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Genre: Rock Style: Goth Doom/Dark Metal
  1. Dimlight
  2. DinUmbra
  3. Dismal (ITA)
  4. Dismal Euphony
  5. Dispersia
  6. Divercia
  7. Do Not Dream
  8. Domina Noctis
  9. Dominia
  10. Dorn
  11. Dr. Death
  12. Draconian
  13. Dreamlike Horror
  14. Dusk and Darkness
  15. Dwell in Doom
  16. Dying Daylight
  17. Dying Tears
  18. Dysanchely
  19. Dysphoric
  20. Dyspnoea
  21. Dystrophy (DEU)
  22. Ecthalion
  23. Eden Weint Im Grab
  24. Edenfall
  25. Edward Helsing
  26. Eeriness
  27. Eisregen
  28. Elegeion
  29. Elfonia
  30. Elis
  31. Elizium (NLD)
  32. Elusive Sight
  33. Elysian Fields (GRC)
  34. Embrace My Ruin
  35. Emperor Of Myself
  36. Empyrium
  37. Enchained Souls
  38. Endaemona
  39. Endless Chain
  40. Endless Dark (ROU)
  41. Enid (DEU)
  42. Enslavement of Beauty
  43. Enter Tragedy
  44. Enthrope
  45. Entwined
  46. Epicurean
  47. Epochate
  48. Erben der Schoepfung
  49. Ermon
  50. Estatic Fear
  51. Eternal (AUS)
  52. Eternal Mourning
  53. Eternal White Trees
  54. Eternia (UKR)
  55. Ethereal (COL)
  56. Euthanasia
  57. Even Song
  58. Evenfall (ITA)
  59. EverEve
  60. Evig Natt
  61. Ewigkeit
  62. Exsecratus
  63. Eyes of Fire
  64. Fading Bliss
  65. Fall Of The Leafe
  66. Fallacy (USA)
  67. Fallen Sentinel
  68. Falling Angels
  69. False Memories
  70. Fate Turns Grey
  71. Father Of Serpents
  72. Faustus (POL)
  73. Fell Ruin
  74. Fifth Reason
  75. FireScent
  76. Flaw (DEU)
  77. Flowers of Evil
  78. Flowing Tears
  79. Foreshadowing
  80. Forest of Shadows
  81. Forever Slave
  82. Forgive~Me~Not
  83. Forgotten Souls
  84. Fractured Spine
  85. Fragile Hollow
  86. Free Fall (CZE)
  87. Frequency of Butterfly Wings
  88. From Ashes
  89. Frozen Abyss
  90. Frozen Caress
  91. Fullmoon Catatonia
  92. Funeral (NOR)
  93. Galadriel (SVK)
  94. Garden Of Eden
  95. Gardens Of Gehenna
  96. Gate Of Sorrow
  97. Geometric Vision
  98. Ghost I've Become
  99. Gone In April
  100. Goresleeps
  101. Gothic Sky
  102. Graveworm
  103. Greyswan
  104. Grief (IRL)
  105. Grimegod
  106. GrimFaith
  107. Groza (TUR)
  108. Haggard (DEU)
  109. Hanging Doll
  110. Hanging Garden (FIN)
  111. Havayoth
  112. Heaven Grey
  113. Heavenwood
  114. Heir To Madness
  115. Helevorn
  116. Helfir
  117. Hend
  118. Herlathing
  119. Hostile Calm
  120. Hydria
  121. I Am Lethe
  122. I'm Fine
  123. Ideas
  124. Ihsahn
  125. Ikarian
  126. Illuminandi
  127. Illusions Play
  128. Iluminato
  129. In Grey
  130. In The Woods...
  131. Indian Fall
  132. Indicium
  133. Infernal Gates
  134. Inferno (UKR)
  135. Infirmum
  136. Inner Blast
  137. Inner Sea
  138. Inno
  139. Inside You
  140. Invernoir
  141. Kaamos Warriors
  142. Kahrmalia
  143. Kaizer
  144. Kamlath
  145. Karcinoma
  146. Karyn Crisis' Gospel Of The Witches
  147. Katatonia
  148. Katzenjammer Kabarett
  149. Kausalgia
  150. Keys Of The Light
  151. Killing Suzy
  152. Kohllapse
  153. Korvus
  154. Krachwerk
  155. KSK
  156. Kuolevainen
  157. Kyryem
  158. L'Impero Delle Ombre
  159. Lacrimas Profundere
  160. Lacuna Coil
  161. Lahannya
  162. Lake Of Tears
  163. Legenda
  164. Let It Flow
  165. Let Me Dream
  166. Lethal Curse
  167. Lightless Moor
  168. Lilitu
  169. Liquid Sky
  170. Lithik
  171. Little Dead Bertha
  172. Local I
  173. Long Winter's Stare
  174. Lord Vampyr
  175. Lorde Of All Desires
  176. Lost Infinity
  177. Love Lies Bleeding
  178. LSCS
  179. Lucifer's Dungeon
  180. Lumus
  181. Luna In Aries
  182. Luna Obscura
  183. Lupercalia
  184. Lutherion
  185. Lux Occulta
  186. Lycanthia
  187. Macbeth (ITA)
  188. Mactatus
  189. Madder Mortem
  190. Madmans Esprit
  191. Madrigal (SWE)
  192. Majesty of Silence
  193. Majigoria
  194. Maleficium Arungquilta
  195. Malkavian Blood
  196. Malmonde
  197. Mandragora Scream
  198. Mandrake (DEU)
  199. Manic Movement
  200. Marienbad