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Genre: Rock Style: Indie Rock
  1. + - {Plus-Minus}
  2. ...And The Hangnails
  3. ...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead
  4. ...Of Stalwart Fads
  5. 0.8syooogeki
  6. 1 Speed Bike
  7. 10 Reasons To Live
  8. 10-Feet
  9. 100 Monkeys
  10. 1000 Flames
  11. 1000 Gram
  12. 100°C
  13. 13 & God
  14. 13Ghosts
  15. 1975
  16. 1990nowhere
  17. 1990s
  18. 1997
  19. 2-Sided Triangle
  20. 22 Pistepirkko
  21. 3 Feet Smaller
  22. 31 Knots
  23. 311
  24. 3rd Secret
  25. 4 Bajo Cero
  26. 4 Dead Monks
  27. 401
  28. 45 ЕН
  29. 485C
  30. 4epBoHe
  31. 5 Vymir
  32. 50 Foot Wave
  33. 50 Tons of Black Terror
  34. 54-40
  35. 77 Bombay Street
  36. 77:78
  37. 80th Disorder
  38. 8mm Sky
  39. 90 Day Men
  40. A
  41. A Blaze of Feather
  42. A Boy and His Kite
  43. A Certain Ratio
  44. A Day In Venice
  45. A Dream Of Reality
  46. A Fragile Tomorrow
  47. A Gazillion Angry Mexicans
  48. A Giant Dog
  49. A House
  50. A Love Like Pi
  51. A Million Dollars
  52. A Nighthawk
  53. A Second Of June
  54. A Story Told
  55. A Toys Orchestra
  56. A Whisper In The Noise
  57. A. Sinclair
  58. A.C.Newman
  59. A.F.I.
  60. A.Human
  61. a/lpaca
  62. Aaron, Anna
  63. Abandon Kansas
  64. Abay
  65. Abby K
  66. Abeja
  67. Abel
  68. Aberdeen
  69. Absent Elk
  70. Absentee
  71. Absofacto
  72. Academic
  73. Academy Is
  74. Accentus (GBR)
  75. Acceptance
  76. Accidentals
  77. Ace Enders
  78. Aceta
  79. Acetate Zero
  80. Acetone
  81. Acid House Kings
  82. Acid Tongue
  83. Acloneofmyown
  84. Acollective
  85. Acres Of Lions
  86. Acruz Sesper
  87. Actors & Actresses
  88. Adé
  89. Adaline
  90. Adam Green & Binki Shapiro
  91. Adam Scharf
  92. Admiral Fallow
  93. Admiral Radley
  94. Adulkt Life
  95. Adventures
  96. Aereogramme
  97. Aerial (SWE)
  98. Aether (USA, OH)
  99. Afghan Whigs
  100. Afterpartees
  101. Age Of Sound
  102. Agent Bla
  103. Agent Kooper
  104. Agent Ribbons
  105. Agents Of Solace
  106. Ages (Gbr)
  107. Agnes Obel
  108. Ahleuchatistas
  109. Air Review
  110. Air Traffic
  111. Air Traffic Control
  112. Air Traffic Controller
  113. Air Waves
  114. Airfare
  115. Airplane
  116. Airship
  117. Airways
  118. Aitis Band
  119. AJJ
  120. Akron/Family
  121. Al DeLoner
  122. Al Pride
  123. Alamos
  124. Alasdair Roberts & Friends
  125. Alasehir
  126. Albert Hammond Jr.
  127. Album Leaf
  128. Alcoholic Faith Mission
  129. Alderwood
  130. Alex Bleeker And The Freaks
  131. Alex Chilton
  132. Alex Foster
  133. Alex Lahey
  134. Alexander Biggs
  135. Alexander Shane
  136. Alexandria Quartet
  137. Alexi Murdoch
  138. Alexz Johnson
  139. Alfa 9
  140. Alfie
  141. Alfie Templeman
  142. Alice, Jocelyn
  143. Aliens (GBR, Scotland)
  144. Aliocha
  145. All Get Out
  146. All Good Things
  147. All the Young
  148. All Tiny Creatures
  149. All We Are
  150. All Will Be Quiet
  151. All-American Rejects
  152. Alla Polacca
  153. Allen, Jake
  154. Allie Moss
  155. Alme, Joel
  156. Aloha
  157. Alpes
  158. Alt-J
  159. Altar Boy
  160. Alterday
  161. Altered Hours
  162. Alvvays
  163. Amanda Jenssen
  164. Amateur Takes Control
  165. Amazons
  166. Amber Clouds
  167. Amber Run
  168. Ambulance LTD
  169. Amelia White
  170. Amelie
  171. American Analog Set
  172. American Aquarium
  173. American Authors
  174. American Culture
  175. American Football
  176. American Mars
  177. American Music Club
  178. American Pleasure Club
  179. American Princes
  180. American War
  181. American Watercolor Movement
  182. American Wrestlers
  183. Amidon, Sam
  184. Amiina
  185. Among The Oak & Ash
  186. Amy Millan
  187. Amy O
  188. Anajo
  189. Anal Thunder
  190. Analog Rebellion
  191. Anastasia Friedman
  192. Anchor Boys
  193. Anchoress (Gbr)
  194. Anchors For Arms
  195. And The Golden Choir
  196. And The Kids
  197. And Then Came Fall
  198. Anderson
  199. Anderson, Marisa
  200. Andre Ethier