Cadwallader
  38. Alias Caylon
  39. Alkaline Trio
  40. All Eyes To Harbor
  41. All Faces Down
  42. All Off
  43. All-American Rejects
  44. Amanda Woodward
  45. Amazombies
  46. Amber Daybreak
  47. Ambry
  48. Amely
  49. American Football
  50. American Life
  51. American Scene
  52. Amity Affliction
  53. Ampere
  54. Amyst
  55. Analena
  56. Anathallo
  57. Anberlin
  58. Andorra Atkins
  59. Andorra~Atkins
  60. Anemic
  61. Angercore
  62. Annie's Black
  63. Anomalie (DEU)
  64. Another Story Of The Other Side
  65. Antilles (USA)
  66. Anyone Anyway
  67. Anything But Yours
  68. Apex Theory
  69. Aphasia (USA, CA)
  70. Appleseed Cast
  71. Appollonia
  72. April Sixth
  73. Arboricidio
  74. Arcadia Grey
  75. Armor for Sleep
  76. Arrows (AUS)
  77. Arroyo
  78. Aryia
  79. As Autumn Falls
  80. As Cities Burn
  81. Ashes Of Pompeii
  82. Ashley Moshe
  83. Astellaway
  84. Astpai
  85. At A Loss
  86. At The Close Of Everyday
  87. At The Drive-In
  88. At The Farewell Party
  89. At The Skylines
  90. Atlas (BEL)
  91. Atlas&i
  92. Attack Attack (GBR)
  93. Attack Attack!
  94. Audio Karate
  95. Autopilot Off
  96. Aveline Wallflower
  97. Avenged Sevenfold
  98. Avenues & Silhouettes
  99. Avion Roe
  100. AViVA (USA)
  101. Aye Nako
  102. Bad Neighbour
  103. Barrow
  104. Basement Life
  105. Battle of Britain Memorial
  106. Bayside
  107. Bearings
  108. Beau Navire
  109. Bec Stevens
  110. Beeswax
  111. Beetween The Trees
  112. Before Their Eyes
  113. Behind Crimson Eyes
  114. Belljar
  115. Benton Falls
  116. Berserk For Tea Time
  117. Between Bodies
  118. Between The Trees
  119. Beverly Secret
  120. Beyond All Glory
  121. Billy Talent
  122. Billy The Kill
  123. Bionic Ghost Kids
  124. Black Holes Into The Streets
  125. Black Maria
  126. Black Veil Brides
  127. Blackout Argument
  128. Blame Me
  129. Bleed The Dream
  130. Blessthefall
  131. Blood Brothers
  132. Blynd (USA)
  133. Body of Wasps
  134. Boom Bip
  135. Borderline
  136. Boston Manor
  137. Bound To Fail
  138. Boy Sets Fire
  139. Boys Home
  140. Boys Life
  141. Boys Like Girls
  142. Boys Night Out
  143. Brand New
  144. Brandtson
  145. Brave Bird
  146. Bravo Fucking Bravo
  147. Breathe Carolina
  148. Bridges Of War
  149. Brightwood
  150. Brigitte Sans Bardot
  151. Broadway
  152. Bronam
  153. Brume Retina
  154. Buddy Junior
  155. Built On Secrets
  156. Burn Her Letters
  157. Burning Down Broadway
  158. By A Thread
  159. C In Zac
  160. Cab (USA, NV)
  161. Cadet Carter
  162. Cadillac Blindside
  163. Calculator
  164. Calling Of Syrens
  165. Calling Out West
  166. Campus
  167. Cancel The Apocalypse
  168. Canvas
  169. Captives (USA)
  170. Car Seat Headrest
  171. Caravels
  172. Cardinal Effect
  173. Carpool
  174. Carrion Spring
  175. Carson Wells
  176. Casino Madrid
  177. Casket Lottery
  178. Castevet (USA, IL)
  179. Cat-X
  180. Catch Fire
  181. Catena Collapse
  182. Cathedraal
  183. Cease Upon The Capitol
  184. Centerpiece
  185. Chaos Of The Heart
  186. Chasing Safety
  187. Chemical Vocation
  188. Chiptots
  189. Christie Front Drive
  190. Cian (CHL)
  191. Cinderella's Revenge
  192. Cinema Stare
  193. Circa Survive
  194. Circle Takes The Square
  195. Circus Circus
  196. Cirse
  197. City Escape
  198. City Of Ifa
  199. CityCop
  200. Claw The Thin Ice