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Genre: Rock Style: Grindcore/Crust
  1. !T.O.O.H.!
  2. $lutrot
  3. 二口魔菜 Futakuchi Mana
  4. 100000 Tonnen Kruppstahl
  5. 2 Minuta Dreka
  6. 25 Dollar Massacre
  7. 29/09
  8. 30XX
  9. 324
  10. 40Gradi
  11. 5 Stabbed 4 Corpses
  12. 666 Shades Of Shit
  13. 6Mas
  14. 7000 Dying Rats
  15. A.W.A.S
  16. Abaddon Incarnate
  17. Abandoned Grave
  18. Abandoned Mortuary
  19. Abandonment
  20. Aberrant
  21. Abitabyss
  22. Ablach
  23. Abnorm
  24. AbnormyNdeffect
  25. Abort Mastication
  26. Aborted Christians
  27. Aborted Earth
  28. Abortion
  29. Abortus-Deradelphus
  30. Abosranie Bogom
  31. Absvrdist
  32. Abuse
  33. Abuso Verbal
  34. Abysmal Torment
  35. Acephalix
  36. Active Stenosis
  37. ACxDC
  38. Afgrund
  39. Afonia
  40. After The Last Sky
  41. Afterburner (RUS)
  42. Afternoon Gentlemen
  43. Agathocles
  44. Agenda Of Swine
  45. Agents of Abhorrence
  46. Agents OF Satan
  47. Aggressive Tyrants
  48. Agiel
  49. Agnaldus
  50. Agoraphobic Nosebleed
  51. Agorhy
  52. Ahumado granujo
  53. Airlines of Terror
  54. Akaname
  55. Akh-naut
  56. Al Goregrind
  57. Alienacja
  58. Alienation Mental
  59. Altar of Giallo
  60. Amen (FIN)
  61. Amenaza De Muerte
  62. Amethist
  63. Amoclen
  64. Amoebic Dysentery
  65. Among Rats
  66. Amorphous (POL)
  67. Amphibian
  68. Amputated
  69. Amputated Genitals
  70. An Isle Ate Her
  71. Anaal Nathrakh
  72. Anaalia
  73. Anaemia (NLD)
  74. Anakrosis
  75. Anal Asthma
  76. Anal Bag
  77. Anal Birth
  78. Anal Blast
  79. Anal Bush
  80. Anal Cunt
  81. Anal Dissected Angel
  82. Anal Floss Is Boss
  83. Anal Grind
  84. Anal Massaker
  85. Anal Nosorog
  86. Anal Oder Nicht Sein
  87. Anal Serpukhov
  88. Anal Whore
  89. Analdicktion
  90. Analworm
  91. Anarchus
  92. Anarkitran
  93. Anatomy (ITA)
  94. Anautopsy
  95. Ancient Necropsy
  96. Andri from Pagefire
  97. Andwehopeyouchoke
  98. Anestesia
  99. Animals Killing People
  100. Animated Dead
  101. Anmod
  102. Annihilate!
  103. Anonima Sequestri
  104. Anoxia (USA)
  105. Antarctica
  106. Antares (Gbr)
  107. Anti-Ben
  108. Antigama
  109. Anus Magulo
  110. Anus Tumor
  111. AnusGore
  112. Apartment 213
  113. Aphses
  114. Apocalyptic Vaginal Grinder
  115. Apocryphon (USA)
  116. Aposepsy
  117. Arborescence Of Wrath
  118. Arboricidio
  119. Archagathus
  120. Are You God?
  121. Arsedestroyer
  122. Arson Project
  123. Arsonists Get All The Girls
  124. Arterial Hemorrhage
  125. Artica (USA)
  126. Artruda gammA
  127. Aryan Defense League
  128. As The Sun Sets
  129. Asa Foetida
  130. Ascoculto
  131. Asesino
  132. Ashed
  133. Asphalt Graves
  134. Asphyxiophilia
  135. Asra
  136. Ass Flavour
  137. Ass To Mouth
  138. Asshole Suckers
  139. Assuck
  140. Asterisk (SWE)
  141. Atavism
  142. Atomck
  143. Atresia
  144. Atrocity Exhibit
  145. Attack Of Rage
  146. Attack Of The Mad Axeman
  147. Audio Kollaps
  148. Autoinducer
  149. Autophagia
  150. Avulsion (USA, NY)
  151. Axegrinder
  152. Backyard Burial
  153. Bad Acid Trip
  154. Baktheria
  155. Balatonizer
  156. Ballcock
  157. Barbass
  158. Basement Torture Killings
  159. Bastard Peels
  160. Bat Castle
  161. Bathtub Shitter
  162. Battle Pope
  163. Beaten To Death
  164. Beautiful Gorgeous
  165. Bedlam Of Cacophony
  166. Beef Conspiracy
  167. Beholder (USA)
  168. Beijing Tank
  169. Belching Beet
  170. Belial (CHL)
  171. Benümb
  172. Benighted (FRA)
  173. Bersimbah Darah
  174. Berzerker
  175. Besta
  176. Besthöven
  177. Bestial Devastation
  178. Bestial Vomit
  179. Bestially Raped Till Dismembered
  180. Beton (SVK)
  181. Beyond All Hope
  182. Beyond Terror Beyond Grace
  183. Big Chef
  184. Big Cock (MEX)
  186. Bile Nephrosis
  187. Bilox
  188. Biodroid
  189. Biological Monstrosity
  190. Birdflesh
  191. Black Army Jacket
  192. Black Bleeding
  193. Black Market Body Parts
  194. Black Market Fetus
  195. Black Urn
  196. Blame God
  197. Blasphemation
  198. Blast Muzungu
  199. Blast Rites
  200. Blasted Pancreas