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Billy Idol

Billy Idol
Billy Idol (William Michael Albert Broad)
Rock  /  New Age  /  Electronica  /  Pop
New Wave  /  Pop Rock  /  Hard Rock  /  Album Rock  /  Techno  /  Heavy Metal  /  Punk Rock
Discography  (total 11 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Kings & Queens of the Underground - Billy Idol (William Michael Albert Broad) 2014 Kings & Queens of the Underground 12 00:51:55
Kings & Queens Of The Underground (LP 1) - Billy Idol (William Michael Albert Broad) 2014 Kings & Queens Of The Underground (LP 1) 8 00:34:57
Kings & Queens Of The Underground (LP 2) - Billy Idol (William Michael Albert Broad) 2014 Kings & Queens Of The Underground (LP 2) 3 00:12:51
Happy Holidays - Billy Idol (William Michael Albert Broad) 2006 Happy Holidays 17 00:46:41
Devil's Playground - Billy Idol (William Michael Albert Broad) 2005 Devil's Playground 13 00:54:32
Cyberpunk - Billy Idol (William Michael Albert Broad) 1993 Cyberpunk 20 01:12:02
Charmed Life - Billy Idol (William Michael Albert Broad) 1990 Charmed Life 11 00:54:23
Charmed Life (LP) - Billy Idol (William Michael Albert Broad) 1990 Charmed Life (LP) 11 00:53:29
Whiplash Smile - Billy Idol (William Michael Albert Broad) 1986 Whiplash Smile 10 00:45:41
Rebel Yell - Billy Idol (William Michael Albert Broad) 1983 Rebel Yell 9 00:38:12
Billy Idol - Billy Idol (William Michael Albert Broad) 1982 Billy Idol 10 00:39:36
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