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Genre: Rock Style: Groove Metal
  1. Orientacion
  2. Orions Gate
  3. Ornaments
  4. Oroborus (PRY)
  5. Orphan (USA, NY)
  6. Osmium
  7. Otep
  8. Oubliette (USA, VA)
  9. Oudn
  10. Ouija (PER)
  11. Our Last Crusade
  12. Our Sacred Honor
  13. Our Subatomic Earth
  14. Out For Justice
  15. Out of Condition
  16. Out Of Project
  17. Out To Win
  18. Outer Heaven
  19. Outgrown
  20. Outliar
  21. Outlines (ESP)
  22. Outlook Grim
  23. Outsider (GBR)
  24. Outsmarted
  25. Overcome
  26. Overdeath
  27. Overdose (BRA)
  28. Overdose (SRB)
  29. Overseer (USA)
  30. Oversight
  31. Owingtothis
  32. Oxidised Razor
  33. Ozaena
  34. P.D.P.
  35. Pacto De Sangre
  36. Paddock Park
  37. Pailhead
  38. Pain Is
  39. Painful Awakening
  40. Painful By Kisses
  41. Painmask
  42. Pala
  43. Palatka
  44. Palehorse (USA)
  45. Palm Reader
  46. Palo Seko
  47. Pangea (USA, MA)
  48. Panzer (BRA)
  49. Paradox Backlash
  50. Parallel Minds
  51. Paranoia Dance Party
  52. Paria (USA)
  53. Pariso
  54. Parkway Drive
  55. Parlamentarisk Sodomi
  56. Part Time Killer
  57. Party Animal
  58. Passiv Dodshjalp
  59. Pat The Human
  60. Path of No Return
  61. Pathfinders
  63. Patsy O'Hara
  64. Paul Allen's Demise
  65. Paulo Sergio
  66. Pavlov
  67. Peace Or Annihilation
  68. Peasant
  69. Pelvic Meatloaf
  70. Penknifelovelife
  71. Pentridge
  72. People Eat People
  73. Peoples Republic Of Europe
  74. Perfect Asymmetry (RUS)
  75. Perfect Murder
  76. Perros Locos
  77. Pestilence
  78. Petroglyphs
  79. Peyton Parrish
  80. Phantoms (AUS)
  81. Phoenix Bodies
  82. Pianos Become The Teeth
  83. Pick Your Side
  84. Piece By Piece
  85. Pierced
  86. Pig Champion
  87. Pigs! Bail!
  88. Pikes Edge
  89. Pincher
  90. Piron Heron
  91. Pitboss 2000
  92. Pitbull (COL)
  93. Pitbull Diesel
  94. Pitch Black Forecast
  95. Plagues
  96. Plan 4
  97. Planks
  98. Plans For Revenge
  99. PlasticDeity
  100. Platzdarm
  101. Playing Enemy
  102. Please Don't Wake Alligator
  103. Pleasureagony
  104. Pneuma (POL)
  105. Poems
  106. Point Of Protest
  107. Poison Headache
  108. Poison Idea
  109. Poison The Well
  110. Poisoned
  111. Polar (GBR)
  112. Pony Hellride Experience
  113. Poolside At The Flamingo
  114. Porkavida
  115. Potlatch (RUS)
  116. Pound For Pound
  117. Power Of Trinity
  118. Power Trip
  119. Powerflo
  120. Powerstroke
  121. Praetor
  122. Praetoria
  123. Precious
  124. Predattack
  125. Prehate
  126. Prejudice Reborn
  127. Pretender (RUS)
  128. Primal Age
  129. Primal Attack
  130. Primitive Weapons
  131. Pro-Creation
  132. Pro-Pain
  133. Procent
  134. Process A.D.
  135. Product Of Hate
  136. Project for Bastards
  137. Proke
  138. Promethevs
  139. Promethium
  140. Prong
  141. Prosody (USA, Pe)
  142. Prosthetics
  143. Protestant
  144. Proudz
  145. Providence
  146. Psicosis (NIC)
  147. Psordid
  148. PSYC6
  149. Psychofagist
  150. Psychokiller
  151. Psychosexual
  152. Psychotic Pulse
  153. Psychotic Reaction
  154. Psyclosarin
  155. Psylaw
  156. Public Display Of Aggression
  157. Pull Down the Sun
  158. Punch
  159. Punchline (AUT)
  160. Punk Provision
  161. Pure Hate
  162. Purgatory (USA)
  163. Purify (USA)
  164. Purity's Demise
  165. Puritys Failure
  166. Pushmen
  167. Pycaya
  168. Pyromesh
  169. Quaere Verum
  170. Quake The Earth
  171. Queen Beast
  172. Questions
  173. Quill (JPN)
  174. Quills
  175. Qvarnstrom, Billy
  176. Racing Fate
  177. Radiactive Samurai
  178. Radical M Project
  179. Rage Behind
  180. Ragmen
  181. Ramallah
  182. Rancore
  183. Randall Flagg
  184. Ratface
  185. Ratos De Porao
  186. Rats Into Robots
  187. Ravage Red
  188. Ravage Ritual
  189. Raven Age
  190. Ravenous (GBR)
  191. Raw
  192. Rayleigh
  193. Re-Birth
  194. Realm Of Torment
  195. Realm Unseen
  196. Reaper-X
  197. Rear Naked Choke
  198. Reasons
  199. Rebellion (MEX)
  200. Rebirth (AUS)