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Cripple Bastards

Cripple Bastards
Frammenti Di Vita
FOAD Records
Also suggested:

Frammenti Di Vita

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# Track title Mode Size Bitrate,
Length Lyrics Check Price Listen
1 Mysoginists (Bulldozer) stereo 9 Mb 320 03:34 0.18€
2 Le Regole (Declino) stereo 4.14 Mb 320 01:26 0.15€
3 Solo Odio (Impact) stereo 4.61 Mb 320 01:39 0.15€
4 Asfalto (Upset Noise) stereo 4.13 Mb 320 01:26 0.15€
5 Violence At The Morgue (Schizo) stereo 3.83 Mb 320 01:18 0.15€
6 Sguardo Realta' (Indigesti) stereo 4.39 Mb 320 01:33 0.15€
7 Qualcosa Scompare (Negazione) stereo 7.9 Mb 320 03:05 0.17€
8 Tutto Uguale (Nerorgasmo) stereo 4.14 Mb 320 01:26 0.15€
9 Mater Tenebrarum (Necrodeath) stereo 13.16 Mb 320 05:23 0.2€
10 Factory (Raw Power) stereo 4.97 Mb 320 01:48 0.15€
11 Mai Capirai (Blue Vomit) stereo 5.17 Mb 320 01:53 0.16€
12 Claustrophobic Autogamic (Jester Beast) stereo 6.1 Mb 320 02:18 0.16€
13 Finira' Mai (Wretched) stereo 3.33 Mb 320 01:05 0.15€
14 Asociale Oi! (Nabat) stereo 5.43 Mb 320 02:00 0.16€
15 Polizia Una Razza Da Estinguere (Cripple Bastards) stereo 2.71 Mb 320 00:49 0.14€
16 Italia Di Merda (Cripple Bastards) stereo 3.21 Mb 320 01:02 0.15€
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Total time:31:45
Total size:86.22 Mb
Total price:2.52