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Genre: Rock Style: Sympho-Black
  1. ...And Oceans
  2. 13 Winters
  3. Aborym
  4. Absentia (ESP)
  5. Abstrusa Unde
  6. Abysmal Gates
  7. Abyssos
  8. Acheronian Scar
  9. Ad Inferna
  10. Advent Fog
  11. Aedera Obscura
  12. Aeons Confer
  13. Aetheric Existence
  14. Aevlord
  15. Agathodaimon
  16. Aherusia
  17. Aisling
  18. Akroma
  19. Al'Tyr
  20. Alghazanth
  21. All-Devouring Light
  22. Allegiance (FRA)
  23. Alpthraum
  24. Alptraum (USA)
  25. Amongst the Moonlight
  26. An Argency
  27. Anarkia (FRA)
  28. Ancestral Legacy
  29. Ancient Ceremony
  30. Ancient Wisdom
  31. Anima Sementis
  32. Anno Domini
  33. Anorexia Nervosa
  34. Antecantamentum
  35. Anthelion
  36. Apocryphal (BLR)
  37. Apostasia
  38. Apostasy (SWE)
  39. Apotheosis (Mlt)
  40. Appalachian Winter (PA)
  41. Arcanorum Astrum
  42. Arcturus (NOR)
  43. Argenthorns
  44. Artefacts
  45. Arthemesia
  46. Arvakh
  47. Asgaard
  48. Asguard
  49. Ashes Of Dagoth
  50. Astarium
  51. Astaroth (AUT)
  52. Astaroth (ITA, Catania)
  53. Astovidatu
  54. Astral Emersion
  55. Atmosphera Post Mortem
  56. Atra Mustum
  57. Atritas
  58. Aura Noire
  59. Avatar (BEL)
  60. Axamenta
  61. Azmodan
  62. Bastard of Loran
  63. Bealiah
  64. Benatnash
  65. Bergthron
  66. Bernatchez
  67. Betrayer Of Light
  68. Bishop of Hexen
  69. Black Countess
  70. Black Messiah
  71. Black Palace Symphony
  72. Blacksun Horizon
  73. Blasphemium
  74. Blazing War Machine
  75. Bleeding Sun
  76. Blinded By Faith
  77. Blood Covenant
  78. Bloody Cumshot
  79. Bothildir
  80. Breathing Process
  81. Brudywr
  82. Candles And Wraiths
  83. Cantu Ignis
  84. Capitollium
  85. Carach Angen
  86. Carach Angren
  87. Cemeterial
  88. Ceremonial Embrace
  89. Cerimonial Sacred
  90. Cernunnos (USA)
  91. Christian Epidemic
  92. ChthoniC
  93. Cian (RUS)
  94. Circle (DEU)
  95. Citadel (FRA)
  96. Coated With Filth
  97. Comedie Macabre
  98. Cor Scorpii
  99. Corvus Corax (USA)
  100. Cradle Of Filth
  101. Cronian
  102. Crossover (GRC)
  103. Cruentus
  104. Crusado Orchestra
  105. Crux Caelifera
  106. Crying Blood
  107. Cryogenic (DEU)
  108. Cryptic Death
  109. Cryptic Garden Of Soul
  110. Cryptik Howling
  111. Crystal Abyss
  112. Cupola
  113. Cyclopean
  114. Daemonicium
  115. Daemonlord
  116. Dagorlad
  117. Dana
  118. Dark Inversion
  119. Dark Lay Still
  120. Dark Ring
  121. Dark Symphony
  122. Darkend
  123. Datura Stramonium
  124. Def/Light
  125. Deimhal
  126. Dekadent
  127. Demogorgon (RUS)
  128. Destinity
  129. Devil-May-Care
  130. Devilwraith
  131. Devotus Regnum
  132. Diabolic Phantasma
  133. Diabolical Breed
  134. Dialectic Soul
  135. Diaokhi
  136. Dimmu Bongir
  137. Dimmu Borgir
  138. Disolvo Animus
  139. DivahaR
  140. Divine Symphony
  141. Dominia
  142. Doomsday Pandemonium
  143. Dorn
  144. Dornenreich
  145. Draconian Order
  146. Draconic
  147. Dragonlord
  148. Dryadel
  149. Dryados
  150. Dunkelstorm
  151. Dynasty Of Darkness
  152. Dysrancor
  153. Eclipse (POL)
  154. Elderblood
  155. Elvira Madigan
  156. Emarebil Nocturna
  157. Embryonic Cells
  158. Emperor (NOR)
  159. Empyre (USA)
  160. Empyrion
  161. Enid (DEU)
  162. Enslavement of Beauty
  163. Entropia Invictus
  164. Episode 13
  165. Ermon
  166. Escadaia
  167. Essence Of Existence
  168. Eternal Samhain
  169. Eternium
  170. Ethereal (COL)
  171. Ethereal Sin
  172. Evanescent Soul
  173. Evil Lucifera
  174. Evol (ITA)
  175. Ex Oblivion
  176. Eyes Of Noctum
  177. Faanefjell
  178. Fall Ov Serafim
  179. Festerguts
  180. Fiendlord
  181. Finnugor
  182. FollowBane
  183. Folterkammer
  184. Forsaken Eternity
  185. Frosthammer
  186. Frozen Gate
  187. Frozenpath
  188. Funeris Nocturnum
  189. Furia (FRA)
  190. Gardsghastr
  191. Gates of Chaos
  192. Gentihaa
  193. Gloomy Grim
  194. Gloomy Radiance Of The Moon
  195. Glorious Night
  196. Godeatertx
  197. Golden Dawn
  198. Golgota
  199. Grailight
  200. Grand Alchemist