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Genre: Rock Style: Symphonic Metal
  1. Minniva
  2. Mirratal
  3. Misanthrope
  4. Misericordia (FRA)
  5. Missing Piece
  6. Misteyes
  7. Mitigate
  8. Mitternacht
  9. Mizantropia
  10. Mobius (FRA)
  11. Molllust
  12. Monarch Woods
  13. Montany
  14. Monumentum Damnati
  15. Moonlight Haze
  16. Moonspell
  17. MoonSun
  18. Morlas Memoria
  19. Morrison, Kyle
  20. Mortem Obscuram
  21. Mortemia
  22. Mortsure
  23. MOTW Dark Side
  24. Mourn In Silence
  25. Mousai
  26. Mundus Noster
  27. Murder Of My Sweet
  28. Mute Prophet
  29. Mutyumu
  30. MVP
  31. My Black Light
  32. My Reflection
  33. My Sweet Torment
  34. My Threnody
  35. Mylidian
  36. Myriads
  37. Mysterya (UKR)
  38. Mystfall
  39. Mystic Forest
  40. Mystic Twilight
  41. Mythery
  42. Mythodea
  43. Myutopia
  44. Némesis
  45. Naamah
  46. Nahtram
  47. Naos (FRA, Lyon)
  48. Narwhal Tusk
  49. Neal, Ian
  50. Nebulae31
  51. Nebuleyes
  52. Nebulosa XY
  53. Necropolis (RUS)
  54. Nekrogoblikon
  55. Nemesea
  56. Nemesis (CZE)
  57. Neoblast
  58. Neoheresy
  59. Neonirico
  60. Neopera
  61. Neophobia
  62. Neperia
  63. Neurolepsia
  64. Neurotech
  65. Neutrino (RUS)
  66. Nevaria
  67. Neverland (HUN)
  68. Neveryon
  69. Nexus (ARG)
  70. NightFall (SRB)
  71. Nightland
  72. Nightqueen
  73. Nightwish
  74. Nine Fathoms Deep
  75. Ningizzia
  76. Niobeth
  77. Njörða
  78. Noamuthen
  79. Noctura
  80. Nocturna (ITA)
  81. Noekk
  82. Non-Divine
  83. Norhod
  84. Northern Kings
  85. Northern Mass
  86. Nota Profana
  87. Nothing Lies Above
  88. Notre Dame
  89. Nouseyesuon
  90. Nova Orbis
  91. November-7
  92. Nox Aeterna
  93. Nox Vorago
  94. Nuova Era
  95. Nyx Aether
  96. Obscura Qalma
  97. Obscured By Shadows
  98. Obsidian Shell
  99. Obsidieth
  100. Ocean
  101. Oceill
  102. Ode In Black
  103. Odes Of Ecstasy
  104. Odyssia
  105. Odyssice
  106. Offertorium
  107. On Thorns I Lay
  108. One Without
  109. Oniricide
  110. Oniromantic
  111. Onyx Eyes
  112. Opera Diabolicus
  113. Opera dos Seculos
  114. Opera IX
  115. Operadyse
  116. Operatika
  117. Operose
  118. Opeth
  119. Ophelia Falling
  120. Ophidian Spell
  121. Opus Arise
  122. Opus Doria
  123. ORBI
  124. Order Of Týr
  125. Oremort, Nitza
  126. Orestea
  127. Orpheum
  128. Orphonic Orchestra
  129. Osiris (EGY)
  130. Ossidiana
  131. Ostura
  132. Outsider (MEX)
  133. Ovid's Withering
  134. Oxhuitza
  135. Pandora's Key
  136. Pantheon (SWE)
  137. Pantheon Omega
  138. Parakletos
  139. Pathfinder
  140. Penumbra (FRA)
  141. Perdition (USA)
  142. Perenda, Sonja
  143. Pergana
  144. Perpetual Legacy
  145. Pestilent Hex
  146. Peter Crowley Fantasy Dream
  147. Phantasma (NLD)
  148. Phantazy
  149. Phantom Elite
  150. Pictura Poesis
  151. Plague of Stars
  152. Plugs Of Apocalypse
  153. Pocos & Nuvens
  154. Poemisia
  155. Poetica
  156. Poison Garden
  157. Power Of Mirantic
  158. Preludio Ancestral
  159. Primitivity
  160. Prog Collective
  161. Progressive String Quartet
  162. Promethean (FRA)
  163. Prometheus (USA)
  164. Prydain
  165. Psypheria
  166. Pursuing The End
  167. Pythia
  168. Qantice
  169. Quadrivium
  170. Quadrus
  171. Quantika
  172. Quaterna Requiem
  173. Quelonio
  174. R-Genium
  175. Rabies
  176. Rage (DEU)
  177. Rain Fell Within
  178. Ram-Zet
  179. Random Eyes
  180. Raskasta Joulua
  181. Raven Tide
  182. Ravencrown
  183. Ravenlight
  184. Ravenlore
  185. Ravenword
  186. Rawkfist
  187. Razorhail
  188. RDSK
  189. Realm Of Glass
  190. Reasons Behind
  191. Redhead Project
  192. Regardless Of Me
  193. Regicide (DEU)
  194. Reign Of Sirius
  195. Release Hallucination
  196. Remi Orts Project
  197. Renascimento
  198. Requiem Para Un Angel
  199. Resilience (FRA)
  200. ReVamp (NLD)