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Genre: Rock Style: Adult Oriented Rock (AOR)/Melodic Rock
  1. Satellite Junction
  2. Satinoxide
  3. Savage Blood
  4. Savannah (USA)
  5. Savannah Pope
  6. Scars Of Bourbon
  7. Sciacca, Joe
  8. Scotty K
  9. Screaming Thieves
  10. Sebring, Scott
  11. Second Heat
  12. Secret (ESP)
  13. Seelye
  14. Seever, Jay
  15. Sencelled
  16. Septimo
  17. Seraphin
  18. Serpentine (GBR)
  19. Seven (GBR)
  20. Seven Hard Years
  21. Sevenoneself
  22. Seventh Crystal
  23. Seventh Son (CAN)
  24. Seventh Veil
  25. Shade
  26. Shadow (USA, UT)
  27. Shadowman
  28. Shaft Of Steel
  29. Shank Rock
  30. Shape Of The New Sun
  31. Sherbet
  32. Shine, Fabienne
  33. Shining Line
  34. Shirley's Temple
  35. Shooting Star
  36. Shotgun Harbour
  37. Shotgun Ride
  38. Shout (DEU)
  39. Sic Vikki
  40. Sickera
  41. Side Chain
  42. Sideburn (CHE)
  43. Sign X
  44. Sikstrom, William
  45. Silence (FRA)
  46. Silent
  47. Silent Tiger
  48. Silvera
  49. Silvernite
  50. Simon Chase
  51. SIR Monkey Thing
  52. Sixgun Renegades
  53. Sixtynine
  54. Skagarack
  55. Skin Trade (USA)
  56. Sky (USA)
  57. Skyscraper
  58. Slap Betty
  59. Sleep Juliet
  60. Sloman, John
  61. Slyboyz
  62. Smaavik, Bente
  63. Small Town Titans
  64. Smokey Fingers
  65. Smokin'
  66. Snake Charmer
  67. So Lows
  68. SoleDriver
  69. Soleil Moon
  70. Solo X Hoy
  71. Some Type Of Stereo
  72. Sonic Jewels
  73. Sonic Station
  74. Soul Seller
  75. Spangler, Jay
  76. Sparklands
  77. Speak Easy
  78. Speedy Gonzales
  79. Spice River
  80. Spin Gallery
  81. Spitting Feathers
  82. Spring Hell
  83. Squared
  84. Stage Dolls
  85. Stairs or Elevator
  86. Stan Bush & Barrage
  87. Stanley, Michael
  88. Star Chase
  89. Starbreaker
  90. Starcrash
  91. Starfire
  92. Stargazer (DEU)
  93. Stargazer Taskforce
  94. Starlight Brigade
  95. Starmen
  96. Starship
  97. State Cows
  98. State Of Mind (SWE)
  99. State Of Rock
  100. State Of Salazar
  101. Statement (DEU)
  102. Static Shift
  103. Station
  104. Staxx
  105. Steel Breeze
  106. SteelCity
  107. Steele
  108. Stefano Dentone & Antonio Ghezzani
  109. Sten, Tommy
  110. Stephen Brian Leonard
  111. Stereoside
  112. Steve Emm
  113. Steve Perry
  114. Stikmin
  115. Still Living
  116. Stillphase
  117. Sting
  118. Stinger (USA)
  119. Stone Caliber
  120. Stoneberries
  121. Stonebolt
  122. Stonewall Weekend
  123. Storm Force
  124. Stormburst
  125. Storming Heaven
  126. Storylande
  127. Strale
  128. Stranger (ARG)
  129. Strangeways (Gbr)
  130. Stranhos Azuis
  131. Stratosphere
  132. Stray Bullets
  133. Stream (USA)
  134. Street Talk
  135. Streetheart
  136. Streetlight
  137. Strings
  138. Stroke Of Midnight
  139. Sugarfix
  140. Sun of Sensei
  141. Sunday Morning Rocks
  142. Sunstorm
  143. Supremacy (COL)
  144. Sure Conviction
  145. Survivor (USA, CA)
  146. Swallows
  147. Sweet Comfort Band
  148. Sweet Crystal
  149. Sweet Lord
  150. Sweet Mary Jane
  151. Sweet Things
  152. Swingle And Thompson Ordained
  153. Sykes, Joey
  154. Symphony Of Sweden
  155. T&N
  156. T. Nicks & Ken Eichler
  157. T3nors
  158. Take (USA, OH)
  159. Take (USA, UT)
  160. Takeout
  161. Tandym
  162. Tara's Secret
  163. Taste (SWE)
  164. TDC Rock
  165. Teleborian
  166. Ten Throne
  167. Tequila Sunrise
  168. Terra Nova
  169. That Rock Guy
  170. The Babys
  171. The Hoosiers
  172. The O Band
  173. Theander Expression
  174. theFALLEN
  175. Thomas Elliott
  176. Thomas, Ian
  177. Thomas, Kevin M.
  178. Thornton, Ken
  179. Tiebreaker
  180. Tigernite
  181. Tim Karr
  182. Timson
  183. Tiziano Ferro
  184. Toby Hitchcock
  185. Todd Michael Hall
  186. Todd Perkins' Snake Dreams
  187. Tokio (ESP)
  188. Tokyo Motor Fist
  189. Tom Devil & The Wizard
  190. Tommy Denander
  191. Tommy Heart
  192. Tommy's Rocktrip
  193. Tony Harnell & The Mercury Train
  194. Tony Mitchell
  195. Tony O'Hora
  196. Toque
  197. Tor (USA)
  198. Tore St Moren
  199. Tori Lamour
  200. Touch (USA)