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Genre: Alternative Style: Metalcore/Chaotic Hardcore
  1. While Oceans Burn
  2. While She Sleeps
  3. Whisper Of The Heart
  4. Whisteria Cottage
  5. White Devils
  6. White Noise (USA, MN)
  7. White Walker
  8. Whitelake
  9. WhiteNoiz
  10. WhiteWolf
  11. Whores Whores Whores
  12. Wide Awake (USA, MO)
  13. Wild Zombie Blast Guide
  14. Wildaway
  15. Wildheart (AUS)
  16. Wildways
  17. Will Haven
  18. Willem Dafrend
  19. Windwaker
  20. Winslow
  21. Wintch Mob
  22. Winter Solstice
  23. Wise Man's Fear
  24. With Abandon
  25. With Blood Comes Cleansing
  26. With Daggers Drawn
  27. With Dead Hands Rising
  28. With Faith or Flames
  29. With Life In Mind
  30. With Locusts and Liars
  31. With One Last Breath
  32. With Silent Eyes
  33. With Wings of Lead
  34. With Wolves
  35. Wither (DEU)
  36. Wither Away
  37. Within Chaos
  38. Within Shadows
  39. Within Sight
  40. Within The Last Wish
  41. Within The Ruins
  42. Within Your Pain
  43. Without
  44. Without Waves
  45. Without Words
  46. Witness The Wildfire
  47. Wolcott Falls
  48. Wolves at the Gate
  49. Word Of Lawder
  50. Words Of Hope
  51. World In Arms
  52. World in Silence
  53. World Of Children
  54. World We Knew
  55. World Without (FIN)
  56. Worlds Away
  57. Worlds Divide
  58. Worlds Last Collide
  59. Worth The Fight
  60. Worthy of the Crown
  61. Wounded Pride
  62. Wounded Touch
  63. Wovenwar
  64. Wrath Of Olympus
  65. Wretched (USA, NC)
  66. WristMeetRazor
  67. Writhen
  68. Wyblack
  69. X-Core
  70. xA Promise Never Brokenx
  71. Xardas
  72. xBarcadiax
  73. Xenesthis
  74. XP-Reactor
  75. Xrin Arms
  76. xServitudex
  77. xTheWarx
  78. Yaksa
  79. Yeah What The Captain Said
  80. Year Ends In Arson
  81. Year Of Desolation
  82. Years End
  83. Years Of Fire
  84. Years Since The Storm
  85. Years Spent Cold
  86. Yersinia (SWE)
  87. Yes, Marilyn
  88. Yidorah
  89. You Will Die
  90. Your Chance To Die
  91. Your Demise (GBR)
  92. Your Eyes My Dreams
  93. Your Ghost in Glass
  94. Your Memorial
  95. Your Past, My Present
  96. Yung Zime
  97. ZAO
  98. Zephyr (DEU)
  99. Zero (ITA)
  100. Zero Degree (DEU, Nordhausen)
  101. Zero Mentality
  102. Zero Mindset
  103. Zeta (VEN)
  104. Zi Factor
  105. Zombie Slumber Party
  106. Zubrowska
  107. Zuul FX
  108. Агонист
  109. Ауткаст
  110. Бездна Анального Угнетения
  111. Виноградный День
  112. Запах Мокрого Асфальта
  113. ЗЛАМ
  114. Каждый Десятый
  115. Каракурт
  116. МаминТриллер
  117. Мое сердце справа
  118. Нормальные пацаны
  119. ОНО
  120. Оригами
  121. Сны Бенджамина
  122. Состояние Птиц
  123. Ткани Тела
  124. хиллари'bunny
  125. Холод
  126. Шелест Запахов