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Genre: Rock Style: Groove Metal
  1. Block Splitter
  2. Blodhren
  3. Blood & Bone
  4. Blood Eagle
  5. Blood For Blood
  6. Blood Of The Martyrs
  7. Blood Redemption
  8. Blood Stands Still
  9. Blood Ties
  10. Bloodclot!
  11. Bloodlight
  12. Bloodlined Calligraphy
  13. BloodRush
  14. Bloodsport
  15. Bloodstained (POL)
  16. Bloodwork Salvation
  17. Bloody Falls
  18. Bloody Sunday
  19. Blooms
  20. Blue Monday
  21. Blue Ox
  22. Blunt Force Trauma (USA)
  23. Bob Vylan
  24. Body of Wasps
  25. Bodybag
  26. Bollweevils (USA)
  27. Bomb Everything
  28. Bone Dance
  29. Boney NeM
  30. Booby Trap (PRT)
  31. Bora
  32. Borderwars
  33. Bordge
  34. Born A New
  35. Born An Abomination
  36. Born For Battle
  37. Born From Pain
  38. Born Low
  39. Borrowed Time
  40. Boss Fight
  41. Bound By Fate
  42. Boundary
  43. Braid Skill
  44. Brain Killer
  45. Brainworms
  46. Brand New Sin
  47. Brand Of Sacrifice
  48. Bravestar
  49. Bravo Fucking Bravo
  50. Bray Road
  51. Breach
  52. Break In
  53. Break The Earth
  54. Breakdown (USA)
  55. Breakhead
  56. Breaking The Day
  57. Breakwar
  58. Breathing Dust
  59. Breathing Fire
  60. Breech
  61. Breeding Monolith
  62. Brewtality
  63. Brick Bath
  64. Brick By Brick
  65. Bridge Burner
  66. Bridge to Solace
  67. Bring On The Bloodshed
  68. Bring The Heat
  69. Broken & Burnt
  70. Broken Circle
  71. Broken Fist
  72. Broken Humanity
  73. Bronson A.D.
  74. Brotherhood Of The Lake
  75. Brothers In Arms
  76. Brothers In Crime
  77. Browbeat
  78. Brut
  79. Brutal Begude
  80. Brutal Fight
  81. Brutal Juice
  82. Built Upon Frustration
  83. Built Upon Ruins
  84. Buitre Humano
  85. Bullet Treatment
  86. Burial (CAN)
  87. Burial At Sea
  88. Burial Year
  89. Buried In Between
  90. Buried Inside (CAN)
  91. Buried Voices
  92. Burn Her Letters
  93. Burn The Gates
  94. Burning Beneath
  95. Burning Bridges
  96. Burning Bright
  97. Burning Fiction
  98. Burning Sunday
  99. Burning The Oppressor
  100. Bust The Chain
  101. Butcher (DEU)
  102. Butcher Babies
  103. Butcher Sisters
  104. Butcher's Rodeo
  105. By a Storm
  106. By mY Hands
  107. Byzantine
  108. C.B Murdoc
  109. C.O.R
  110. C.R.S.
  111. Cadaveres
  112. Cadaveres De Tortugas
  113. Cadense
  114. Caedis
  115. Caffas Rain
  116. Calico System
  117. Call For Revenge
  118. Call To Sincerity
  119. Called To Arms
  120. Calling Of Syrens
  121. Came The Day Of The Heavenly Court
  122. Camilla Rhodes
  123. Cancer Bats
  124. Cancrena
  125. Cancroid
  126. Canobliss
  127. Canyons (USA)
  128. Captor (SWE)
  129. Carbine
  130. Cardiac (CHE)
  131. Cardinal Effect
  132. Career Suicide
  133. Carl Sims
  134. Carlisle
  135. Carnage (DEU)
  136. CarVent
  137. Casey
  138. Casey Jones
  139. Cassidy Scenario
  140. Cast Aside
  141. Cast In Blood
  142. Cast in Fire
  143. Casting Curses
  144. Castle Grayskull
  145. Cataplasm
  146. Catena Collapse
  147. Caulfield (USA)
  148. Cavalera Conspiracy
  149. Cavorts
  150. CDC
  151. Cease 2 Exist
  152. Ceiling Of Anvers
  153. Celan
  154. Celebrity Murders
  155. Cell Section
  156. Cemetery Road
  157. Cemtex
  158. Cenizas
  159. Century (USA)
  160. Cerebellum
  161. Cerebral Fix
  162. Cervical
  163. Chagall
  164. Chainwreck
  165. Champion (USA)
  166. Change Of Loyalty
  167. Channel Zero
  168. Chaos Doctrine
  169. Chaos Ritual
  170. Chapters
  171. Chariots
  172. ChaseMotive
  173. Cheech
  174. Chelsea Smile (NLD)
  175. Cherry St
  176. Chestburster
  177. Chiefland
  178. Chimaira
  179. ChoiceFatal
  180. Choking On Illusions
  181. Chopcore
  182. Chronical Diarrhoea
  183. Chronicles Of Hate
  184. Chronological Injustice
  185. Cienaga
  186. Cipher
  187. Circles Over Sidelights
  188. Circus Of Fools
  189. Citizens Patrol
  190. City Of Fire
  191. Civil Terror
  192. Claustrum Burial
  193. Clawerfield
  194. Clear Convictions
  195. Clearview
  196. Clobberin Time
  197. Clock Paradox
  198. Clondementto
  199. Clone Inc
  200. Clovek v Plisni