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Genre: Rock Style: Groove Metal
  1. 100 Demons
  2. 100 Dogmas
  3. 1000Dead
  4. 108
  5. 1125
  6. 11th Plague
  7. 13Nerve
  8. 13th Draft
  9. 23:19
  10. 25 Ta Life
  11. 3 Stages Of Pain
  12. 30 Cent Solution
  13. 37 Stabwoundz
  14. 38 Daybreak
  15. 3oT7
  16. 4 In The Chamber
  17. 4 Stories Deep
  18. 40 Below Summer
  19. 40 SLS
  20. 40 ТОНН
  21. 5 Billion Dead
  22. 50 Caliber
  23. 50 Lions
  24. 5RAND
  25. 6 Weapons
  26. 7 Angels 7 Plagues
  27. 7 Method
  28. 7000 Dying Rats
  29. 8control
  30. 902
  31. 9mm Solution
  32. 9th Corner
  33. A Black Rose Burial
  34. A Breath Before Surfacing
  35. A Cripple Stole My Leg
  36. A Cryptic Ending
  37. A Descent In Graves
  38. A Different Self
  39. A Fall Farewell
  40. A Fight for Life
  41. A Fleeting Farewell
  42. A Living Burden
  43. A Need For Reason
  44. A Past Unknown
  45. A Strength Within
  46. A Taste For Murder
  47. Abandon All Hope
  48. Abattoir Murders
  49. Aberrance
  50. Aberration Within Arcadia
  51. Abhorrance
  52. Abhorrence (SVK)
  53. Abiogene
  54. Abnormal End
  55. Abolish
  56. Aborted Hero
  57. Above the Stars
  58. Above This Fire
  59. Abraxis
  60. Absent Society
  61. Absidia (DEU)
  62. Absolution Free
  63. Abstract Virus
  64. Abusive Process
  65. Abysmia
  66. According To You
  67. Accrue
  68. Accuracy
  69. Acedia (USA)
  70. Achilles
  71. AcidMorph
  72. Across the Justice
  73. Across The Sun
  74. Act of Denial
  75. Acursed
  76. Adam Drew
  77. Adelleda
  78. Adhaia
  79. Adore Miridia
  80. Adrenal Asphyxia
  81. Advent (USA, NC)
  82. Advocates
  83. Aechoes
  84. Aerial Blacked
  85. Afreudianslip
  86. After Dark I Bleed
  87. After Smoke Clears
  88. Afterbirth (GBR)
  89. Against (ARG)
  90. Against The Archaic
  91. Age Of End
  92. Agents Of Man
  93. Aggro
  94. Aghast (FRA)
  95. Agitator (USA)
  96. Agraceful
  97. Agresia
  98. AID
  99. Aikia
  100. Akani
  101. Akasha (ESP)
  102. Akatu
  103. Alaskan (USA)
  104. Alastor (POL)
  105. Alcatraz (USA)
  106. Alcina
  107. Alejandro Silva
  108. Alekto
  109. Alesana
  110. Alias (ECU)
  111. Alinfierno
  112. Alkira
  113. All Against
  114. All Else Failed
  115. All Guns Blazing
  116. All I've Got
  117. All Kings Fall
  118. All Out Mutiny
  119. All Out War
  120. All Pigs Must Die
  121. All The Arms We Need
  122. All The Hellbound
  123. Alligator (UKR)
  124. Allura
  125. Almighty Punchdrunk
  126. Almost Dead
  127. Almost Honest
  128. Almost Is Nothing
  129. Alove For Enemies
  130. Alpha Kenny Buddy
  131. Altar (ROU)
  132. Altercation
  133. Altess
  134. Amatory
  135. Ambition (USA, NY)
  136. Ambush (GBR)
  137. Ambush (USA, CA)
  138. Amen (FIN)
  139. American Heritage
  140. Amnesis (USA, Canton)
  141. Amnesty Please
  142. Amongst The Ruin
  143. Ampere
  144. Amplified Hate
  145. Amplifighters
  146. An Albatross
  147. An End To Flesh
  148. Ana Sapphira
  149. Anal Hard
  150. Anam Cara
  151. Anathallo
  152. Anatomia De La Adversidad
  153. Ancestral Sin
  154. Anchorlines
  155. And Then You Came
  156. Andragon
  157. Andrea Gail
  158. Andrew D'Angelo Trio
  159. Andrew Hussie Boogaloo
  160. Anemia Of System
  161. Anemic
  162. Aneurisma (ARG)
  163. Angel Crew
  164. Angelica (SWE)
  165. AngelInc
  166. Angerkill
  167. Angry Again
  168. Anime Fire
  169. Animus Divine
  170. Annalynn
  171. Anodyne (USA)
  172. Anorak
  173. Another Side
  174. Anselmo, Phil
  175. Antagonist A.D.
  176. Antagony
  177. Antares Sky
  178. Ante Up
  179. Anterrabae
  180. Anthrax
  181. Anubis Rising
  182. Anything Left
  183. Aotea
  184. Apart
  185. Apathy Arising
  186. Ape X And The Neandertahler Death Squad
  187. APES
  188. Apiary
  189. Apocalypse Now
  190. Apologeth
  191. Apoteom
  192. Appollonia
  193. Approaching Dawn
  194. April
  195. April Art
  196. Apshell
  197. Arae
  198. Arameus
  199. Aranea
  200. Arc Reactor