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Genre: Electronica Style: Darkwave/Coldwave
  1. Dark (DEU, Hamburg)
  2. Dark Door
  3. Dark Illumination
  4. Dark Matter Noise
  5. Dark Sanctuary
  6. Dark Side Eons
  7. Dark Sky Burial
  8. Dark Tales
  9. Dark Time Sunshine
  10. Darkways
  11. Das Ich
  12. Das-Kollektiv.Net
  13. Data Fragments
  14. Data-Bank-A
  15. David Galas
  16. DD88
  17. Dead Astropilots
  18. Dead Eve
  19. Dead Lights
  20. Dead Serpent
  21. Deadfly Ensemble
  23. Deadwhitesuns
  24. Dear Strange
  25. Death And Vanilla
  26. Death Comes Crawling
  27. Deathh Cvlt
  28. Deep-Pression
  29. Deied
  30. Deleyaman
  31. DeltaCity
  32. Dementia Ad Vitam
  33. Demoncast
  34. Den.C.T.Bug
  35. Denight
  36. Denner
  37. Denormal
  38. Depresion Radikal
  39. Der Klinke
  40. Der Noir
  41. Dero Goi
  42. Desire Beat
  43. Destini Beard
  44. Deviant UK
  45. Devya
  46. Diary of Dreams
  47. Dicepeople
  48. Die Form
  49. Die Selektion
  50. Die Verbannten Kinder Evas
  51. Digital Hearts
  52. Diorama
  53. Dirty Granny Tales
  54. Discotheque
  55. Disharmony (Svk)
  56. Dismal (ITA)
  57. Dismal Thoughts
  58. Dissemblance
  59. Distance H
  60. Division Alpha
  61. Divisive State
  62. Domina Letum Theologia
  63. Dominas in Exile
  64. Dominion III
  65. Dorsetshire
  66. Double Echo
  67. Downstairs Left
  68. Dperd
  69. Dr. Arthur Krause
  70. Dracula Party
  71. Dream Division
  72. Dreams Are Like Water
  73. Driving Dead Girl
  74. Dromos
  75. Dryadel
  76. Duir
  77. Dust Heaven
  78. Dust, Alexander
  79. Dvar
  80. DyNAbyte
  81. Echoberyl
  82. Echolust
  83. Eden (AUS)
  84. Edgar Allan Poets
  85. Edifice
  86. Ego Likeness
  87. Egoprisme
  88. Ehron Von Allen
  89. Elane
  90. Electric Dragon
  91. Elektrofish
  92. Element 104
  93. Elezoria
  94. Ellipse
  95. ELZ & The Cult
  96. Emke
  97. Endraum
  98. Endtime Prophets
  99. Engelsblut
  100. Engelsstaub
  101. Entlebt
  102. Entrzelle
  103. Equinoxious
  104. Essenger
  105. Eternal Afflict
  106. Eternal Fall (ESP)
  107. European Ghost
  108. Evil Eyes
  109. Ex-Hyena
  110. Exemtum
  111. Exit (POL)
  112. Exo-Kult
  113. Expiring Time
  114. Extize
  115. Extra Terra
  116. F32
  117. F8stercare
  118. Fair Attempts
  119. Faith And The Muse
  120. Falling You
  121. FearWork
  122. Feeding The Fire
  123. Fetisch:Mensch
  124. Feu Therese
  125. Fighting This Monster
  126. Film Noir (FRA)
  127. Filmmaker
  128. Final Light
  129. Fixions
  130. Flash-Back 2029
  131. Foghorn Lonesome
  132. For Joris
  133. Forever Grey
  134. Forgotten Sunrise
  135. Fort Nimmermehr
  136. Fotocrime
  137. Fracture (CAN)
  138. Fragrance
  139. Frame Of Mind (DEU)
  140. Freitag, Zoltan
  141. French Police
  142. FRTG13
  143. Frustration
  144. Fuchs, Camila
  145. Fundetta
  146. Future Faces
  147. Future Fate
  148. Gazelle Twin
  149. Geometric Vision
  150. Ghost Recon
  151. Ghost Twin
  152. Ghostfog
  153. Ghosting
  154. Ghostlights
  155. Give My Remains to Broadway
  156. Glampire
  157. Glaring
  158. Glass Graves
  159. GlassGhosts
  160. Glitch Black
  161. God's Bow
  162. Goethes Erben
  163. goJA moon ROCKAH
  164. Golden Apes
  165. Gost
  166. Goteki
  167. Goth Daddy
  168. GPKism
  169. grabyourface
  170. Grave Pleasures
  171. Grey Gallows (GRC)
  172. Grim Faeries
  173. Grimdeluxe
  174. Grimlin
  175. Grraves, Dizzy
  176. Gunship
  177. H O R D
  178. Hall Of Souls
  179. Handful Of Snowdrops
  180. Hante.
  181. Hardpot
  182. Hateful Abandon
  183. Hatesex
  184. Haunt Me
  185. Haunter (COL)
  186. Havnatt
  187. Hawks Do Not Share
  188. Heartbroken
  189. Hearts Of Black Science
  190. Helium Vola
  191. Hell Boulevard
  192. Henke
  193. Her Own World
  194. Heroin Makes Happy
  195. Hexheart
  196. Hexmaschine
  197. Hjordis-Britt Astrom
  198. Holocaust Humanity
  199. Hologram (FRA)
  200. Home on Saturn