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Genre: Alternative Style: Industrial
  1. Rose Noire
  2. Royb0t
  3. Ru5H.point
  4. Rumunija
  5. S S S S
  6. SØLVE
  7. S-V-R
  8. S.E.M;I
  9. S.I.N.A.
  10. S.K.E.T.
  11. S.T.U.G. 218
  12. Sacrificial System
  13. Sacrifist
  14. Sagae, Tomohiko
  15. Sal Solaris
  16. Sala Delle Colonne
  17. Salt (DEU)
  18. Sanctum (SWE)
  19. Sans-Fin
  20. SARIN (DEU)
  21. Satanismo Calibro 9
  22. Satellitstat
  23. Sator Absentia
  24. Satori (GBR)
  25. Saturmzlide
  26. Scalping
  27. Scamp Revolver
  28. Scapa Flow
  29. Schachtanlage Gegenort
  30. Schattenspiel
  31. Scheuermann
  32. Schickers Mind
  33. Schisma
  34. Schizoidal
  35. Schlafstoerung
  36. Schnitt Acht
  37. Schultz
  38. Schwadron
  39. Schwester Seziert
  40. Scrap.Edx
  41. Secret Initiative
  42. Sect (POL)
  43. Seed A.I
  44. Seeker (LBN)
  45. Sekta Phoenixa
  46. Sektor 304
  47. Sentinel Complex
  48. Sephiroth (SWE)
  49. September (USA)
  50. Sequence of Prime
  51. Seuchensturm
  52. Sewer Election
  53. Sewer Goddess
  54. Shadow Monument
  55. Shadow System
  56. Shallow Waters
  57. Shane Cough
  58. Shapednoise
  59. She Spread Sorrow
  60. Sheep On Drugs
  61. Shhh
  62. Shorai
  63. Show Me The Body
  64. Shy Guys At The Show
  65. Siamgda
  66. Sickness (USA, CT)
  67. Siechtum
  68. Sifre, Job
  69. Sightings
  70. Sightless Pit
  71. Sigillum S
  72. SiJ
  73. Silcharde
  74. Silence & Strength
  75. Silent Service
  76. Silver Walks
  77. Simbolo
  78. Sin (FRA)
  79. SIN DNA
  80. Sinweldi
  81. Sireirom
  82. Sister Machine Gun
  83. Six Dead Bulgarians
  84. Sjellos
  85. Skin Area
  86. Skin Crime
  87. Skipsapiens
  88. Skoll (ITA, Milan)
  89. Skumlove
  90. Slave Unit
  91. Slayv Axis
  92. Sleep Chamber
  93. Slighter
  94. Slogun
  95. Smell & Quim
  96. Snake Surikov
  97. Snell, Jason
  98. Snowbeasts
  99. SNTS
  100. Sodality (ITA)
  101. Soerfaktor
  102. Sol Invictus
  103. Sole Noir
  104. Solypsis
  105. Soman
  106. Somatic Responses
  107. Somon
  108. Son of rust
  109. Sonar (BEL)
  110. Sonic Violence Experience
  111. Sophia (CAN)
  112. Sophia (SWE)
  113. Sortaja
  114. Soulchasm
  115. Soundtrack - Games
  116. Spasm (AUS)
  117. Spawn (Ua)
  118. Spear
  119. Spindle Sect
  120. SPK
  121. Spleen (FRA)
  122. Spooky
  123. Spreu & Weizen
  124. Squaric
  125. St. Vincent
  126. Stabbing Westward
  127. Stahlwerk 9
  128. Stalaggh
  129. Stalnoy Pakt
  130. Star Scream
  131. Stasia Momento
  132. Stayte
  133. Steel Hook Prostheses
  134. Stephen Mallinder
  135. Sterile Hand
  136. Steve Ritter
  137. Stigma Diabolicum (FRA)
  138. Stillnox
  139. Stone Pitcher
  140. Storm Of Capricorn
  141. Stratvm Terror
  142. Street Sects
  143. Striations
  144. Strydwolf
  145. Sturmovik
  146. Subhuman (RUS)
  147. Subliminal (DEU)
  148. Submerged
  149. Subterrestrial
  150. Sudden Infant
  151. Suffer Ring
  152. Sui Generis Umbra
  153. Super Dragon Punch!!
  154. Surma (UKR)
  155. Survival Unit
  156. Sutcliffe Jügend
  157. Svart1
  158. Swamp Terrorists
  159. Swanika
  160. Swarm of the Sun
  161. Sweetest Condition
  162. Syd.31
  163. Sylvgheist Maelstroem
  164. Symbolicdivine
  165. Symmetry Of Asymmetry
  166. Symphonia Sacrosancta Phasmatvm
  167. Synapscape
  168. Synapsis
  169. Synapsyche
  170. Synaxaria
  171. Synomorph
  172. Synth-Etik
  173. Synthister
  174. TÖT
  175. T-Error Machinez
  176. T-Faktor
  177. T.W.Z.
  178. Tactile (USA)
  179. Taint (USA)
  180. Tam Quam Tabula Rasa
  181. Tapping the Vein
  182. Tarmvred
  183. TC75
  184. Teatro Satanico
  185. Technova
  186. Teehn Bwitches
  187. Teeth Engraved With The Names Of The Dead
  188. Teeth Of The Sea
  189. TeknoVore
  190. Tension Control
  191. Teormech
  192. Terminal Choice
  193. Terminal Sect
  194. Terminatryx
  195. Terra:Cide
  196. Terror Cell Unit
  197. Terrorfakt
  198. Test Dept.
  199. Theologian
  200. Think About Mutation