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Genre: Rock Style: Progressive Metal
  1. Alex Carpani
  2. Alexander Oden
  3. Alexander Reese
  4. Alghazanth
  5. Algorithm
  6. Alhambra
  7. Alhma Mater
  8. Aliases
  9. Alien Garden
  10. Alinea
  11. Alkahest
  12. AlkAloid
  13. Alkenion
  14. Alkymist
  15. All But Impossible
  16. All That I Bleed
  17. All Too Human
  18. Allos
  19. Allure Of Stellar
  20. Alluvial
  21. Almeida
  22. Almora
  23. Alogia
  24. Alpha Incident
  25. Alphakill
  26. Alpine Fault
  27. Alta Reign
  28. Alter
  29. Alterant
  30. Alternative Quartet
  31. Alternative Ways
  32. Altesia
  33. Althea
  34. Altona
  35. Altura
  36. Alvarez, Andres
  37. Alvath
  38. Alyaz
  39. Alyiria
  40. Am Tuat
  41. Amadeus (USA)
  42. Amaran's Plight
  43. Amarna Sky
  44. Amaros
  45. Amartia
  46. Amaseffer
  47. Amavasya
  48. Amayeta
  49. Amaze Knight
  50. Ambeon
  51. Ambrazura
  52. Ambroza
  53. Ambulanceforamurder
  54. Amen (Hrv)
  55. Ameos
  56. American Hollow
  57. Ameta
  58. Amiensus
  59. Amogh Symphony
  60. Amon Sethis
  61. Amoriello
  62. Amorphis
  63. Amoth
  64. Amr Costandi
  65. Amrinan
  66. An Age Lost
  67. An American Shootout
  68. An Endless Sporadic
  69. An Ocean Above Us
  70. An Ordinary Day
  71. Ana Kefr
  72. Anachronos
  73. Anacrusis
  74. Anaemia (RUS)
  75. Anarchy (USA)
  76. Anarkia (Gtm)
  77. Anasazi
  78. Anathema
  79. Anchoret
  80. Ancient (NOR)
  81. Ancient Cross
  82. Ancients (USA)
  83. Anciients
  84. Anderson, Jonathan
  85. Andragonia
  86. Andre Andersen
  87. Andromeda (SWE, Malmo)
  88. Andromeda Journey
  89. Andromida
  90. Andy James
  91. Andy West
  92. Andy Winter
  93. Anekdoten
  94. Angband
  95. Angel Eyes
  96. Angel Grave
  97. Angel Vivaldi
  98. Angellic Rage
  99. Angels & Demons (ITA)
  100. Angels Grace
  101. Angels On The Battlefield
  102. Angerer, Seth
  103. Angertea
  104. Angle Obscure
  105. Angra
  106. Angst Skvadron
  107. Anguish (DEU)
  108. Ani Lozanova Projekt
  109. Anima (SRB)
  110. Anima Barroca
  111. Anima Tempo
  112. Animals As Leaders
  113. Animations
  114. Animus (USA, NY)
  115. Anisoptera
  116. Ankhaos
  117. Ankhara
  118. ANLMA
  119. Annalist
  120. Annon Vin
  121. Anomy
  122. Another Black Day
  123. Another Dead Hero
  124. Another Destiny Project
  125. Another Life
  126. Another Perfect Day
  127. Another World
  128. Ansible
  129. Ansur
  130. Antalgia
  131. Antarctica Project
  132. Antheus
  133. Anthony, Justin
  134. Anthriel
  135. Anthropia
  136. Anti-Depressive Delivery
  137. Anticlockwise
  138. Antigua And Barbuda
  139. Antihuman
  140. Antipope
  141. Antiquus
  142. Antithesis (USA)
  143. Antlia
  144. Antoine's Legacy
  145. Anton Johansson
  146. Antony Szandor
  147. Antony, Chris
  148. Anubis Gate
  149. Anup Sastry
  150. Anuryzm
  151. AnVision
  152. Anwynn (BEL)
  153. Apallic
  154. Apatheticautopsy
  155. Apathy Noir
  156. Apeiron Bound
  157. Apes With Hobbies
  158. Apex Theory
  159. Aphasia (USA, VA)
  160. Aphelion (CAN)
  161. Aphelion (ITA)
  162. Apneuma
  163. Apocalipsis
  164. Apocalypse (BRA)
  165. Apocrifa
  166. Apokatastasia
  167. Apotheon
  168. Appearance Of Nothing
  169. April Uprising
  170. April Weeps
  171. Aprocessof
  172. Aquila (DEU)
  173. Aquilon
  174. ARA KRA
  175. ArA'KuS
  176. Arabesque (NLD)
  177. Aracner
  178. Arameus
  179. Arapacis
  180. Arbiter
  181. Arbitrary
  182. Arbitrator (CAN)
  183. Arbor Vitae
  184. Arbrynth
  185. Arcade Messiah
  186. Arcana Collective
  187. Arcane
  188. Arcane Construct
  189. Arcane Reality
  190. Arcanum (CAN)
  191. Arch Echo
  192. Archaeologist
  193. Archaic Revival
  194. Archangel (GBR)
  195. Archangel (IND)
  196. Archangel (Ita, Milan)
  197. Archelon
  198. Archetype (ITA)
  199. Archetype (USA)
  200. Architect Behind It All