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Genre: Rock Style: Grindcore/Crust
  1. Pigsty (MEX)
  2. Pigtails
  3. Pigto
  4. Pillory
  5. Pilsowishs
  6. Pisshitter
  7. Pisstolero
  8. Pitbull Terrorist
  9. Plague Bringer
  10. Plague Rages
  11. Plasma
  12. Plasmarifle
  13. Pocket Pussy Hash Pipe
  14. Poolside At The Flamingo
  15. Poostew (DEU)
  16. Porky Vagina
  17. Porno Elephant
  18. Porno Infantil
  19. Pornoise (ITA)
  20. Porphyria (POL)
  21. Poser Disposer
  22. Power Toke
  23. Powercup
  24. Prelapse
  25. Premonitions of War
  26. Preschool Tea Party Massacre
  27. Presto
  28. Prey Of Chaos
  29. Priapus
  30. Prickrott
  31. Primary Colors
  32. Primate
  33. Primitive Brutality
  34. Pristina
  35. Private Semefo Sex
  36. Processo do Odio
  37. Proctophobic
  38. Produkt
  39. Profesor Lefebvre
  40. Progress Of Inhumanity
  41. Project for Bastards
  42. Project Harbinger
  43. Prophecy Of Doom
  44. Protobitch
  45. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
  46. Pseudostratiffied Epithelium
  47. Psicovomitosis Sadinecrootitis
  48. Psoriasis
  49. Psudoku
  50. Psychiatric Regurgitation
  51. Psychofagist
  52. Psychoneurosis
  53. Psychopathic Sadism
  54. Psychotic Despair
  55. Psypheria
  56. Pullman Bar Oser
  57. Pulmonary Fibrosis
  58. Pungent Stench
  59. Punished Earth
  60. Pupil Slicer
  61. Purge (GBR)
  62. Purulence
  63. Purulent
  64. Purulent Granny Gangrene
  65. Purulent Infection
  66. Purulent Jacuzzi
  67. Purulent Necropsys
  68. Pus (FIN)
  69. Pus Vomit
  70. PussyVibes
  71. Pustulated
  72. Pustulosis
  73. Putrefaction (RUS)
  74. Putrefaction Pestilence
  75. Putrefaktion Society
  76. Putrefied Cadaver
  77. Putrefukation
  78. Putrefy
  79. Putrescence (CAN)
  80. Putrid Inbred
  81. Putrid Offal
  82. Putrid Scum
  83. Putridity (POL)
  84. Putrified J
  85. Putrilage
  86. Quarter The Villain
  87. Quill (JPN)
  88. Rabid Dogs
  89. Rajfajh
  90. Ramlord (USA)
  91. Rampancy (TAIWAN)
  92. Rancid Flesh
  93. Rape On First Date
  94. Rato Raro
  95. Raw Decimating Brutality
  96. Raw Noise
  97. Rawhead
  98. Raxinasky
  99. Razor Rape
  100. Razor Sharp Daggar
  101. Realized
  102. Recalcitrant
  103. Recluse (USA, NO)
  104. Recovery (RUS)
  105. Rectal Smegma
  106. Redneck Zombiez
  107. Reek Of Shits
  108. Reek Of The Unzen Gas Fumes
  109. Reexamine
  110. Regicide (CHN)
  111. Regurgitate
  112. Regurgitation (USA, NJ)
  113. Rehumanize
  114. Reign Inferno
  115. Reinfection
  116. Rejekts
  117. Religious Nightmare
  118. Religious Observance
  119. Remains Of The Day
  120. Repulsic
  121. Repulsion
  122. Resist (USA, OR)
  123. Restos Humanos
  124. Resurrected
  125. Retaliation (SWE)
  126. Retarded Noise Squad
  127. Retch
  128. Reth
  129. Retorture
  130. Retox
  131. Revenant (USA, AZ)
  132. Reversal Of Man
  133. Revile (USA)
  134. Rigor Mortis (RUS)
  135. Ripped In Half
  136. Rise Above
  137. Robinson
  138. Robotosaurus
  139. Rot (BRA)
  140. Rotten Penetration
  141. Rotten Soil (ARG)
  142. Rotten Sound
  143. Rotting
  144. Rotting Christ
  145. Rotting Head
  146. Rotting Slab
  147. Rubufaso Mukufo
  148. Ruined Porn
  149. Rupture Christ
  150. Rust Phantom
  151. Rzeznia (POL)
  152. S.A.F.P.L.S.
  153. S.M.E.S.
  154. Sabbatic Feast
  155. Sacrificial Slaughter
  156. Sade (BRA)
  157. Sadis Euphoria
  158. Sadistic Blood Massacre
  159. Sadistic Kill
  160. Sagotorium
  161. Sainc
  162. Saintpeeler
  163. Sakatat
  164. Salving Thy Amiss
  165. Sanguinary (NLD)
  166. Sanguinary Execution
  167. Sanity's Dawn
  168. Sanitys Dawn
  169. Saprogenic
  170. Sarcoma (Ecu)
  171. Sarcoma (Mex, Tamaulipas)
  172. Sarkast
  173. Satan's Revenge On Mankind
  174. Satanic Cumshot
  175. Sauna
  176. Sayyadina
  177. Scab
  178. Scald (GBR)
  179. Scalpel
  180. Scanner Smashed Face
  181. Scheich Shneed el Whoods
  182. Schizoparanoic Platoon
  183. Schnauzer
  184. Schoolgirl Upon Thy Corpse
  185. Scowl (USA, NY)
  186. ScreamChasm
  187. Screaming Afterbirth
  188. Screwrot
  189. Scum Bitch
  190. Scumeater
  191. Scumfusion
  192. Seborrhea
  193. Sebum Excess Production
  194. Secretary
  195. Sectorial
  196. Sedative (FRA)
  197. See You Next Tuesday
  198. SeeYouSpaceCowboy
  199. Self Hate
  200. Selfless (GBR)