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Insane Clown Posse

Discography  (total 35 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Yum Yum's Lure - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 2021 Yum Yum's Lure 8 00:34:26 320 79 Mb 1.43€
Yum Yum Bedlam - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 2021 Yum Yum Bedlam 17 01:14:05 320 169.93 Mb 3.06€
Flip the Rat - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 2019 Flip the Rat 12 00:49:41 VBR-320 113.99 Mb 2.13€
Fearless Fred Fury - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 2019 Fearless Fred Fury 17 01:09:29 320 159.33 Mb 3.01€
The Mighty Death Pop (CD 1) - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 2012 The Mighty Death Pop (CD 1) 18 01:03:13 VBR-267 111.11 Mb 2.9€
The Mighty Death Pop (Bonus CD: 2012 The Mighty Death Pop (Bonus CD: "Mike E Clarks-The Extra Pop Emprium") 14 00:53:45 VBR-270 92.33 Mb 2.28€
The Mighty Death Pop! (CD 2: Freaky Tales) - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 2012 The Mighty Death Pop! (CD 2: Freaky Tales) 2 01:03:04 320 144.36 Mb 0.98€
The Mighty Death Pop! (CD 3: Smothered, Covered, And Chunked!) - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 2012 The Mighty Death Pop! (CD 3: Smothered, Covered, And Chunked!) 13 00:54:59 320 126.16 Mb 2.32€
The Mighty Death Pop! (CD 4: Mike E. Clark's Extra Pop Emporium) - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 2012 The Mighty Death Pop! (CD 4: Mike E. Clark's Extra Pop Emporium) 14 00:53:45 320 123.27 Mb 2.44€
American Psycho (Tour Exclusive CD) (Split) - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 2011 American Psycho (Tour Exclusive CD) (Split)
[Split with Dark Faith (USA) ]
6 00:22:13 320 50.99 Mb 1.03€
Featuring Freshness (CD 1) - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 2011 Featuring Freshness (CD 1) 15 01:08:32 320 157.19 Mb 2.74€
Featuring Freshness (CD 2) - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 2011 Featuring Freshness (CD 2) 15 01:03:16 320 145.21 Mb 2.68€
Bang! Pow! Boom! (Nuclear Edition: CD 1) - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 2010 Bang! Pow! Boom! (Nuclear Edition: CD 1) 16 01:12:43 320 166.72 Mb 2.91€
Bang! Pow! Boom! (Nuclear Edition: CD 2) - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 2010 Bang! Pow! Boom! (Nuclear Edition: CD 2) 7 00:36:57 320 84.72 Mb 1.33€
Bang! Pow! Boom! - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 2009 Bang! Pow! Boom! 21 01:30:12 320 212.25 Mb 3.79€
The Tempest - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 2007 The Tempest 16 00:59:20
The Calm - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 2005 The Calm 8 00:27:22
Hell's Pit - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 2004 Hell's Pit 17 01:04:07
The Wraith - Shangri-La - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 2002 The Wraith - Shangri-La 17 01:04:09
Pendulum - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 2002 Pendulum 12 00:45:53 320 105.22 Mb 2.09€
Bass-Ment Cuts - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 2001 Bass-Ment Cuts 8 00:22:01
Psychopathics From Outer Space (split with  Twiztid) - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 2001 Psychopathics From Outer Space (split with Twiztid)
[Split with Twiztid ]
15 01:10:03
Tunnel Of Love - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 2001 Tunnel Of Love 8 00:40:07
Bizzar - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 2000 Bizzar 12 01:07:31
The Amazing Jeckel Brothers - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 1999 The Amazing Jeckel Brothers 17 01:09:31
Hallowwicked - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 1998 Hallowwicked 15 01:05:59
The Great Milenko (Island Re-Release) - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 1997 The Great Milenko (Island Re-Release) 16 01:07:24
Tunnel Of Love (X-Rated Version; RE) - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 1996 Tunnel Of Love (X-Rated Version; RE) 9 00:39:39 320 90.98 Mb 1.62€
Riddle Box - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 1995 Riddle Box 16 01:10:33
Beverly Kills 50187 - Insane Clown Posse (ICP / Joey Utsler & Joseph Bruce) 1994 Beverly Kills 50187 6 00:40:03
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