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Genre: Rock Style: Instrumental/Acoustic Rock
  1. 10 Years
  2. 2-Sided Triangle
  3. 23-Infinity
  4. 30 Seconds To Mars
  5. 35007
  6. 3nd
  7. 3thera
  8. A Distorted Utopia
  9. A Nice Day For An Earthquake
  10. A Slow In Dance
  11. Aberration
  12. Abstract
  13. Adam Loveridge
  14. Admiral Browning
  15. Aeli, Manu
  16. Aether Realm
  17. Aetos
  18. Affinity (USA)
  19. After Nations
  20. Ainulindale
  21. Airships On The Waterv
  22. Akira Takasaki
  23. Alberto Rigoni
  24. Alejandro Silva
  25. Alessandro Montoro
  26. Alex Fox
  27. Alex Grata
  28. Alexander Oden
  29. Alien Blakk
  30. Alissa White-Gluz
  31. Alkalys
  32. All The Cold
  33. All Will Know
  34. Allstar Project
  35. AlmA (RUS)
  36. Alms
  37. Alquin
  38. Alvarado, Leon
  39. Amber (CHN)
  40. Ambitious Noise
  41. An Emerald City
  42. Anand
  43. Anand Mahangoe
  44. AndishiA
  45. Andrew Bird
  46. Andromeda Journey
  47. Andy James
  48. Andy West
  49. Angelica (CAN)
  50. Angels
  51. Angra
  52. Animals As Leaders
  53. Anix
  54. Ankor
  55. Anthem (FIN)
  56. Anthony, Justin
  57. Antihuman
  58. Antoine Dufour
  59. Antonello Giliberto
  60. Antti Martikainen
  61. Anxtron
  62. Aphelion (ITA)
  63. Arcade Messiah
  64. Arcazas
  65. Archaic Revival
  66. Archangel (GBR)
  67. Archangel (IND)
  68. Architect Behind It All
  69. Architects
  70. Are We Alive
  71. Arekat, Zaina
  72. ArneL
  73. Artificial Fear
  74. Artificial Waves
  75. As Seas Exhale
  76. Asap Inev
  77. Asgaard
  78. Astrohenge
  79. At War With Self
  80. Ataris
  81. Athal
  82. Atomic Unit
  83. Au Revoir (USA)
  84. Audio Construction Lab
  85. August Burns Red
  86. Austin TV
  87. Australasia
  88. Auto!Automatic!!
  89. Autumn Project
  90. Avangard
  91. Avensis
  92. Avenue Blue
  93. Avishay Mizrav
  94. Ayden
  95. Bad Weather Birds
  96. Bakerton Group
  97. Bantar
  98. Bards Of Antiquity
  99. Bare, Jon
  100. Barish Kepic
  101. Barracuda Bomb
  102. Basement Paintings
  103. Baskar
  104. Bateleur
  105. Battle (USA)
  106. Beaten By Them
  107. Because Of Ghosts
  108. Before The Eyewall
  109. Bell Orchestre
  110. Ben Carroll
  111. Ben Howard
  112. Ben Reynolds
  113. Ben Rogers' Instrumental Asylum
  114. Berends, Bill
  115. BeSpaleva
  116. Best Pessimist
  117. Bethany Dillon
  118. Beyond (USA)
  119. Beyond The Black
  120. Beyond The Woods
  121. Beyond Us
  122. Big Dead
  123. Big Sky Conspiracy
  124. Bijelo Dugme
  125. Bill Lubera
  126. Bill Orcutt
  127. Billie Eilish
  128. Bitum's
  129. Black Aces
  130. Black Magick SS
  131. Blame Zeus
  132. Bleeding Skies
  133. Bloodfactory
  134. Blylod
  135. Bob Katsionis
  136. Boccarusso, Andrea
  137. Bodley, Sean
  138. Bombastic Meatbats
  139. Bonilla Morales, Adan
  140. Booker T & The MG's
  141. Bootcut
  142. Botulinus Toxic
  143. Boys Of Country Nashville
  144. Brasstronaut
  145. Break (AUS)
  146. Brewster, David
  147. Bronze Fawn
  148. Brothers In Groove
  149. Brous One
  150. Bruce & Brian Becvar
  151. Bruce Bouillet
  152. Bruce Dickinson
  153. Brunette, Brad
  154. Bubba James
  155. Buckethead
  156. Building Upon The Revelation
  157. Burnt Belief
  158. Butch IV
  159. Cakewalk (NOR)
  160. Calderone, Joe
  161. California Guitar Trio
  162. California Smile
  163. Camaron Mantis
  164. Cancer Conspiracy
  165. Carlos Lichman
  166. Carlos Osnaya
  167. Carnac (USA)
  168. Cartoon Theory
  169. Casswell, Michael
  170. Castro, Jose de
  171. Caves Of Steel
  172. Celestial Voyager
  173. Cello Fury
  174. Celso Machado
  175. Cesar Huesca
  176. Chaheen, Gabriel
  177. Chelsea Wolfe
  178. CherMen
  179. Cheshire Cat
  180. Chinaski (USA)
  181. Chris Degiovine
  182. Chris Nalbandian
  183. Chronologist
  184. Church (DEU)
  185. Circle Of Kvar
  186. Circles
  187. Cires, Michel
  188. Cities of the Plain
  189. Citizen Cope
  190. Citizens
  191. Citowicz, Andrzej
  192. City Of The Lost
  193. Claudio Cordero
  194. Cliff Richard
  195. Cloudkicker
  196. Code I
  197. Coffin Daggers
  198. Colonize
  199. Comacozer
  200. Combate SP