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Genre: Alternative Style: Post-Hardcore
  1. .Crrust
  2. 36 Crazyfists
  3. 5PM Promise
  4. 61 Miles To Hell
  5. 7 Pages Of Silence
  6. 8kids
  7. 9Horizon
  8. A Breach On Heaven
  9. A Caustic Fate
  10. A City Serene
  11. A Death In The Family
  12. A Hero Will Stand
  13. A Hope From Home
  14. A Hurricane's Revenge
  15. A Jasey Project
  16. A Last Day On Earth
  17. A Moments Embrace
  18. A Moments Loss
  19. A Place For Angles
  20. A Place Tomorrow
  21. A Reason To Breathe
  22. A Shattered Hope
  23. A Song For You My Dear
  24. A Wilhelm Scream
  25. A Wolf. A Liar.
  26. A.F.I.
  27. A.S.T.R.O
  28. Abaasy
  29. Abandon All Ships
  30. Abduktio
  31. Abraham
  32. Abyss, Watching Me
  33. Acres
  34. Across Silent Hearts
  35. Across The Atlantic
  36. Across The Divide
  37. Across The Obsession
  38. Actors & Actresses
  39. Actress (DEU)
  40. Adaliah
  41. Adam Kills Eve
  42. Addison
  43. Adelfia!
  44. Adept
  45. Adeste
  46. Adestria
  47. Admiral Angry
  48. Adrift (ESP)
  49. Adult Friends
  50. Adventurer
  51. Advertisin On The Channel Of Dreams
  52. Advocate (USA, Clearwater)
  53. Aeges
  54. After the Calm
  55. Afterglow (MEX)
  56. Against Me!
  57. Aggressive Chill
  58. Aglacia
  59. Agonize The Serpent
  60. Ai Mori
  61. Aiden
  62. Aiforia
  63. Aim For The Sunrise
  64. Akela (DEU)
  65. Alaska (FRA)
  66. Alaska (USA)
  67. Alchemy (USA, TX)
  68. Alessa
  69. ALESTI
  70. Alexisonfire
  71. Alias Caylon
  72. AliceBlue
  73. Aliens Ate My Setlist
  74. Aliston Road
  75. Alive in Fiction
  76. Alive In The Lights
  77. All But A Memory
  78. All Eyes To Harbor
  79. All Faces Down
  80. All For Nothing
  81. All Hail The Queen
  82. All You Can Eat
  83. Almost
  84. Almost Home
  85. Along Came A Spider
  86. Alpha Wolf
  87. alt.
  88. Altar Boy
  89. Amanda Woodward
  90. Amarionette
  91. Amber (DEU, Marburg)
  92. Amber Daybreak
  93. Ambry
  94. Amenra
  95. American Arson
  96. American Dream Machine
  97. American Fangs
  98. American Me
  99. American Standards
  100. Amia Venera Landscape
  101. Amity Affliction
  102. Amongst The Ashes
  103. Amongst The Giants
  104. Amongst Thieves
  105. Amoretta
  106. Amoura
  107. Ampherium
  108. Amplify Your Life
  109. Amsterdam Red Light District
  110. Amyst
  111. An Early Cascade
  112. An Early Ending
  113. Anahata (USA)
  114. Analena
  115. Anchoress (CAN)
  116. Ancients (GBR)
  117. Ancress
  118. Anderwelt
  119. Andorra Atkins
  120. Andorra~Atkins
  121. Andrew Baena
  122. Animal In Me
  123. Anna Coralie
  124. Annisokay
  125. Another Breath
  126. Another Day Remains
  127. Another Kind of Death
  128. Another Mask
  129. Another Now
  130. Another Story Of The Other Side
  131. Antilles (USA)
  132. Antivirus
  133. Anxious
  134. Anyone Anyway
  135. Anything But Yours
  136. Aphasia (USA, NY)
  137. Apollo (USA)
  138. Apollo 18
  139. Apollo On Fire
  140. Apparitions (USA, SC)
  141. Apply For A Shore
  142. Approaching Fiction
  143. Archetypes Collide
  144. Architects
  145. Archivo Secreto
  146. Ardent
  147. Are Those Your Friends
  148. Arise From The Fallen
  149. Arktis
  150. Armed
  151. Armor for Sleep
  152. Armor For The Broken
  153. Arms Of Empire
  154. ArmsBendBack
  155. Art By Numbers
  156. Artemis (FRA)
  157. Artifex Pereo
  158. Artificial (USA)
  159. Artificial Heart (FIN)
  160. Artificial Oceans
  161. As Artifacts
  162. As Autumn Falls
  163. As Cities Burn
  164. As Everything Unfolds
  165. As We Draw
  166. As We Watch Them Fall
  167. Ascendance (USA)
  168. Ascendant Stranger
  169. Ascending Me
  170. Asense
  171. Ashes Of My Regrets
  172. Ashes Of Pompeii
  173. Aside From A Day
  174. Asking Alexandria
  175. ASkySoBlack
  176. Astolfo Sulla Luna
  177. At Midnight
  178. At Skies End
  179. At The Drive-In
  180. At The Onset
  181. At The Ruins
  182. At The Skylines
  183. Ataraxia
  184. Atheena
  185. Atlantis Awaits
  186. Atlas (BEL)
  187. Atlas (USA)
  188. Atlas&i
  189. Atlases
  190. Attack Attack!
  191. Attack The Hero
  192. Audrey Fights Back!
  193. August Burns Red
  194. Autopilot Off
  195. Autumn Estate
  196. Autumn In Alaska
  197. Autumn Lies Empty
  198. Avalanche Diaries
  199. AVAT
  200. Aveil