Search : Performers All Genres
Genre: Rock Style: Indie Rock
  1. Slowgold
  2. Slowtide
  3. Sly Withers
  4. Small Black
  5. Small Feet
  6. Small Forward
  7. Small Houses
  8. Small Sins
  9. Small Sur
  10. Smashing Pumpkins
  11. Smile
  12. Smith Westerns
  13. Smokebox
  14. Smokescreens
  15. Smokey & Miho
  16. Smoosh
  17. Snail Mail
  18. Snail, Azalia
  19. Snails
  20. Snakadaktal
  21. Snake Oil (USA, NY)
  22. Snarls
  23. Snow Patrol
  24. Snowden
  25. Snowdrift
  26. Snowman (AUS)
  27. Snowmine
  28. Snuts
  29. So Many Dynamos
  30. Soaked Oats
  31. Sobanski, Kris
  32. Soccer Mommy
  33. Social
  34. Society (GBR)
  35. Sofa City Sweetheart
  36. Soft Pack
  37. Soft Science
  38. Soft Underground
  39. Softcult
  40. SoKo
  41. Solander
  42. Solar Powered People
  43. Solar Tide
  44. Soldier Thread
  45. Solen
  46. Soltero
  47. Some By Sea
  48. Somebody's Child
  49. Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin
  50. Something For Kate
  51. Something Sally
  52. Somos (USA, MA)
  53. Son Lux
  54. Son Of The Hound
  55. Son Of The Sun
  56. Song Of Return
  57. Sonic Youth
  58. Sonny & The Sunsets
  59. Sonny Falls
  60. Sonos
  61. Sons and Daughters
  62. Sons of Raphael
  63. Sons Of The East
  64. Sonya Kitchell
  65. Soon, She Said
  66. Sophia (USA)
  67. Sophie Barker
  68. Sophie Koh
  69. Sophist (CAN, Windsor)
  70. Sorry
  71. Sorry Kisses
  72. Souls
  73. Sound Of Guns
  74. Sound Sweet Sound
  75. Sounds
  76. Sounds Like Sunset
  77. Sounds Like Violence
  78. Sounds Of Kaleidoscope
  79. Sounds Under Radio
  80. Soundtrack - Games
  81. Soup
  82. Soutaisei Riron
  83. South (GBR)
  84. Southern Culture on the Skids
  85. Spa
  86. Spacey Jane
  87. Spain
  88. Spangle Call Lilli Line
  89. Spanish Love Songs
  90. Sparkadia
  91. Sparklehorse
  92. Sparkling
  93. Sparrowhawk Orkestrel
  94. Sparta (USA)
  95. Speak Low If You Speak Love
  96. Speak, Brother
  97. Special Pillow
  98. Spectator
  99. Spector
  100. Spectre Hearts
  101. Spectre Tapes
  102. Spectres (GBR)
  103. Speedmarket Avenue
  104. Speedy Ortiz
  105. Spelling Reform
  106. Spendtime Palace
  107. Spero
  108. Spider Bags
  109. Spiderbait
  110. Spielbergs
  111. Spill Canvas
  112. Spinto Band
  113. Spiral Beach
  114. Spiral XP
  115. Spirit Award
  116. Spirit Spine
  117. Spiritbox (NLD)
  118. Spirits of Leo
  119. Spiritual Front
  120. Spitfires, The
  121. Splashh
  122. Splinters
  123. Split Single
  124. Spoon
  125. Sports Team
  126. Spotlight Kid
  127. Spraydog
  128. Spring King
  129. Spring Offensive
  130. Spy Vs. Spy
  131. Spyritual
  132. Squarehead (IRL)
  133. Squid
  134. SR-71
  135. Sr.Chinarro
  136. Sr.Nadie
  137. St. Grandson
  138. St. Vincent
  139. Stagnant Pools
  140. Stalingrad Cowgirls
  141. Stampletons
  142. Staples, Chris
  143. Star Fucking Hipsters
  144. Star Horse
  145. Star Killers
  146. Star Parks
  147. Star Tropics
  148. Starcode
  149. Starcrawler
  150. Starflower
  151. Starflyer 59
  152. Starfucker
  153. Starover Blue
  154. Stars Of Track And Field
  155. Starsailor
  156. State Lines
  157. State Radio
  158. Statue Thieves
  159. Statues (SWE)
  160. Stealin Horses
  161. Steam Powered Giraffe
  162. Steel Train
  163. Stef Chura
  164. Stef Kamil Carlens
  165. Stella Diana
  166. Stellar Nursery
  167. Stellar Young
  168. Stellastarr
  169. Stephen Kellogg And The Sixers
  170. Stephen Malkmus
  171. Stephenson, Martin
  172. Stepkids
  173. Stepsonday
  174. Stereo Total
  175. Stereodeal
  176. Stern, Marnie
  177. Steso Songs
  178. Steve Burns
  179. Steve Carlson Band
  180. Steve Mason
  181. Steve Smith & Vital Information
  182. Sticky Fingers
  183. Stiletto Formal
  184. Still Flyin'
  185. Still Life Still
  186. Stills
  187. Stiu Nu Stiu
  188. Stoics
  189. StoLyette
  190. Stone & Snow
  191. Stone Lucy
  192. Stoner Bud's
  193. Storm Large
  194. Stornoway
  195. Storyline
  196. StraitJackets
  197. Strand
  198. Strand of Oaks
  199. Stranded Horse
  200. Strang, Kane