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Genre: Alternative Style: EBM / Aggrotech / Industrial Dance
  1. Nah, Simi
  2. Nahtaivel
  3. NamNamBulu
  4. Nature Destroyed
  5. Nature Of Wires
  6. Navy Bruise
  7. Nazi Bastards From Aldebaran
  8. Nebula-H
  9. Necessary Response
  10. Necro Facility
  11. Necro Stellar
  12. Necrophone
  13. Necrotekk
  14. Necrotoxicoz
  15. Negant
  16. Negative Format
  17. Neon Cage Experiment
  18. Neon Judgement
  19. Neotek
  20. Nero, Alessandro
  21. Neuroactive
  22. Neuromantik
  23. Neurotech
  24. Neurotoxik
  25. Neuvision
  26. Neverdice
  27. Nexus VI
  28. Nghtly
  29. Night Haze
  30. Nightsicles
  31. Nine Inch Nails
  32. Ninetwelve
  33. Ninja Tracks
  34. Nitzer Ebb
  35. NNHMN
  36. Noctis Null
  37. Noidz
  38. Noir (USA)
  39. Noise Process
  40. Noise Resistance
  41. Noise Unit
  42. NoLongerHuman
  43. Non-Aggression Pact
  44. NordarR
  45. Norderney
  46. Nordschlacht
  47. Northborne
  48. Nostromo (DEU)
  49. Not Waving
  50. Nothing Nada
  51. Nousia
  52. Novakill
  53. Novastorm
  54. November Process
  55. NOVO
  56. Noxious Emotion
  57. NTRSN
  58. nTTx
  59. Nude
  60. Null Device
  61. Null Factor
  62. Nurzery [Rhymes]
  63. NVMPH
  64. NYXX
  65. NZ (AUT)
  66. Oberer Totpunkt
  67. Object
  68. Obscenity Trial
  69. Obsidian (RUS)
  70. OctoLab
  71. ODDKO
  72. Okkulta
  73. Onenine
  74. Oomph!
  75. Operating Tracks
  76. Opposer Divine
  77. Orange Sector
  78. Orbicide
  79. Orbitales DarkSound
  80. Order Of The Static Temple
  81. Ordnance (USA)
  82. Out Out
  83. Outpost 11
  84. Outside Agency
  85. Outsource
  86. Overflash
  87. Overlookers
  88. Ovriga
  89. Oxomaxoma
  90. P24
  91. Pablo Bozzi
  92. Pagan Struck
  93. Pail
  94. Pain Machinery
  95. Painbastard
  96. Pandoria
  97. Panic Lift
  98. Pankow
  99. Pantser Fabriek
  100. Para/Normal
  101. Paracont
  102. Parallel Project
  103. Paranoid (DEU)
  104. Parasite Of God
  105. Pasiphae
  106. Patenbrigade: Wolff
  107. Patient 36
  108. Paul Mørk
  109. Pecadores
  110. Perfecthate
  111. Perturbator
  112. Perverse Teens
  113. Peryl
  114. Petra Flurr
  115. Petrosino, Domenico
  116. Phase Fatale
  117. Phaser Kontrol
  118. Phenotract
  119. Philos Deploys
  120. Photonz
  121. Pierrepoint
  122. PIG
  123. Piscide
  124. PitchBlack Inc.
  125. Pitchshifter
  126. Pittersplatter
  127. Placebo Effect
  128. Plague Pits
  129. Planet B
  130. Plastic Noise Experience
  131. Poppy
  132. Pordiozero
  133. Portion Control
  134. Post Death Soundtrack
  135. Pouppee Fabrikk
  136. Prager Handgriff
  137. Pray Project
  138. Prayer (GBR)
  139. PreEmptive Strike 0.1
  140. Present Moment
  141. Preussak
  142. Primitive Race
  143. Pro Patria
  144. Probe
  145. Probe 7
  146. Proceed
  147. Prodigy
  148. Project Pitchfork
  149. Project-X
  150. Projekt 26
  151. Projekt203
  152. Prometheus Burning
  153. Prophets Of The New Machine
  154. Protectorate
  155. Prothese
  156. Proyecto Crisis
  157. Pseudokrupp Project
  158. PsioniC
  159. Psy-Kick
  160. Psybolord
  161. Psyborg Corp
  162. Psychic Force
  163. Psycho Circus
  164. Psyclon Nine
  165. PTYL
  166. Pull Rank
  167. Pulsar (RUS)
  168. Pulse Legion
  169. Pulse State (USA)
  170. Punto Omega
  171. Purple Fog Side
  172. PutaShriek
  173. Pyrroline
  174. Pzychobitch
  175. Qual
  176. R.K.B. Studio 13
  177. Rabia Sorda
  178. Radikal Kuss
  179. Ravenous (DEU)
  180. Raw Ambassador
  181. Ray Noir
  182. Razed In Black
  183. Razorback Hollow
  184. Razorfade
  185. RE-AKTIV
  186. Re:\Legion
  187. Reactor7x
  188. ReAdjust
  189. Reality's Despair
  190. Reaper (DEU)
  191. Reaver
  192. Rebel Empire
  193. Rector Scanner
  194. Red Cell
  195. Red Flag (GBR)
  196. Red Lokust
  197. Refiner
  198. Regenerator
  199. Reichsfeind
  200. Rein (SWE)