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Dimmu Borgir

Discography  (total 22 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Inspiratio Profanus - Dimmu Borgir 2023 Inspiratio Profanus 8 00:31:53
Dust of Cold Memories - Dimmu Borgir 2022 Dust of Cold Memories 11 00:55:51
Eonian (CD 1) - Dimmu Borgir 2018 Eonian (CD 1) 10 00:54:20
Eonian (CD 2: Demos) - Dimmu Borgir 2018 Eonian (CD 2: Demos) 5 00:28:51
Abrahadabra - Dimmu Borgir 2010 Abrahadabra 12 00:59:39
Abrahadabra (Mailorder Edition) - Dimmu Borgir 2010 Abrahadabra (Mailorder Edition) 14 01:09:39
Enthrone Darkness Triumphant (1997 Re-Released) - Dimmu Borgir 2008 Enthrone Darkness Triumphant (1997 Re-Released) 11 00:56:58
In Sorte Diaboli (US edition) - Dimmu Borgir 2007 In Sorte Diaboli (US edition) 10 00:47:23
In Sorte Diaboli (European Edition Version) - Dimmu Borgir 2007 In Sorte Diaboli (European Edition Version) 10 00:48:36
Stormblast (Re-recorded ver. 2005) CD1 - Dimmu Borgir 2005 Stormblast (Re-recorded ver. 2005) CD1 11 00:51:18
Stormblast (Re-recorded ver. 2005) CD2 - Dimmu Borgir 2005 Stormblast (Re-recorded ver. 2005) CD2 5 00:28:25
Death Cult Armageddon - Dimmu Borgir 2003 Death Cult Armageddon 12 01:05:40
Death Cult Armageddon (Without Guitars And Drums) - Dimmu Borgir 2003 Death Cult Armageddon (Without Guitars And Drums) 13 01:16:06
Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia - Dimmu Borgir 2001 Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia 12 01:03:04
Spiritual Black Dimensions (Russian Version) - Dimmu Borgir 2001 Spiritual Black Dimensions (Russian Version) 12 01:03:50
Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia (Remixed & Remastered 2022) - Dimmu Borgir 2001 Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia (Remixed & Remastered 2022) 13 01:09:50
Spiritual Black Dimensions - Dimmu Borgir 1999 Spiritual Black Dimensions 9 00:49:04
Sons of Satan Gather for Attack (Devil's Path / In the Shades of Life ) (split) - Dimmu Borgir 1999 Sons of Satan Gather for Attack (Devil's Path / In the Shades of Life ) (split)
[Split with Old Man's Child ]
9 00:45:26 192 62.51 Mb 1.48€
Enthrone Darkness Triumphant - Dimmu Borgir 1997 Enthrone Darkness Triumphant 11 00:56:26
Stormblast - Dimmu Borgir 1996 Stormblast 10 00:49:35
For All Tid - Dimmu Borgir 1994 For All Tid 11 00:50:31
Inn I Evighetens Morke - Dimmu Borgir 1994 Inn I Evighetens Morke 3 00:12:34
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