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Genre: Alternative Style: Oi!
  1. RAC'n'Roll Teufel
  2. Rat City Riot
  3. Razor Bois
  4. Razorblade (NL)
  5. Readymen
  6. Reaktor Moscow
  7. Reo
  8. Restrisiko
  9. Riot (CZE)
  10. Riot Company
  11. Rixe
  12. Ronnie Hilmersson
  13. Rough
  14. Rozpor
  15. Rude Riot
  16. Rum Rebellion
  17. Rumkicks
  18. Saints & Sinners
  19. Sank
  20. Sector Oi!
  21. Selbststeller
  22. Sham 69
  23. Silence & Strength
  24. Skrewdriver
  25. Slaughter & The Dogs
  26. Sledgeback
  27. Slick 46
  28. Slugger (USA)
  29. Snix
  30. Social Combat
  31. Soifass
  32. Spermbirds
  33. SS-Kaliert
  34. Stage Bottles
  35. Stars & Stripes
  36. Steel Boots
  37. Steelcapped Strength
  38. Stomper 98
  39. Storm (SWE)
  40. Street Dogs
  41. Street Panther
  42. Strongarm And The Bullies
  43. Stupids
  44. Sturmwehr
  45. Superyob
  46. Suspekt
  47. Svastika
  48. Swingin' Utters
  49. Taisho
  50. Take (USA, NY)
  51. Tear Up
  52. Terminus City
  53. Testosteron
  54. The 4 Skins
  55. The Bolokos
  56. The Skinflicks
  57. This Means War!
  58. THUG (AUS)
  59. Timebombs
  60. Titkolt Ellenallas
  61. Toro Bravo
  62. Toxpack
  63. Triebtater
  64. Uberzeugungstater
  65. Ultima Frontiera
  66. Ultima Thule
  67. Ultimatum (COL)
  68. Ulzera Omizida
  69. Unantastbar
  70. Union Rags
  71. Up Yours
  72. Uskonrauha
  73. Vanilla Muffins
  74. Vapaudenristi
  75. Verszerzodes
  76. Violent Affair
  77. Violent Way
  78. Warriors (GBR)
  79. Weekend Warriors
  80. Weisse Wolfe
  81. Whiskey Rebels
  82. White Diamond (GBR)
  83. White United Terror
  84. White's Load
  85. Wilde Jungs
  86. Words Of Anger
  87. Yellow Stiches
  88. Young Ones
  89. Youngblood (USA, CA)
  90. Zapoy!
  91. Zetazeroalfa
  92. Zikin
  93. Детонатор
  94. Запой!
  95. Молат
  96. Ничего Хорошего
  97. Нож для frau Muller
  98. Рабфак
  99. Сокира Перуна
  100. ХорСС
  101. Яйцы Фаберже