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Genre: Alternative Style: Noise
  1. Human Skin Lanterns
  2. Hydra (USA, NY)
  3. Hydrocyanic
  4. HyDrone
  5. Hydropneumothorax
  6. Hypnoskull
  7. Hysteresis
  8. Iamdeadsmiles58
  9. Iamyou
  10. Iceburn
  11. Imminent
  12. Immortal Television
  13. Impregnable
  14. In A Mindset
  15. Inanition
  16. Incapacitants
  17. Incinerator International
  18. Inconclusive Whale Autopsy
  19. Indighost
  20. Innere Sicherheit
  21. Institution D.O.L.
  22. Intestinal Disgorge
  23. Invisible Front
  24. Irikarah
  25. Irk
  26. IRM
  27. Iron Fist Of The Sun
  28. Iron Justice
  29. Iszoloscope
  30. Iuchi, Kengo
  31. iVardensphere
  32. Iweriu
  33. Jack & The Bearded Fisherme
  34. Jakuzi's Attempt
  35. Jason Crumer
  36. JK Flesh
  37. Jockstrap
  38. Junk Drome
  39. K.K. Null
  40. K2 (JPN)
  41. Kaibun
  42. Kajsajuntti
  43. Kamikaze Nurse
  44. KampfkoloSS
  45. Kapotte Muziek
  46. Kazumoto Endo
  47. Ke/Hil
  48. Keiji Haino
  49. Kerridge
  50. Kevlar
  51. Kid 606
  52. Kid Leather
  53. Killer Bug
  54. Killout Trash
  55. Kiruna
  56. Kiyoshi Mizutani
  57. Klangstabil
  58. Klaska
  59. Klimt 1918
  60. Klinikal Skum
  61. Knurl
  62. Koerperwelten
  63. Komor Kommando
  64. Kourgane
  65. Kraft Front
  66. Kriegstrommeln
  67. Kriegsturm
  68. Kristus Kut
  69. Kryptogen Rundfunk
  70. Kryptus
  71. Ksandr
  72. Kurwastyle Project
  73. Kurws
  74. Kylie Minoise
  75. Lacerba
  76. Lana Del Rabies
  77. Las Robertas
  78. Lasik Surgery
  79. Lasse Marhaug
  80. Last Days Of Humanity
  81. Last Days Of S.E.X.
  82. Laudanum (USA)
  83. Le Diktat
  84. Le Moderniste
  85. Led Manville
  86. Lee Perry and The Upsetters
  87. Leiche Rustikal
  88. Les Mort Skin
  89. Letum
  90. Letzte Ausfahrt Leben
  91. Lewsor
  92. Lifeproof
  93. Lilium Sova
  94. Lingouf
  95. Linie
  96. Lipitoare
  97. Liquid G.
  98. Lithivm
  99. LN 313
  100. Loathsome Couple
  101. Lonesummer
  102. Loro
  103. Loss Of Honour
  104. Lotic
  105. Lotus Eaters
  106. Love Begotten
  107. LR (DNK)
  108. Luasa Raelon
  109. Lucidstatic
  110. M.O.T.T.
  111. Machinefabriek
  112. Machinesaw
  113. Macronympha
  114. Madness & Civilization
  115. Mae Shi
  116. Magik Markers
  117. Magnitudo 8
  118. Maitreya Dusk
  119. Makigami Koichi
  120. Mamiffer
  121. Mandelbrot
  122. Mania (USA, TX)
  123. Manufactura
  124. Marching Dynamics
  125. Marshall, Alexis
  126. Martin Atkins & The Chicago Industrial League
  127. Martin Tetreault & Otomo Yoshihide
  128. Marvargr
  129. Maschinenkrieger KR52 vs. Disraptor
  130. Masonna
  131. Matar
  132. Mater Suspiria Vision
  133. Mathieu Ruhlmann
  134. Matter
  135. MAXD
  136. Mazk
  137. McKenzie, Andrew
  138. MechCon
  139. Megaptera
  140. Melt-Banana
  141. Memmaker
  142. Merke Uro
  143. Merzbow
  144. Metal Music Machine
  145. MetusNex
  146. Mf30d
  147. MGR
  148. MH LMTH
  149. Mi Ami
  150. Michel Banabila
  151. Mikawa, Toshiji
  152. Mike Patton
  153. Mikhail Lezin
  154. Milligramme
  155. Millions
  156. Minamata
  157. Moaan Exis
  158. Model/Actriz
  159. Moljebka Pvlse
  160. Moloch (UKR)
  161. Mongoloid Village
  162. Mono No Aware
  163. Mono-Amine
  164. Monokrom
  165. Monolith (BEL)
  166. Moor Mother
  167. Moqumentary
  168. Morkermanen
  169. Morkermannen
  170. Mortiis
  171. Most Of The Taciturn
  172. Mourmansk 150
  173. Mr. Oizo
  174. MSBR
  175. Music Distroyer
  176. Musick Wreckers
  177. Muskel
  178. Mutant Ape
  179. Mutants Orchestra
  180. My Cat Is An Alien
  181. Mystified
  182. Mz.412
  183. Nachtmahr (AUT)
  184. Nao (FRA)
  185. Narayama
  186. Narkose
  187. Natural Velvet
  188. Navicon Torture Technologies
  189. Nearly Dead
  190. Necrocannibalistic Vomitorium
  191. Needle Sharing
  192. Negativland
  193. Negru Voda
  194. Nekrasov
  195. Nekronoize
  196. Neon Lotus
  197. NeonRain
  198. Nero Bellum
  199. New Age Doom
  200. New Blockaders