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Discography  (total 10 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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With Doom We Come - Summoning 2018 With Doom We Come 8 01:05:01 320 149.05 Mb 1.79€
Old Mornings Dawn (Limited Deluxe Edition) - Summoning 2013 Old Mornings Dawn (Limited Deluxe Edition) 10 01:15:27 320 173.8 Mb 2.17€
Informal Tribute To The Summoning - Summoning 2010 Informal Tribute To The Summoning
[Tribute by Various Artists [Hard] ]
8 01:04:35 VBR-228 122.41 Mb 1.65€
Oath Bound - Summoning 2006 Oath Bound 8 01:09:05 320 158.28 Mb 1.83€
Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame - Summoning 2001 Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame 8 00:56:29 320 129.42 Mb 1.69€
Stronghold - Summoning 2000 Stronghold 9 01:04:21 320 147.48 Mb 1.91€
Dol Guldur - Summoning 1996 Dol Guldur 8 01:08:44 320 157.48 Mb 1.83€
Minas Morgul - Summoning 1995 Minas Morgul 11 01:07:43 320 155.27 Mb 2.21€
Lugburz - Summoning 1994 Lugburz 11 00:50:40 320 116.16 Mb 2.01€
Upon The Viking Stallion (Demo) - Summoning 1993 Upon The Viking Stallion (Demo) 5 00:14:31 192 19.98 Mb 0.75€
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