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Genre: Alternative Style: Alternative/Nu Metal
  1. Porcelain Pistols
  2. Porn Star Killer
  3. Portal (CAN)
  4. Portals (USA, OH)
  5. Portland
  6. Potential Xero
  7. Pothead
  8. Powderburn
  9. Powerflo
  10. Powerman 5000
  11. Poynt
  12. Pragmatic
  13. Pray For Survival
  14. Precious Nothing
  15. Presence (USA)
  16. Presence Of Mind (DEU)
  17. Pressive
  18. Pressure Recall
  19. Pretty Ugly
  20. Pridelands
  21. Primitive Way
  22. Primus (USA)
  23. Prisma (SWE)
  24. Proad
  25. Probot
  26. Procyon B
  27. Product Of You
  28. Profane Omen
  29. Professional Murder Music
  30. Profiler
  31. Progress
  32. Project 86
  33. Project Atlas
  34. Project Reality
  35. Project Theory
  36. Project Wyze
  37. Projected
  38. Prometeo
  39. Prometheus Dreams
  40. Prophets Of Rage
  41. Protesto Frontal
  42. Prowclaw
  43. Prox (CAN)
  44. Pryti
  45. Psicodelicia
  46. Psycho Season
  47. Psychopunch
  48. Psylaw
  49. Psyphen
  50. Puddle Of Mudd
  51. Pulled Apart By Horses
  52. Pulse
  53. Pulse Ultra
  54. Pulse8
  55. Pulverise
  56. Punch Cabbie
  57. Punchline (DEU)
  58. Pure Inc.
  59. Purling Hiss
  60. Puya
  61. Pylon Poets
  62. Pyrah
  63. Q (USA)
  64. QBO
  65. Quadrant
  66. Quartered
  67. Queens Of The Stone Age
  68. Querembas
  69. Quicksand (USA)
  70. Quill (USA)
  71. R3set
  72. Ra
  73. Rabbit Junk
  74. Radiation Romeo
  75. Radiopabs
  76. Radvansky, Jordan
  77. Rafinad
  78. Rage Against The Machine
  79. Rage Behind
  80. Rainbow Machine
  81. Rallypack
  82. Rammstein
  83. Rancore
  84. Ransom (USA, CO)
  85. Rasmus
  86. Rasta (BLR)
  87. Ratos De Porao
  88. Rattle Bucket
  89. Raunchy
  90. Ravenscroft
  91. Raw & Bold
  92. Raw Solution
  93. Razakel
  94. Razorwire
  95. Re-Birth
  96. Reach Us Endorphine
  97. Reaction (CHL)
  98. Ready, Set, Fall
  99. Reason Define
  100. Reasons Above All
  101. Recoil V.O.R
  102. Recovery (HUN)
  103. Recycle
  104. Red (USA)
  105. Red 13
  106. Red Devil Reject
  107. Red Eleven
  108. Red I Clan
  109. Red Lamb
  110. Red Line Chemistry
  111. Red Method
  112. Red Pyramid
  113. Red Queen (USA)
  114. Red Remedy
  115. Redeema
  116. Redefined (DEU)
  117. Redemption Song
  118. Redoma
  119. Reel (Nl)
  120. Refuse The Fall
  121. Regurgitator
  122. Reign Supreme
  123. Relapse Symphony
  124. Relative
  125. Relay-Skip
  126. Releeshann
  127. Relent
  128. Reliqa
  129. Remark
  130. Remove Silence
  131. Repulse
  132. Rest Among Ruins
  133. Restruct
  134. Rev Theory
  135. Rev.Nine
  136. Revelbeat
  137. Revenge of the Fallen
  138. Revolt X
  139. Revolve (USA)
  140. Rhenium
  141. Rhesus
  142. Rhope
  143. Rhythm Trip
  144. Ribo
  145. Riffle
  146. Rigore
  147. Rikets
  148. Riley Day Rebels
  149. Riot Propaganda
  150. Rise And Fall
  151. Rise From Fire
  152. Risha
  153. Riverline
  154. RN'R Band
  155. Road
  156. Roadrunner United
  157. Rob Zombie
  158. Robot Ronin
  159. Rohman
  160. Roju
  161. Roma Ferox
  162. Rome Apart
  163. Ronin, Adam
  164. Rootwater
  165. Ross Love
  166. Rouge
  167. Rovers
  168. Royal Skulls
  169. Rtumba
  170. Ructions
  171. Rumblefish
  172. Run Of Lava
  173. Rush To War
  174. Rust (FIN)
  175. Rust2Dust
  176. Rusted (DEU)
  177. Rusted Wheel
  178. Rusty Project
  179. RXPTRS
  180. Rybozyme
  181. S.V.D.
  182. Sabretooth (ZAF)
  183. Sacrament (RUS)
  184. Sacrety
  185. Sacrifice (KOR)
  186. Safehaven
  187. Sagah
  188. Sages
  189. Saint Diablo
  190. Saint Loco
  191. Saints Of Insanity
  192. Salax
  193. Saliva
  194. Samarah
  195. Sammus Theory
  196. SandFrog
  197. Sandra Nasic
  198. Sanguine Addiction
  199. Sanity Is Chaos
  200. Santa Marta Golden