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Genre: Pop Style: Disco
  1. 2 Live Jews
  2. 3OH!3
  3. 6th Borough Project
  4. 80's Revolution (CD Series)
  5. A La Carte
  6. Aérea Negrot
  7. A-VIA
  8. Aaron, George
  9. ABBA
  10. ABBAcadabra
  11. Ace Young
  12. Acid Arab
  13. Acid Washed
  14. Action Nano
  15. ADC Band
  16. Addis Black Widow
  17. Adversus
  18. Adya Classic
  19. Aeroplane
  20. Afric Simone
  21. Afrodita
  22. Agar Agar
  23. Agle
  24. Agora (Gbr)
  25. Ajello
  26. Al Hudson
  27. Alan Brando
  28. Albert One
  29. Albert West
  30. Alec R. Costandinos
  31. Aleph
  32. Alexander Robotnick
  33. Alexis (ITA)
  34. Ali Love
  35. Alice in Videoland
  36. Alyssa Milano
  37. Amadeus Liszt
  38. Amanda Lear
  39. Ambient Jazz Ensemble
  40. Amii Stewart
  41. An.Gel
  42. Andrea True Connection
  43. Andy Gibb
  44. Andy Romano
  45. Apollonia 6
  46. Appaloosa
  47. Apple Scruffs
  48. Aquarian Dream
  49. Arabesque (DEU)
  50. Ark, Victor
  51. Army of Lovers
  52. Arrington, Steve
  53. Arthur Russell
  54. Artificial Arm
  55. Atrium (ITA)
  56. Attitude (USA)
  57. Aurolab
  58. Aurra
  59. Away Team
  60. Axodry
  61. Azul Y Negro
  62. B.B. & QBand
  63. B.T. Express
  64. Babe
  65. Baccara
  66. Baciotti
  67. Bad Boys Blue
  68. Bag Raiders
  69. Bainas, Thomas
  70. Baldelli, Daniele
  71. Baltimora
  72. Barbados
  73. Barbarella (ITA)
  74. Barrabas (ESP)
  75. Barry White
  76. Barry, Alan
  77. Barry, Claudja
  78. Bastian (NLD)
  79. Bataan, Joe
  80. Baxter (FIN)
  81. Beatconductor
  82. Beaters
  83. Beatfanatic
  84. Bebu Silvetti
  85. Bee Gees
  86. Benet, Donny
  87. Betamaxx
  88. Beverley Knight
  89. Bila, Lucie
  90. Billie Ray Martin
  91. Billy Ocean
  92. Bimbo Jet
  93. Bisquit
  94. Black Angel (ITA)
  95. Black Jack (DEU)
  96. Black Legend
  97. Blondie
  98. Bloody Beetroots
  99. Bloom 06
  100. Blue Magic
  101. Blue System
  102. Bobby Farrell
  103. Bobby O
  104. Bobby Solo
  105. Bobby Thurston
  106. Bobbysocks
  107. Body Heat Gang Band
  108. Body Language
  109. BogDan Hair
  110. Bombay Royale
  111. Bombers
  112. Boney M
  113. Bonnie & Klein
  114. Boomerang Club Band
  115. Bootsy Collins
  116. Boss in Drama
  117. Boys Next Door (DEU)
  118. Brad Shitt
  119. BRADIO
  120. Brainstorm (USA, MCH)
  121. Brand Image
  122. Brass Construction
  123. Brecker Brothers
  124. Brian Ice
  125. Brick
  126. Brite Lite Brite
  127. Brooklyn Dreams
  128. Brotherhood Of Man
  129. Brothers Johnson
  130. Brunner & Brunner
  131. Bryant, Leon
  132. Buari
  133. Bubi Elektrick
  134. Bunny X
  135. Bye Bye Bicycle
  136. C. M. Lord
  137. C.C. Catch
  138. Calvin Harris
  139. Cameo
  140. Camero, Robert
  141. Camouflage (DEU)
  142. Candido
  143. Candies
  144. Canyons
  145. Caprice (USA)
  146. Captain Hollywood Project
  147. Captain Planet
  148. Carina Molto
  149. Carl Douglas
  150. Carlita
  151. Carol Douglas
  152. Casanova (ITA)
  153. Casino Inc.
  154. Casio Social Club
  155. Cattaneo, Ivan
  156. Celi Bee
  157. Cerrone
  158. Change
  159. Charanjit Singh
  160. Charlotte Perrelli
  161. Cheese People
  162. Cherokey
  163. Cherry Laine
  164. Cheryl Ladd
  165. Cheryl Lynn
  166. Chi-Lites
  167. Chic
  168. Chilly
  169. Chinese Theatre
  170. Christophe Deschamps
  171. Civil Civic
  172. Clifford, Linda
  173. Clinton
  174. Clio & Kay
  175. Clio (ITA)
  176. Cobra Man
  177. Coil
  178. Cola Boyy
  179. Collage (US, CA)
  180. Collage (US, NY)
  181. Colonia
  182. Con Funk Shun
  183. Conde, Kristian
  184. Confidence Man
  185. Conga Squad
  186. Constructorr
  187. Controller.Controller
  188. Cool Million
  189. Cool Notes
  190. Coupe & Anilasor
  191. Cowley, Patrick
  192. Crawford, Caroline
  193. Crazy P
  194. Creme D'Cocoa
  195. Crown Heights Affair
  196. Crystal Castles
  197. Crystal Grass
  198. Curd, James
  199. Cut Copy
  200. D'Angio, Pino