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Genre: Rock Style: Groove Metal
  1. Recourse
  2. Recovery Mission
  3. Rectify
  4. Recycle To The Soil
  5. Red Cain
  6. Red Chord
  7. Red Death (USA, NY)
  8. Red Desert
  9. Red Eyes (CHE)
  10. Red Generation
  11. Red Method
  12. Redeemed In Pain
  13. Redemption Song
  14. Redentor
  15. Reduction
  16. Reflect
  17. Regicide (GBR)
  18. Regular Gonzales
  19. Rehen
  20. Reign Of Lies
  21. Reject
  22. Reject Messiah
  23. Rejection
  24. Relic
  25. Relive Your Fall
  26. Remassacre
  27. Remembering Never
  28. Remnants Of Tortured
  29. Renegade (AUS)
  30. Renegade (USA)
  31. Reno
  32. Rentokiller
  33. Repay
  34. Reproach
  35. Reproacher
  36. Reshaper
  37. Resist Control
  38. Resistance (SWE)
  39. Resolution 13
  40. Restless Mind (RUS)
  41. Restrains
  42. Retox
  43. Retrogression
  44. Retrovertigo
  45. Reveal (NLD)
  46. Revenge (USA)
  47. Revenge Division
  48. Revengia
  49. Reverent Circle
  50. Revolting Breed
  51. Revolutio
  52. Revulsion (GBR)
  53. rHELLigion
  54. Rifium
  55. Rigore
  56. Ringworm
  57. Rise (POL)
  58. Rise And Fall
  59. Rise As One
  60. Rise Of Tyrants
  61. Rise Or Die
  62. Risen Dread
  63. Rising (DNK)
  64. Rising Storm (POL)
  65. Risk It
  66. Ritam Nereda
  67. Rite (RUS)
  68. Rivalry
  69. River Black
  70. River Crow
  71. Rivkit
  72. Roadhaul
  73. Rollin Wallowin
  74. Romeo Must Die
  75. Ropewalk
  76. Rosesdead
  77. Roseview
  78. Rostok Vampires
  79. Ruckus (USA, LA)
  80. Rugged Spud
  81. Ruiner
  82. Rujo
  83. Rumors Of Gehenna
  84. Run Over
  85. Run With The Hunted
  86. Runt
  87. S-tool
  88. S-Тооl
  89. S.R.B.
  90. Sa-Da-Ko
  91. Sabertooth Zombie
  92. Sabrewulf
  93. Sacrifice Nothing
  94. Saetia
  95. Sai Nam
  96. Saint Godfather
  97. Saint Lucifer
  98. SakeRed
  99. Salvation (USA)
  100. Samadhi Sitaram
  101. Samael's Fall
  102. Sami Anttila
  103. Sandglass
  104. Sao
  105. Saphena
  106. Sappy Bell
  107. Sarabante
  108. Sarang
  109. Sarepta
  110. Sarkazein
  111. Sarvas
  112. Satiracy
  113. Satura Lanx
  114. Saving Grace
  115. Saviour (AUS)
  116. Scapegoat (USA, Kansas)
  117. Scar For Life
  118. ScaredyCats
  119. Scarefield
  120. Scarlet Phantom
  121. Scars of Life
  122. Scars Of Tomorrow
  123. Scent
  124. Scharbock
  125. Schizma
  126. Schiztome
  127. Schlagwetter
  128. Science Of Disorder
  129. Scila
  130. Scorn (USA)
  131. Scound
  132. Scourge (USA)
  133. Scream Of Shadows
  134. Screamin' Silence
  135. Screams Of Erida
  136. Screams Of Hate
  137. Scribe
  138. Scritikall
  139. Scrotum Grinder
  140. Scrutiny
  141. Scum Banditz
  142. Scumback
  143. Scumshot
  144. Sealed By Blood
  145. Seamy Side
  146. Secretum
  147. SECT (USA)
  148. Sectile
  149. Section 8
  150. Security Threat
  151. Seed Of Pain
  152. Seek Nothing
  153. Sees
  154. SegarXBugar
  155. Segression
  156. Sekht
  157. Self Torture
  158. Selfish Hate
  159. Selfless Abuse
  160. Selfmachine
  161. Sem Resposta
  162. Send More Paramedics
  163. Senor Flores
  164. Sentence
  165. Sentiments (AUS)
  166. Septembers Ash
  167. Sepultura
  168. Serpentcult
  169. Serpentine (GRC)
  170. Sessions
  171. Setback
  172. Settle The Score
  173. Setup
  174. Setwall
  175. Setyoursails
  176. Seven Generations
  177. Seven Hill Psychos
  178. Seven Iron Kicks
  179. SevenLastWordsOfChrist
  180. Seventh Star
  181. Seventribe
  182. Severance (BEL)
  183. Seversun
  184. Sex Wizard
  185. Shadow of Everest
  186. Shadow Reaper
  187. Shadow Spectrum
  188. Shadows Fall
  189. Shahid
  190. Shaped by fate
  191. Sharkpunch
  192. Sharp End First
  193. Shatter (CZE)
  194. Shattered Realm
  195. Shattered Skies
  196. She Rides
  197. Shelter (USA)
  198. Shevils
  199. Shift Inc
  200. Shikari