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Genre: Electronica Style: Dark Ambient
  1. Natura Aeternum
  2. Necroennui
  3. Necrophorus
  4. Necros Christos
  5. Negant
  6. Negativity
  7. Nekyia
  8. Nemuer
  9. Neon Black
  10. Neon Insect
  11. Neon Lotus
  12. Neronoia
  13. Nervengeist
  14. Neuntoter Der Plage
  15. Neurobox
  16. Neurosis Orchestra
  17. New Frames
  18. New Risen Throne
  19. Nicrotek
  20. Nightech
  21. Nihilum
  22. NMDAmage
  23. Noctilucant
  24. Noctis (Gbr)
  25. Noises Of Russia
  26. Nord Frost (KAZ)
  27. Northaunt
  28. Not Waving
  29. Nox Arcana
  30. Oado
  31. OAKE
  32. Objekt4
  33. Obscuratus
  34. Ocoeur
  35. Old Village
  36. Olhon
  37. Opposer Divine
  38. Ordo Equilibrio
  39. Organium
  40. Ostots
  41. Our Last Rain
  42. Ouroboros (ITA)
  43. Ownsi Lense
  44. Oystein Jorgensen
  45. Pan Sonic
  46. Pan-American
  47. Parallel Worlds
  48. Paranoia Inducta
  49. Parhelion
  50. Past Corridor
  51. Pazuzu (AUT)
  52. Penitent
  53. Penjaga Insaf
  54. Persona (ESP)
  55. Peter Wright
  56. Phaenon
  57. Pharmakon
  58. Phelios
  59. Polmo Polpo
  60. Post Scriptvm
  61. Potemtum And Solitude
  62. Pragnavit
  63. Primus (RUS)
  64. Project Arctic
  65. Proscenium
  66. Proteque
  67. Psychic TV
  68. Psychogeographical Commission
  69. Psychomanteum
  70. Ptarkh
  71. Pupillo, Massimo
  72. Pyramids (USA, TX)
  73. R.K.B. Studio 13
  74. R.roo
  75. Radio Noiseville
  76. Raeven
  77. Rain Drinkers
  78. Raining Forest
  79. Raison D'Etre
  80. Rakoth
  81. Ramihrdus
  82. Raoul Björkenheim
  83. Rapoon
  84. Rasalhague
  85. Rasthof Dachau
  86. Refiner
  87. Reflection of Misery
  88. Regard Extreme
  89. Requiem Of Chaos
  90. Requisitio Sensus Aeternum
  91. Resignation
  92. Rhazos
  93. Ricamatrici Di Silenzio
  94. Right Hand Path
  95. Ringing Emptiness
  96. Rising (DNK)
  97. RNGMNN
  98. Robert Logan
  99. Roberto Crippa
  100. Rom Di Prisco
  101. Rot In Hell
  102. Royb0t
  103. Ryr
  104. S.E.T.I.
  105. S.I.R.S.
  106. Sabled Sun
  107. Sacrimony
  108. Saflin
  109. Sagona Whirpool
  110. Sal Solaris
  111. Sator Absentia
  112. Satori (GBR)
  113. Schachtanlage Gegenort
  114. Schattenspiel
  115. Schneewittchen
  116. Seeker (LBN)
  117. Sektor 304
  118. Senmuth
  119. Seq
  120. Severoth
  121. Sghor
  122. Shadowdream
  123. Shemale
  124. Shrine
  125. Sickness Of Snakes
  126. Siechtum
  127. SiJ
  128. Silcharde
  129. Silence & Strength
  130. Simulacra (BEL)
  132. Six Dead Bulgarians
  133. Sjellos
  134. Sjukstad
  135. Skadi
  136. Skalpell
  137. Skylar Grey
  138. Sleep Chamber
  139. SleepResearch_Facility
  140. Snake Surikov
  141. Snell, Jason
  142. Snowbeasts
  143. Sola Translatio
  144. Solomon Grey
  145. Solypsis
  146. Soma (AUS)
  147. Sombre Sky
  148. Songs From A Tomb
  149. Sophia (SWE)
  150. Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble Of Shadows
  151. Soundbyte
  152. Soundtrack - Games
  153. Spektr
  154. Sphare Sechs
  155. Spherical Disrupted
  156. Stagnat
  157. Stahlwerk 9
  158. Steven Stapleton
  159. Stigma Diabolicum (FRA)
  160. Stormfagel
  161. Stratvm Terror
  162. Stuzha
  163. Subheim
  164. Subterrestrial
  165. Summoning
  166. Sunao Inami
  167. SUNN O)))
  168. Sutcliffe Jügend
  169. Svalbard (NOR)
  170. Svartsinn
  171. Swami LatePlate
  172. Swans
  173. Symbiosis (ITA)
  174. Symphonia Sacrosancta Phasmatvm
  175. Synapsis
  176. Tabor Radosti
  177. Taphephobia
  178. Tba
  179. TC75
  180. Teatro Satanico
  181. Teeth Engraved With The Names Of The Dead
  182. Teho Teardo
  183. TenHornedBeast
  184. Terminal Choice
  185. Terra Sancta
  186. Tether
  187. Thaumiel Sonozaki
  188. The Panacea
  189. The Sarto Klyn V
  190. The [Law-Rah] Collective
  191. Theologian
  192. This Morn' Omina
  193. Tholen
  194. Thorns Of Ivy
  195. Thornsectide
  196. Timba Harris
  197. Todesstoss
  198. Tomb Of Insomnia
  199. Totgeburt (CHE)
  200. Transistor6