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Genre: Rock Style: Death Metal
  1. Celtic Hills
  2. Cement Sarcophagus
  3. Cemetary
  4. Cemetary Filth
  5. Cemetery (DEU)
  6. Cemetery (IDN)
  7. Cemetery Filth
  8. Cemetery Of Scream
  9. Cemetery Rapist
  10. Cemetery Urn
  11. Cemetery Whore
  12. Cemetery Winds
  13. Cemican
  14. Cenobite
  15. Cenotaph (ITA)
  16. Cenotaph (MEX)
  17. Centimani
  18. Centinex
  19. Central Disorder
  20. Centurian
  21. Centurion (POL)
  22. Cephalectomy
  23. Cephalic Carnage
  24. Cerberus (CHL)
  25. Cerberus (USA)
  26. Cerebral Bore
  27. Cerebral Desecration
  28. Cerebral Invasion
  29. Cerebral Rot
  30. Cerebral Turbulency
  31. Cerebrocide
  32. Cerekloth
  33. Ceremented
  34. Ceremonial Castings
  35. Ceremonial Execution
  36. Ceremonium
  37. Ceremony (NLD)
  38. Ceremony Of Silence
  39. Certified Insane
  40. Cervexecution
  41. Cesspit
  42. Cetus (USA)
  43. Chained & Desperate
  44. Chained To The Dead
  45. Chainsaw Carnage
  46. Chainsaw Dissection
  47. Chainsaw Penis
  48. Chalice (BEL)
  49. Chalice Of Suffering
  50. Chamber Of Torture
  51. Chaoist
  52. Chaos Blood
  53. Chaos Divine (AUS)
  54. Chaos Doctrine
  55. Chaos Echoes
  56. Chaos In Head
  57. Chaos Inception
  58. Chaos Legions
  59. Chaos Plague
  60. Chaos Synopsis
  61. Chaosane
  62. Chaosbreed
  63. Chaosphere (DEU)
  64. Chaosreign
  65. Chaostrophe
  66. Chaosweaver
  67. Chaotic Christ
  68. Chapel Of Disease
  69. Charnel
  70. Charnier
  71. Chasing Ghosts (GBR)
  72. Chasm
  73. Cheerleader Concubine
  74. Chemical Disaster
  75. Chemical Exposure
  76. Chemicaust
  77. Chernobyl
  78. Chernobyl's Uterus
  79. Chernum
  80. Chikara
  81. Children Of Wrath
  82. Chococrispis
  83. Choked By Own Vomits
  84. Cholera (CAN)
  85. Chopcore
  86. Choroba
  87. Chorus Of Ruin
  88. Chris Straub
  89. Christ Inversion
  90. Christgrinder
  91. Christian Alvestam
  92. Christian Epidemic
  93. Christoffear
  94. ChristoSadist
  95. Chronic Decay
  96. Chronic Hate
  97. Chronic Infection
  98. Chronic Torment
  99. Chronos (Gbr)
  100. Chthe'ilist
  101. Chthon
  102. Chthonian
  103. Chton
  104. Church Bizzare
  105. Church Of Disgust
  106. Church Of Misery (USA)
  107. Church Of The Dead
  108. Cianide
  109. Cinerator
  110. Cipher System
  111. Circenses
  112. Circle Of Death
  113. Circle Of Fear
  114. Cirrhosis
  115. Cirrosis
  116. Citi
  117. Citizen X
  118. Clamus
  119. Clandestine Revelation
  120. Clandestined
  121. Clapsodra
  122. Claustrofobia (BRA)
  123. Claustrum Burial
  124. Clawhammer Abortion
  125. Clawn
  126. Claws
  127. Claymords
  128. Cleansing
  129. Clearwater Deathblow
  130. Cleaver
  131. Cleric (USA, Texas)
  132. Clifton
  133. Climactic
  134. Climatic Terra
  135. Clitpeeler
  136. Cloacal Kiss
  137. Clock Paradox
  138. Clocks (USA)
  139. Clone Shop
  140. Closed Casket
  141. Closer (SWE)
  142. Cloudburst
  143. CloudRunner
  144. Coagula
  145. Coalition (BEL)
  146. Coathanger Abortion
  147. Cochambre
  148. CockRock Sadistic Petus Pennytration
  149. Cocytus
  150. Code Of Lies
  151. Codex (CHL)
  152. Coercion
  153. Coexistence (ITA)
  154. Coffin Apartment
  155. Coffin Birth (USA)
  156. Coffin Curse
  157. Coffin Dust
  158. Coffin Lust
  159. Coffin Nail
  160. Coffin Rites
  161. Coffin Rot
  162. Coffin Sore
  163. Coffin Texts
  164. Coffincraft
  165. Coffins
  166. Coffinworm
  167. Cognition (NOR)
  168. Cojko Dial
  169. Cold Colours
  170. Cold Grave (USA)
  171. Coldblood
  172. ColdClaw
  173. Coldfear
  174. Coldwar
  175. Coldworker
  176. Coliseum (BRA)
  177. Collapse (CAN)
  178. Collapse (GBR)
  179. Collapse Instinct
  180. Collapse Of Light
  181. Collapse Within
  182. Collapsing System
  183. Colosso
  184. Colossus (USA, PA)
  185. Colostomy Bag
  186. Colt 45
  187. Coltsblood
  188. Coma Cluster Void
  189. Coma Control
  190. Comaborn
  191. Comalane
  192. Comatose (GRC)
  193. Comatose (PHL)
  194. Combat Noise
  195. Combustion
  196. Come Crawling
  197. Comecon
  198. Commander (CAN)
  199. Commander (DEU)
  200. Commit Suicide