Search : Performers All Genres
Genre: New Age Style: New Wave
  1. Hey Champ
  2. Heyward, Nick
  3. Hockey
  4. Holly Johnson
  5. Hollywood Beyond
  6. Homosexuals
  7. Horrid Red
  8. Houndmouth
  9. House of Harm
  10. Howard Jones
  11. Hugh Cornwell
  12. Human Tetris
  13. Humans (CAN)
  14. Huminoida
  15. Hurts
  16. Huski
  17. Huss, Stephen
  18. HXXS
  19. I, Synthesist
  20. Ian Dury & The Blockheads
  22. Idle Youth
  23. IDLES
  24. Iggy Pop
  25. Igo
  26. In The Nursery
  27. Innerpartysystem
  28. Intricated (DNK)
  29. INVSN
  30. INXS
  31. Ionic Vision
  32. Irklis
  33. Irrlicht
  34. Is Tropical
  35. IST IST
  36. Ivers, Peter
  37. Ivy Walls
  38. Jabberwock
  39. Jade, Dana
  40. Jakuzi
  41. Jam
  42. James D. Stark
  43. Janosch Moldau
  44. Japan
  45. Jean-François Berger
  46. Jean-Luc Leonardon
  47. Jeff Who
  48. Jens Bader
  49. JJ Mist
  50. Joe Jackson Band
  51. John Cooper Clarke
  52. John Foxx
  53. John Koviak
  54. Johnny Moped
  55. Jordan F
  56. Josef K
  57. Josh Money
  58. Josie Cotton
  59. Joywave
  60. Juarez
  61. Julien-K
  62. Jump Jump Dance Dance
  63. Jupe Jupe
  64. Jupiter One
  65. Juveniles
  66. Kaelan Mikla
  67. Kalahari Surfers
  68. Kalax
  69. Kamera (SWE)
  70. Kap Bambino
  71. Katafuchi, Nao
  72. Kevin Max
  73. Keya, Chris
  74. KFT
  75. Kids of 88
  76. KieTheVez
  77. Kihn, Greg
  78. Kill Hannah
  79. Killing Joke
  80. Kim Wilde
  81. Kindest Lines
  82. Kirlian Camera
  83. Kiss Kiss Kiss
  84. Kiss The Blade (GBR)
  85. Kissing The Pink
  86. Kissogram
  87. Kite
  88. Knack
  89. Knox
  90. Kobranocka
  91. Kolour Kult
  92. Kristine
  93. Krystal System
  94. KUKL
  95. La Fete Triste
  96. Ladyhawke
  97. Last Fighter
  98. Last Phase
  99. Lazerhawk
  100. Le Cliché
  101. Le Flex
  102. League Of Nations
  103. Lebanon Hanover
  104. LeBrock
  105. Leitmotiv
  106. Les Clopes
  107. Les Rita Mitsouko
  108. Levin Goes Lightly
  109. Limahl
  110. Limousines
  111. Linda Lindas
  112. Linxy
  113. Litfiba
  114. Lloy
  115. Local Suicide
  116. Loka Nunda
  117. Long Blondes
  118. Longcut
  119. Loretta's Doll
  120. Lost Children
  121. Lost In Desire
  122. Lotus Feed
  123. Love Is All
  124. Love-Fine
  125. Lovemakers (USA)
  126. Lovich, Lene
  127. Low Sea
  128. Low Technicians
  129. Lowlife
  130. Lowline
  131. LR Rockets
  132. Luciana
  133. Lucie Cries
  134. Lunacy Box
  135. Lust For Youth
  136. M83
  137. Mach, Jessy
  138. Machine Made Pleasure
  139. Madness
  140. Magazine
  141. Magdalene Keibel Combo
  142. Magenta (NOR)
  143. Magik Brite
  144. Magnavolt
  145. Manie Sans Delire
  146. Mansfield.TYA
  147. Marc Almond
  148. Maria Uzor
  149. Mario Faith
  150. Marnie
  151. Martin Degville
  152. Martin Dupont
  153. Martyr Lucifer
  154. Mary Youngblood
  155. Mary's Comic
  156. Massive Ego
  157. Mater Suspiria Vision
  158. Matinee Club
  159. Matt Skiba
  160. Maverick (ARG)
  161. McCulloch, Ian
  162. Mecano (ESP)
  163. Mecano (NLD)
  164. Mechanical Apfelsine
  165. Mediavolo
  166. Medic Droid
  167. Mellow Code
  168. Members
  169. Men (USA, NY, Brooklyn)
  170. Men At Work
  171. Men Without Hats
  172. Mesh (FRA)
  173. Metal Machine Music
  174. Mi-Sex
  175. Michael Manring
  176. Midge Ure
  177. Midnight Juggernauts
  178. Midnight Resistance
  179. MilleniumKid
  180. Ming & Ping
  181. Ministry
  182. Minitel Rose
  183. Minuit Machine
  184. Minus The Tiger
  185. Mio
  186. Miracle
  187. Mirror Trap
  188. Mirrors (GBR)
  189. Miserylab
  190. Misriat
  191. Miss Harmonica
  192. Missing Persons
  193. Mixerland
  194. Miyazaki
  195. Mobile Homes
  196. Mode Moderne
  197. Model Depose
  198. Modern English
  199. Moev
  200. Mona Mur