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Genre: Alternative Style: Alternative Rock
  1. Beangrowers
  2. Bear Colony
  3. Bear In Heaven
  4. Beastie Boys
  5. Beasts Of Bourbon
  6. Beatsteaks
  7. Beau
  8. Beau Coup
  9. Beauti
  10. Beautiful Monument
  11. Beautiful Silence
  12. Beautiful South
  13. Becca
  14. Beck
  15. Beckett, William
  16. BedLight For BlueEyes
  17. Beecake
  18. Bees
  19. Beeswax
  20. Beggar's Bride
  21. Bel Canto
  22. Bela B
  23. Belen Arjona
  24. Believe You Me
  25. Bell, Matthew
  26. Belle & Sebastian
  27. Belle Who
  28. Bellens, Jacob
  29. Bellman
  30. Belly (USA)
  31. Ben Christophers
  32. Ben Folds Five
  33. Ben Gibbard
  34. Ben Harper & The Innocent Criminals
  35. Ben Kenney
  36. Ben Lee
  37. Ben Moody
  38. Ben Rector
  39. Ben Reynolds
  40. Ben's Brother
  41. Bend Sinister
  42. Benedict Benjamin
  43. Benjamin Francis Leftwich
  44. Benjamin R
  45. Benjy Ferree
  46. Benny Mardones
  47. beNuts
  48. Benzin (HUN)
  49. Berggren, Henrik
  50. Bergman, Marie
  51. Berlin Breaks
  52. Berries (GBR)
  53. Berry, Louis
  54. Bertine Zetlitz
  55. Berwanger
  56. Besides
  57. Besnard Lakes
  58. Best Friends
  59. Beta Machine
  60. Beta State
  61. Beth Hart
  62. Beth Thornley
  63. Beth, Jehnny
  64. Bethany
  65. Beths
  66. Beto Cuevas
  67. Better Oblivion Community Center
  68. Better Than Ezra
  69. Bettie Serveert
  70. Between Falls
  71. Between Home And Serenity
  72. Between Kings
  73. Between The Trees
  74. Between You & Me
  75. Beware Of Darkness
  76. Beyond The Morninglight
  77. Beyond The Now
  78. Beyond Today
  79. Beyond Unbroken
  80. Biest
  81. Bif Naked
  82. Big Audio Dynamite
  83. Big Audio Dynamite II
  84. Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
  85. Big band
  86. Big Cyc
  87. Big Daddy Weave
  88. Big Data
  89. Big Deal (GBR)
  90. Big Drill Car
  91. Big Dumb Face
  92. Big Electric Cat
  93. Big Ending
  94. Big Eyes
  95. Big French
  96. Big Little Lions
  97. Big Red Ants
  98. Big Rooster Jeff
  99. Big Scary
  100. Big Sleep (USA)
  101. Big Special
  102. Big Talk
  103. Big'n
  104. BigBang (NOR)
  105. Bill Block
  106. Bill Callahan
  107. Billy
  108. Billy Boy On Poison
  109. Billy Bragg
  110. Billy Corgan
  111. Billy Howerdel
  112. Billy Morrison
  113. Billy Sherwood
  114. Biosystem55
  115. Birch House
  116. Bird Index
  117. Bird Laww
  118. Bird Of Youth
  119. Bird's View
  120. Birdeatsbaby
  121. Birdmask
  122. BirdPen
  123. Birds Of Tokyo
  124. Birdsongs Of The Mesozoic
  125. Birgit|Anderson
  126. Birthday Massacre
  127. Bitch Alert
  128. Bitch Falcon
  129. Bizness Suit
  130. Björk
  131. Black
  132. Black 47
  133. Black Academy
  134. Black and White Years
  135. Black Bayou Construkt
  136. Black Bear Rodeo
  137. Black Belt Eagle Scout
  138. Black Country, New Road
  139. Black Doldrums
  140. Black Ferns
  141. Black Foxxes
  142. Black Francis
  143. Black Heart Procession
  144. Black Light Burns
  145. Black Light Dinner Party
  146. Black Lips
  147. Black Mamba Official
  148. Black Maria
  149. Black Milk (DEU)
  150. Black Moods
  151. Black Needle Noise
  152. Black Onassis
  153. Black Orchid Empire
  154. Black Pajent
  155. Black Proteus
  156. Black Pumas
  157. Black Rabbits
  158. Black Swan Lane
  159. Blackbird Bullet
  160. Blackfield
  161. Blacklist Union
  162. Blackmail (DEU)
  163. Blackout Beach
  164. Blackout Problems
  165. Blacktoothed
  166. Blakc
  167. Blame Me!
  168. Blame Zeus
  169. Blameshift
  170. Blanko
  171. Blaqk Audio
  172. Blash
  173. Blasted Mechanism
  174. Bleach Blonde
  175. Bleachers
  176. Bleed The Day
  177. Bleeding Knees Club
  178. Bleeker
  179. Blenders
  180. Blind (DEU)
  181. Blind Breed
  182. Blind by Noon
  183. Blind Channel
  184. Blind Melon
  185. Blind Rhetoric
  186. Blind Willies
  187. Blind Zero
  188. Blindfold
  189. Blindside (SWE)
  190. Blink-182
  191. Blinker The Star
  192. Blisses B
  193. Blitzen Trapper
  194. Blod, Snatt & Juling
  195. Blondfire
  196. Blondshell
  197. Blood Arm
  198. Blood on the Dance Floor
  199. Bloodbuzz
  200. Bloodhound Gang