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Genre: Alternative Style: Rapcore
  1. #####
  2. (hed) P.E.
  3. (Un)said
  4. -Oz-
  5. .sPout.
  6. 19D
  7. 2012 (USA, NV)
  8. 21grams
  9. 26 Miles Per Hour
  10. 311
  11. 32 A
  12. 36 Stanze
  13. 3rd Strike
  14. 3t.ON
  15. 40 Ounce
  16. 4th Demention
  17. 50 Kreon 50
  18. 60 Hertz
  19. 68FL:OZ
  20. 7 Kilos
  21. 7000$
  22. 745
  23. 8 Degrees
  24. A Cry Farewell
  25. About:blanK
  26. Absolute (FRA)
  27. Abstraxt
  28. Ace 4 Trays
  29. Adam Head
  30. Adam Ronin
  31. Add1ction
  32. Addiction Crew
  33. Adrede
  34. Aether Drop
  35. Afterfeedback
  36. Afterlife (USA, FL)
  37. Aftershock
  38. Against The Will
  39. Aggressive Sound Painters
  40. Agony Of Defeat
  41. Alles Mit Stil
  42. Almighty Grind
  43. Almost Kings
  44. Alpha Kenny Buddy
  46. Alva
  47. Amatory
  48. Another Race
  49. Aptemhs
  50. Arc Reactor
  51. Area 7
  52. Arhythmia
  53. Arisens
  54. Ashley Moshe
  55. Atakama
  56. Atzmus
  57. AWS
  58. Aztlan Underground
  59. Backjumper
  60. Backtheory
  61. Bad Jah
  62. Bagga Bownz
  63. Bakflip
  64. Balboa (BEL)
  65. Band Nerds
  66. Barcode (SRB)
  67. Basick Sickness
  68. Battling Delirium
  69. Bawdy Festival
  70. Becoming Atlas
  71. Bethrayer
  72. Big Black Nothing
  73. Bilge Kagan
  74. Biohazard
  75. BioK
  76. Bionic Jive
  77. Biscuit
  78. Black Flood Diesel
  79. Blackgold
  80. BlackSwanAnatomy
  81. Blatherskite
  83. Blood Force Trauma
  84. Bloodywood
  85. Blunt Concept
  86. Body Count
  87. Bolu2 Death
  88. Bone Crew
  89. Bonemud
  90. Bonez
  91. Bonz
  92. Borialis
  93. Bourbon Kings
  94. Braslet
  95. Breech
  96. Bring The Heat
  97. Broken Code
  98. Broken Silence (AUS)
  99. Brot
  100. Bruthal 6
  101. Buddha Mothers
  102. Butcher Sisters
  103. Cadaver Ghoul
  104. Cameran
  105. Cancel (SVN)
  106. Candiria
  107. Candy 66
  108. Carnica
  109. Catching String
  110. Cathercist
  111. Cause Of Denial
  112. CellarDoor
  113. Cellout
  114. Cellule X
  115. Centox
  116. Chemistry-X
  117. Cherry Stone
  118. Chronic Future
  119. Cinder Cell
  120. CircleDown
  121. Clawfinger
  122. Clenchfist
  123. Clone Inc
  124. Cocotte Minute
  125. Cold Haze
  126. Columbyne
  127. Concrete Dream
  128. Contravoz
  129. Controlled Aggression
  130. Cradle Fallz
  131. Crazy N' Sane
  132. Crazy Town
  133. Crimson Blue
  134. Critical Bill
  135. Crosscut
  136. Cry To The Blind
  137. Cube
  138. D-Fact
  139. D.I.M. (USA)
  140. Damien Deadson
  141. Dark Gamballe
  142. DaXi MeN
  143. Day After
  144. Day/Four
  145. DAЗ Machine
  146. De Shifer
  147. Dead By Sunrise
  148. Dead Channel
  149. Dead Horse Trauma
  150. December In Red
  151. Deep End (ESP)
  152. Deep Inside (RUS)
  153. Deez Nuts
  154. Deftones
  155. Demented 7
  156. Demolized
  157. Depresszio
  158. Detach
  159. Dethrxner
  160. Detroit Voodoo
  161. Devotion.
  162. Dimidium
  163. Dirt
  164. Distorted Views
  165. Distortion Choice
  166. Disturbed
  167. DJ Spooky (USA)
  168. Dkuajo
  169. Do Protesto A Resistencia
  170. Dodge
  171. Dog Eat Dog
  172. Dope
  173. Down For Mine
  174. Downset
  175. DownsiiD
  176. Dragon Red
  177. Dregg
  178. Drive
  179. Drive-By (POL)
  180. Driven (USA)
  181. Drop Logic
  182. Duality (FRA)
  183. DVSR
  184. Dyad Souls
  185. Dying Ultimatum
  186. E. Town Concrete
  187. Ectoplasmic Hopscotch
  188. El Postre
  189. Elenco
  190. Embrace Destruction
  191. Endless Coma
  192. Enemy Down
  193. Enemy Of the Enemy
  194. Enemy Pain
  195. Enhancer
  196. Eqoal
  197. Erase
  198. Escape To Everything
  199. Esprin
  200. Evacuate Chicago