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Bob James

Bob James
Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James)
Jazz  /  Pop
Discography  (total 70 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Jazz Hands - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 2023 Jazz Hands 10 00:50:03 320 114.8 Mb 1.87€
2080 (with Sam Franz) - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 2022 2080 (with Sam Franz) 8 00:40:23 320 92.61 Mb 1.5€
Espresso - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 2018 Espresso 11 00:58:35 320 134.29 Mb 2.1€
The New Cool (Japanese Edition) (Split) - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 2015 The New Cool (Japanese Edition) (Split)
[Split with East, Nathan ]
12 00:56:36 320 130.21 Mb 2.21€
The New Cool (Split) - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 2015 The New Cool (Split)
[Split with East, Nathan ]
11 00:53:20 320 122.58 Mb 2.04€
Alone: Kaleidoscope by Solo Piano - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 2013 Alone: Kaleidoscope by Solo Piano 12 01:00:29 320 138.7 Mb 2.25€
Quartette Humaine (feat.) - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 2013 Quartette Humaine (feat.)
[Featuring David Sanborn ]
9 00:55:28 320 127.16 Mb 1.81€
Altair & Vega (Split) - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 2011 Altair & Vega (Split)
[Split with Keiko Matsui ]
8 00:55:15 320 126.6 Mb 1.67€
Altair & Vega (split) - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 2011 Altair & Vega (split)
[Split with Keiko Matsui ]
7 00:47:41
Botero - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 2009 Botero 9 00:56:08 320 128.63 Mb 1.81€
Christmas Eyes - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 2008 Christmas Eyes 13 00:51:27
Urban Flamingo - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 2006 Urban Flamingo 10 01:04:47 320 148.6 Mb 2.04€
Angels Of Shanghai - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 2006 Angels Of Shanghai 11 00:50:49 320 116.57 Mb 2.01€
Take It From The Top - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 2004 Take It From The Top 9 00:56:34
In Hi-Fi - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 2003 In Hi-Fi 11 01:10:56
Morning, Noon, & Night - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 2002 Morning, Noon, & Night 11 00:57:47 320 133.88 Mb 2.1€
Dancing On The Water - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 2001 Dancing On The Water 11 01:06:39
Joy Ride - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 1999 Joy Ride 12 01:00:09
Playin' Hooky - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 1997 Playin' Hooky 10 00:52:02
Joined At The Hip (With Kirk Whalum) - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 1996 Joined At The Hip (With Kirk Whalum) 9 01:03:04
Straight Up - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 1996 Straight Up 9 00:54:23
Joined At The Hip (feat. Kirk Whalum) (2019 Remastered) - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 1996 Joined At The Hip (feat. Kirk Whalum) (2019 Remastered)
[Featuring Kirk Whalum ]
11 01:22:25 320 188.87 Mb 2.37€
Flesh and Blood - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 1995 Flesh and Blood 10 00:45:55
Restless - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 1994 Restless 10 01:00:20
The Swan (split) - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 1993 The Swan (split)
[Split with Steve Khan Aaron Carter Peter Erskine ]
6 00:37:03
Cool (With Earl Klugh) - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 1992 Cool (With Earl Klugh) 12 01:10:44
Grand Piano Canyon - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 1990 Grand Piano Canyon 9 00:50:44
Bach Concertos For 2 & 3 Keyboards - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 1989 Bach Concertos For 2 & 3 Keyboards 9 00:47:32
Ivory Coast - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 1988 Ivory Coast 6 00:44:59
The Scarlatti Dialogues - Bob James (Bob James Trio / Robert McElhiney James) 1988 The Scarlatti Dialogues 11 00:46:16
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