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Discography  (total 15 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Cycles Of Pain - Angra 2023 Cycles Of Pain 12 00:58:30 320 135.33 Mb 2.24€
Ømni - Angra 2018 Ømni 11 01:00:44 320 140.13 Mb 2.13€
Secret Garden - Angra 2015 Secret Garden 10 00:49:00 320 112.33 Mb 1.86€
Secret Garden (CD 1) - Angra 2015 Secret Garden (CD 1) 10 00:48:58 320 114.65 Mb 1.87€
Secret Garden (CD 2) - Angra 2015 Secret Garden (CD 2) 11 01:01:08 320 142.74 Mb 2.14€
Aqua - Angra 2010 Aqua 11 00:53:10 320 121.92 Mb 2.04€
Aurora Consurgens - Angra 2006 Aurora Consurgens 10 00:50:42 320 116.3 Mb 1.88€
Rebirth  (remastered) - Angra 2005 Rebirth (remastered) 11 00:57:03 VBR-281 105.89 Mb 1.96€
Temple Of Shadows - Angra 2004 Temple Of Shadows 13 01:06:25 320 152.27 Mb 2.45€
Rebirth - Angra 2001 Rebirth 10 00:52:48 320 121.02 Mb 1.91€
Fireworks - Angra 1998 Fireworks 10 00:57:34 320 131.97 Mb 1.96€
Holy Land - Angra 1996 Holy Land 10 00:56:42 320 129.92 Mb 1.95€
Reaching Horizons (Demo) - Angra 1996 Reaching Horizons (Demo) 9 00:53:19 320 123.68 Mb 1.79€
Eyes Of Christ (Demo) - Angra 1996 Eyes Of Christ (Demo) 12 01:04:35 128 59.73 Mb 1.86€
Angels Cry - Angra 1993 Angels Cry 10 00:55:45 320 127.83 Mb 1.94€
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