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Genre: Rock Style: Thrash
  1. Chainbreaker (AUT)
  2. Chainbreaker (CAN)
  3. Chained
  4. Chains Of Suffering
  5. Chainsaw (NLD)
  6. Chakal
  7. Chalice (BEL)
  8. Chambers Of Insanity
  9. Channel Zero
  10. Chaos Legions
  11. Chaos Realm
  12. Chaos Ritual
  13. Chaos Synopsis
  14. Chaos Theory (ITA)
  15. Chaos Unleashed
  16. Chaosane
  17. Chaoseum
  18. Chaosfear
  19. Chaosphere (POL)
  20. Chaossphere
  21. Chariots Of The Gods
  22. Charles Bronson
  23. Charon (DEU)
  24. Charred Walls of the Damned
  25. Chemi-Kill
  26. Chemical Annihilation
  27. Chemical Assault
  28. Chemical Exposure
  29. Chemicaust
  30. Chemicide
  31. ChemiKiller
  32. Chernobyl
  33. Child O' Flames
  34. Children (USA)
  35. Children Of Technology
  36. Chimaira
  37. Chokehold (GBR)
  38. Christmas
  39. Chromium
  40. Chronical Diarrhoea
  41. Chronicle
  42. Chronos (CHL)
  43. Chronos (Gbr)
  44. Chronosphere
  45. Cienaga
  46. Cifer
  47. Cinders Fall
  48. Circle Of Tyrants (GBR)
  49. Cirrosis
  50. Cisma
  51. Citi
  52. City Of Fire
  53. City of God
  54. Civilis
  55. Civilised Society?
  56. Clandestined
  57. Clash With Reality
  58. Classic Struggle
  59. Claustrofobia (BRA)
  60. Claustrum Burial
  61. Clean State
  62. Clear Sky Nailstorm
  63. Cleaver
  64. Climactic
  65. Climatic Terra
  66. Cline's Mind
  67. Clock Paradox
  68. Clockwork (ESP)
  69. Co-Exist
  70. Coal Chamber
  71. Coalesce
  72. Cobolt 60
  73. Cobra the Impaler
  74. Cochambre
  75. Cockroach (DEU)
  76. Code Red (DEU)
  77. Code Red (JPN)
  78. Codeon
  79. Coffin Birth (CAN)
  80. Coffin Dust
  81. Coffin Rites
  82. Coffin Storm
  83. Cog (PHL)
  84. Coilcry
  85. Cold Fate
  86. Cold Hand Of Malice
  87. Cold Shadow
  88. Cold Steel
  89. Coldblooded Fish
  90. Coldspot
  91. Coldwar
  92. Coliseum (BRA)
  93. Collapse (GBR)
  94. Collide (LAT)
  95. Colonnelli
  96. Coma (ITA)
  97. Comalane
  98. Combat (USA, NY)
  99. Combatwoundedveteran
  100. Come Crawling
  101. Command6
  102. Commander (DEU)
  103. Commando
  104. Common Dead
  105. Common Enemy
  106. Common Yet Forbidden
  107. Comrades (ITA)
  108. Conceived By Hate
  109. Concept Of Hate
  110. Concrete
  111. Concrete Age
  112. Concrete Sleep
  113. Concrete Sox
  114. Concrete Tree
  115. Condition Critical
  116. Condor (NOR)
  117. Confabulation
  118. Conflicted (CHL)
  119. Confront Hate
  120. Conjure
  121. Conniption
  122. Conquest (USA)
  123. Conquest For Death
  124. ConsPiracy (GRC)
  125. Conspirator
  126. Constant Threat
  127. Constrictor
  128. Consumed By Fury
  129. Contorsion
  130. Contra (USA, Oxnard)
  131. Contradiction
  132. Contrary
  133. Contrast The Water
  134. Controsigillo
  135. Convicted
  136. Conviction (SWE)
  137. Convixion
  138. Cool Head Klan
  139. Coprofago
  140. Coral (ARG)
  141. Core Fire
  142. Coredust
  143. Corexit
  144. Corporal Shred
  145. Corporation 187
  146. Corpus Christii
  147. Corpus Delicti (CHE, Berg)
  148. Corroder
  149. Corrosion
  150. Corrosive Elements
  151. Corrupt
  152. Corrupt Conspiracy
  153. Corrupt The System
  154. Corruption Inc.
  155. Corruptor
  156. Cortex
  157. Corum
  158. Cosmoblack
  159. Cosmosis (PER)
  160. Cotard's Syndrome (RUS)
  161. CounterIgnitioN
  162. Courageous
  163. Coven (USA, WA)
  164. Coyote Bad Trip
  165. Cradle To Grave
  166. Cranium (SWE)
  167. Crash (BGR)
  168. Crashdeath
  169. Craterface
  170. Craven Idol
  171. Crawling Manifest
  172. Crazer
  173. Create A Kill
  174. Creation Of Death
  175. Creatures (USA)
  176. Creeper (USA)
  177. Creepshow (USA)
  178. Crehated
  179. Cremaster
  180. Cremator
  181. Crematorium (BRA)
  182. Crestfallen
  183. Cri D'Ames
  184. Criminal
  185. Criminal Brain
  186. Crimson Caliber
  187. Crimson Slaughter
  188. Crimson Steel (DEU)
  189. Cripper
  190. Criptofonia
  191. Crisix
  192. Critical Defiance
  193. Critical Solution
  194. Cro-Mags
  195. Cromagnon
  196. Cromok
  197. Cronos (VEN)
  198. Crooked Cross
  199. Cross Examination
  200. Cross Of Iron